The Negative Factors Of Society That Play A Role In Black Kids Of Today In America.

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( One thing that I noticed more and more is that a lot of young black kids these days are becoming more engaged in various forms of destructive behavior and it’s really messed up.

Intro – Here are the societal factors that negatively affect the mind and self-esteem of black kids today in America.

Abuse – One of the reasons why a lot of kids engage in very destructive behaviors and a lot of boys taking on feminine and some girls taking on masculine identities these days is because a lot of 123blackfamthem were emotionally and physically abused by either their single mother or her boyfriend when they were younger. Many of us still have the deep emotional and phychological scars from the intergenerational curse inflicted on us from American slavery from when our ancestors were often abused, beaten, tortured, and whipped by their slave masters for any form of disobedience or rebellion against them.

Lack Of Proper Parenting – I also noticed that more young black kids are forced to grow up fast because a lot of their parents have become very accustomed to being their friend and not their parent. When this happens, they become more destructive, rebellious, and violent towards their mostly single mother. I’ve seen seen some of these young black kids that did become rebellious and destructive kill their parent(s) in some cases. And trust me, I have seen a lot of real cases of this in plenty of crime stories.

Mainstream Media – The Mainstream Media plays a huge role in shaping the mindset of a lot of our kids. For example, when a young black girl sees negative images of herself from reality TV shows, she’s gonna grow up thinking that she was born to engage in buck dancing by being a reality TV star. When a young black boy only sees images of himself as an athlete, criminal, and rapper, he’s gonna grow up thinking that he’s meant to be an athlete, criminal, or rapper.

Lack Of A Strong Black Father In The Home – A lot of black kids today don’t have a strong father in the home because of what The War On Drugs and mass incarceration have done to not only our community, but they’re trememdously crippled our family structure by systemically removing so many black fathers from the household by giving many of them draconian, egregious 20-30 year prison sentences from mostly nonviolent drug offenses from having a gram of crack in their possession.

Also, not having strong black fathers in the home often causes a lot of our kids to be led astray by society and mainstream media that in turn leads them down a very dark path that could either get them killed or incarcerated. I know this because five of my older brothers and some of my old friends have been down this dark path and managed to overcome drug and alcohol addiction, not having strong fathers in the home, losing friends to the streets and incarceration, and even overcoming being incarcerated themselves.

The Conclusion – We should be strong black parents that will set a positive example for our kids by teaching how to be their own boss instead of being someone else’s corporate slave.

Staff Writer; Joe Davis

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