9/11 The Crime of The Century.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) Nine-eleven wasn’t a surprise terrorist attack on the United Statesby a small group of fanatical Muslims. It was a false flag operation, a multifaceted and complex criminal operation perpetrated by elements within the US government like Vice President  Dick Cheney with the assistance of  the NeoCons, influential financiers and operatives fromSaudi Arabia and Pakistan. It wasn’t a surprise because it is now a known fact the US CIA Director personally warned President George W. Bu$h as did Russian President Vladimir Putin and governments such as:Argentina, Germany, Egypt, Jordan and Israel.  http://www.historycommons.org/essay.jsp?article=essaytheytriedtowarnus

Despite being warned, the Bu$h administration chose to do nothing. Nine-eleven was a false flag operation. A false flag operation is a crime perpetrated by individuals, groups or nations where disguises, other nation’s flags and/or false clues are left to make people think someone else did the crime. A classic example of  a false flag operation was the Boston Tea Party where whites dressed up as Native American and threw English tea into the harbor.

The notion that a terminally ill Osama bin-Laden living in a cave using a laptop and satellite cell phone could circumvent the USintelligence and defense systems, major airport security, NORAD, Air Force and the FAA is preposterous. Nine-eleven was a 911towers-2016-2017multilayered criminal enterprise abetted and obscured by the Bu$h administration, their cabal of warmongers, Wall Street bankers and thugs. Various cliques and elements within the government, Wall Street and foreign capitals plotted and planned 9-11 or used it for their own nefarious ends whether to launch a global military campaign for resource expropriation and US dollar hegemony or as a cover for massive theft and fraud here at home.

For example the Afghanistan government at the time was not responsible for 9-11, but the Taliban had shut down the opium growing that was/is part of the US CIA’s money making and money laundering monopoly and they refused to go along with plans to construct transit pipelines across Afhganistan that would carry Eurasian oil and gas to the Indian Ocean to Western markets. So for being uncooperative, they had to be deposed. Plans for this were made way before 9-11 happened, 9-11 was just the pretext for the invasion and occupation! https://www.theguardian.com/world/2001/sep/21/afghanistan.september1112

After years of stonewalling demands for a formal investigation into 9-11 by the victims’ families, the Bu$h administration finally relented and convened the “9-11 Commission”.  It was a total sham just like the Warren Commission that investigated the JFK assassination which the perpetrators convened to cover up JFK’s murder. Even the two co-chairs of the 9-11 Commission admitted it was designed to fail, that the government failed to provide the needed resources and truthful information! http://911proof.com/6.html

The 9-11 Commission obfuscated the facts to reinforce the government’s disingenuous fairytale about Muslim fanatics. Every crime creates and leaves evidence that must be scrutinized, analyzed, evaluated and discussed if it is to be solved. But within days, the US government literally scooped up all the critical evidence: the scrap metal and debris from the twin towers and Building 7, carted it off and sold it overseas to China without any forensic examination whatsoever! No attempt was ever made to examine the debris to verify or discount the governments preposterous claim three buildings fell (when only two were hit by planes) because of the heat and fire from airplane fuel! No tangible evidence was ever offered to prove Osama bin-Laden was the culprit, nevertheless government and media sycophants kept repeating it over and over until it became accepted “fact“.

On the international level, nine-eleven was used to expand the resource theft and destabilization of a region stretching from North Africa into the so called Middle East and Eurasia; all rich in oil and other natural resources that just happened to be under the feet of Muslims and enemies of Israel! The War on Global Terrorism is a total fraud. It is based on the criminal act of 9-11 which was an inside job! Most of the major USadvocates and architects of the invasion of Iraq we now know was based on lies, were dual citizens and supporters of Israel, rabid supporters of the military industrial complex, the police security state and big oil. http://hugequestions.com/Eric/TFC/FromOthers/list-of-neocons-for-Iraq-war.htm

There were additional aspects of 9-11 we never heard about such as the fact building 7 which was not hit by a plane but collapsed in free fall just like a controlled demolition, housed offices of the IRS, EEOC, Secret Service and the Securities and Exchange Commission which was investigating thousands of securities fraud cases like Enron and Worldcom, many linked to prominent Wall Street investment firms and government officials. Investigative Reporter Tom Flocco reported in 2005 http://www.truedemocracy.net/hj31/30.html  several other “coincidences” such as the Securities and Exchange Commission was in the midst of massive investigations into securities fraud. One investigation involved “Brady Bonds” worth hundreds of billions of dollars that had been fraudulently purchased which were scheduled to come due on September 12th. Coincidently one of the firms that held the bonds, Canter-Fitzgerald had offices on the 101-105 floors of the North Tower and it suffered major loss of life and supposedly all their records. How convenient for the perpetrators. Remember building 7 was not hit by a plane! Check out http://www.wanttoknow.info/911/black_eagle_trust_fund to glean just how deep and intricate this crime was.

On this fifteenth anniversary of 9-11 don’t go for the okey-doke. There are enough anomalies, inconsistencies and evidence https://www.corbettreport.com/episode-308-911-trillions-follow-the-money/  that provide a concrete prima facie case  9-11 was not a terrorist attack but the crime of the century executed by rogue elements within theUS government and their international corporate crime network patrons.

Written by Junious Ricardo Stanton

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