(ThyBlackMan.com) I saw a comment that Cam Newton made that really bothered me. He told GQ Magazine that America is a “post-racial” society. The comment is a reflection of the severe brainwashing of inner city athletes that have happened in America since the days when Joe Louis was told that if he wanted to fight, he could never behave like that “angry radical negro” in Jack Johnson.
And my thinking was like “Really Cam?!?, I hope you didn’t mean what you said” With all the systemic attacks against us that are going on in this country from police brutality to mass incarceration. Every indicator has showed that America is one of the most racist (if not the most racist) country in the world.
I remember seeing a little bit of Cam Newton from playing QB in college for another historically racist institution in Alabama in Auburn University and his name strikes instant disdain from SEC Football Fans, particularly Alabama Football Fans that remember his team coming back from a 24-point deficit to beat their team 28-27, a game that will always haunts Tide fans.
Intro: Like they do with the prison system, here are 8 ways that The System brainwashes and marginalizes inner city male athletes from the economic system via The Mainstream Sports Industry.
1. Put him on a special sidetrack specifically designed for him to engage in servitude for The NCAA, NFL, and NBA sports plantations- Identify them as gifted from the time they’re 5 or 6 years old and then scoop them up out of the hood and gets put on a false pedestal that makes them become disconnected from their community.
2. Teach them falsified Eurocentric His-Story – They’ll teach them that they’re nothing more but slaves and that they’ll “always be inferior” to them.
3. Don’t teach them how to read – Tell them that as long as you can throw a basketball or throw a football, it’s better that they never learn how to read.
4. Pass them from grade to grade – Since they ain’t thinking about studying, the suburban female teachers have a grade partnership where they say “Lets let Rashad pass to the 12th grade because we wanna win that state championship“.
5. Then when they get to college, immediately brainwash them upon officially entering the campus – The minute they step on the campus, they are told that football or basketball is the top priority and that if they get out of line speaking out on social issues or taking a stand on those issues, then they’ll be severely punished.
6. Keep them away from other inner city people on the campus and away from the campus – An example of this was when I watched a film called “The Express” last month and there was one particular scene in which Ernie Davis told his caucasoid coach that he wanted to fight alongside his brothers and sisters, but his caucasoid coach told him “The best place to fight is to fight on the field.” “Do your fighting by playing well.” And my thinking was “What does playing well have to do with fighting with his brothers and sisters?”
7. Use him up for a few years and then gladly dump him off right back in the hood – After the athletes run out of eligibility, they get dropped off back in the hood with no education, no financial planning, no business sense, etc.
8. Marginalize him from the economic system – Psychologically encourage him through corporate urban music and mainstream media to embrace the destructive culture that comes in the form of drug & alcholol abuse, sexual & financial irresponsibly, making bad decisions that could get inner city athletes arrested or killed. This alone makes them unable to become good husbands and fathers down the road and marginalizes them from the economic system.
The Conclusion – Our young men need to be taught that there are easier paths that will generate greater success and income that doesn’t involve buck dancing for money and fame in the mainstream entertainment, music, and sports industries.
Staff Writer; Joe Davis
FB Page; http://www.facebook.com/joe.davis.165470
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