(ThyBlackMan.com) The NY Times reported, “Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch plans to announce on Friday that she will accept whatever recommendation career prosecutors and the F.B.I. director make about whether to bring charges related to Hillary Clinton’s personal email server, a Justice Department official said. Her decision removes the possibility that a political appointee will overrule investigators in the case.
“The Justice Department had been moving toward such an arrangement for months — officials said in April that it was being considered — but a private meeting between Ms. Lynch and former President Bill Clinton this week set off a political furor and made the decision all but inevitable.” http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/02/us/politics/loretta-lynch-hillary-clinton-email-server.html
In spite of the fact that it has been variously reported that between 50 and 147 FBI agents have been assigned to the Hillary Clinton

Many Americans don’t understand the seriousness of this case. They think that it’s simply another witch hunt on Hillary Clinton that’s being blown out of proportion by conservative zealots and/or Bernie Sanders cultists over a relatively minor issue. But many (though not all) Hillary Clinton supporters have also become zealots, much like those of Donald Trump. They tend to fall into two categories – establishment Democrats who crave the opportunity to jump on the gravy train, and low-information people who vote blindly based on name recognition alone, or vote their genitals over their intellect. Instead of thinking like traditional progressives and simply following truth wherever it leads, they’ve embraced a conservative mindset, and trying to bend truth to fit their desires, So these people turning a blind eye to anything that either Bill or Hillary does, even if it’s a direct assault on American democracy, and that’s exactly what this investigation is about – an attempt to save democracy in spite of them.
Nevertheless, many Hillary cultists are asking, “What about Colon Powell? He did the same thing. Why aren’t they going after him? Why are they making such it a big deal with Hillary?” The answer to that is simple – it’s not true. Yes, Colon Powell did use his own email address in a normal account, but Hillary Clinton HIRED an IT EXPERT to build a private email SERVER in her home, and then she kept him on her personal payroll to maintain it – and that was while he was also working for the State Department, and without the State Department’s knowledge that he was also moonlighting for Hillary. The IT expert’s name is Bryan Pagliano, and he recently invoked the 5th amendment over 125 times during a recent deposition. https://www.yahoo.com/news/m/1cbce01a-2ead-3697-bab1-7a350f062ea0/undefined
So the question is, why would Hillary Clinton go through all of the trouble and expense of hiring her own IT expert to build a private email server in her home instead of using the State Department’s computer that was secure, and mandated, for her use? She didn’t use it even once during her entire tenure as Secretary of State. The Atlantic speculates:
Another one of Hillary Clinton’s inner circle, Former New York State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, was also convicted of corruption in November 2015. He was closely connected to Hillary Clinton while she served as senator of New York.
The Observer goes on to report that “Hillary Clinton’s 2008 campaign chair, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, is currently under investigation by the FBI and Department of Justice over questionable contributions to his 2013 campaign. According to a recent CNN report, the investigation—which has been going on for at least a year—calls into question Mr. McAuliffe’s service as a board member to the Clinton Global Initiative, a subsidiary of the Clinton Foundation. A $120,000 donation from a Chinese businessman, Wang Wenliang, made through U.S.-based businesses, raised red flags with investigators—along with several other donations, like the $2 million he gave the Clinton Foundation.”http://observer.com/2016/05/corruption-is-catching-up-to-the-clintons-and-their-associates/
Bill Clinton colluded with the Reagan administration to transport drugs into Mena, Arkansas when he was governor of Arkansas to flood the Black community with crack cocaine, and then as president he signed the most draconian crime bill in the history of the United States leading to the mass incarceration of the Black victims of his crime, and created the prison industrial complex. Thereafter, the prison industrial complex became one of Hillary Clinton’s biggest political contributors. The people must demand that Hillary withdraw. These two can not be allowed back into the White House. The nation is still suffering from the last time we made that mistake.
Staff Writer; Eric L. Wattree
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