The Curse Of The Athleticism Of The Inner City Male In America.

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( It’s no secret that we are the greatest athletes because we run the fastest, jump the highest, hit the hardest, and possess superior mental and physical toughness on the field or on the court.

But our superior athleticism these days has become far more of a curse than it is a gift for young inner city males for several reasons.

1) Throwing away educational opportunities and intellectual development – 98% of inner city men are often told by mainstream society, coaches, and by their single mothers that football or basketball is the way to “get them out of the hood“, so most of them invest everything into pursuing this falsified hood dream of being The Next LeBron James or Cam Newton.

2) Being bred for servitude for mainstream sports plantations like The NBA, NFL, and The NCAA – when that young inner city boy is identified as a very gifted athlete at a young age and those coaches come to the hood and scoops them up, they are put into these NCAA-NBA-NFL-MLS-MLB-2016football and basketball camps that actually train them to entertain caucasoids on a football field or a basketball court.

3) Victims of exploitation off the field and off the court – Many brothers that get into the NBA and NFL that are uneducated with a lot of money on their bed aren’t gonna make financially responsible decisions by engaging in financial ignorance and then they got people from outside their community that will figure out ways to financially exploit them and people inside their community that will constantly pile their problems onto them so they can constantly ask and beg for money.

4) Makes millions for universities and over a billion for The NCAA in unpaid athletic labor – One of the biggest extractions of wealth that is currently taking place in our community comes in the form of big universities and NCAA extracting millions and billions of dollars a year from our superior athleticism we entertainingly display on the football field and basketball court in front of a crowdful of caucasoids. The athletes only get “paid” with a mere “scholarship” that’s NOTHING compared to the millions of dollars they bring to these big universities every year.

5) Many of them grow up thinking that they were born to do one thing: only play a damn sport with their superior talent – An example of this is a former national champion quarterback for Texas Football named Vince Young. In January 2006, he reached the peak of his football career because he never thought he would have the success that he would have at Texas.

On the cover of ESPN magazine, it had Vince on the front with the words, “I was born to play quarterback at The University Of Texas” because when I seen it, I thought he had been so brainwashed to believe that his only purpose in life is to serve The University Of Texas and not being an asset to the people in his community that he cares about. That comment personally disgusted me because he was born to be more than just throwing a football in front of a crowdful of caucasoids.

The Conclusion – We have to teach our young men that there are better opportunities they can create than just thinking that they were born to be a damn athlete.

Staff Writer; Joe Davis

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