Reasons Why Some Black Women In America Hate Black Men.

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( One of the things that has become common on social media and mainstream media is that there are some black women (even some within the conscious community) out here that deliberately engage in this constant black male bashing that is being pushed by mainstream feminists who talk down on black men.

Intro: Here are some reasons why some black women in America hate black men.

1. Negative Experiences With Some Black Men – They tend to generalize all black men based on a few negative experiences by saying stuff like “all black men ain’t shit“, “they take us for granted“, or they’ll even say that we can’t find any good black men out there because “all of them are either dead, gay, or incarcerated”.

2. Their fathers weren’t around – It’s no secret what The War 012345black-couple-mad On Drugs and mass incarceration have done to The Black Family in America and one of the most destructive consequences of those is that a some of them grew up either seeing their fathers being sentenced to prison or even in some cases seeing their fathers get shot by a suburban cop or an urban zombie. The lack of a father figure in the home had caused some black women to have a very negative view of black men in general.

3. They were abused/molested by either their father or mother’s boyfriend – Some of their negative view of black men in general comes from the fact that they were victims of sexual abuse by either their father or in many cases, by their mother’s boyfriends because their father’s weren’t in the home to protect them from this type of sexual deviancy that is rampant within our community. And I have seen this in many crime stories.

4. They are encouraged by mainstream media and extreme feminists to abandon all black men – Some black women that absolutely hate black men like to get their feminine cues from negative propaganda that black women are better off with a caucasoid guy and this is seen on shows like “Scandal” & “How To Get Away With Murder” and listening to mainstream feminists telling them those “barbaric neanderthals will never be there for you, so give up on them“.

5. Feeling Unprotected By Black Men – Some black women that I’ve seen on social media and online have stated that they will no longer fight with black men because they feel like black men won’t fight for them. While I understand where they are coming from with that, but they fail to realize that the stuff they say negatively of black men on social media and the internet plays right into the mainstream feministic views of black men as a “pack of worthless neanderthals who will never protect them”.

The Conclusion – To end this “gender war” between black men and black women, we both must step up to rebuild The Black Family in America.

Staff Writer; Joe Davis

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