(ThyBlackMan.com)  When racial oppression gets so bad in this country, when Blacks say enough is enough and respond in kind to the violence the system routinely metes out on us and their responses threaten the status quo, the ruling class goes into conniptions calling for “law and order.” Law and ...

(ThyBlackMan.com)  When the leaves start falling, we know autumn is around the corner. When the snow begins to fall on the east coast, we know that Thanksgiving and Christmas can’t be far behind. When Hillary Clinton opens her mouth, we know she is lying and after the party conventions, we ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) There are two brutal realities about the drug war that have long been recognized by many. One is that the drug war is a war on mostly poor, inner city Blacks. They are the ones most often arrested, fined and jailed for long stretches. The other is that the ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Gallup reports that the percentage of Americans expressing interest in the Olympic Games, which have just begun in Brazil, is way below the last four Olympics. In the previous four Olympic Games, going back to 2000, when they were held in Sydney, Australia, Americans saying they planned to watch a ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) A Florida man was recently shot and killed by a police officer in a citizen academy during a role playing incident. A police officer shoots an unarmed and helpless mental health professional then states he doesn’t know why he did it. A Cincinnati campus police officer shoots and kills Samuel ...

(ThyBlackMan.com)  Gabby Douglas is amazing. I have been enthralled with her since I was exposed to her during the London Olympics. I remember people having so much to say about her having Nappy Edges four years ago. Since when did Nappy Edges become a bad thing?  Oh, I forgot, When ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Most people are familiar with the two types of loans offered by financial institutions and lenders which are secured and unsecured loans. A secured loan is basically a loan that is awarded to a borrower who owns some form of collateral that acts as security if a loan is not ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) We’re in the middle of a so-called economic recovery, but the bottom 99% of earners aren’t feeling it.  In fact, the only people who are doing better today are the already wealthy citizens who are watching their incomes soar higher than ever. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. ...

(ThyBlackMan.com)  Well, the party is over and the machine has prevailed. Our attempt to revive democracy in the electoral arena failed. Still, we owe Bernie Sanders so much. He has raised consciousness and expectations while others appealed to fear and told us there is no alternative to the corporate power. ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) The media, complicit with elitists in both political parties, are trying to “Sarah Palin” Donald Trump. Sarah Palin was a rock star when she gained national attention in 2008 as John McCain’s vice-presidential pick. She articulated the message of We the People clearly and concisely. Her record of accomplishment ...