Dangerous and Deadly “Black” Women.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) Beautiful, shapely, sexy and unattached African American women seem to be everywhere you turn. Nails done, hair done, make up, heels, spandex pants and women of all shapes and sizes. But it’s not that simple and if your wallet alarm is not going off, it should be. Attractive and alluring women on the outside but what lies within? In all too many cases, what lurks within is a dangerous and poison collage of gold diggers, hoochies, bad attitudes, baggage and women who would rather avoid the mirror while blaming men for all of their problems – men they chose of their own free will. Women who play the game of payback because of their past experiences. Women who plan to rip out your heart and punch a hole in your wallet – all with your help, if possible. Every ethnic group likely has them but this alert is about dangerous and deadly “black” women.

There are tons of beautiful African American women out there but quantity does not always mean quality. And a man in a wide open field is a man who might just be a target.

I do not even pretend that African American men are perfect, but some of us are good men, real men who try hard, live a decent life and lead by example. Others of course are quite the opposite, but that’s another article for another time. i just wanted the readers here to know that I see things through the eyes of balance – not bias. It should be further noted that there are African American women who are balanced, mentally stable, committed, nurturing and supportive to both the African American man and the family.

My mother and my sister were/are two good African American women. On the other hand, my other two sisters were/are not. My wife falls into the category of the best of the best, but my ex-wife? You don’t even want to know and I have vowed not to saying anything negative about her for the sake of my children. My point is that my experiences are balanced and they help me have a balanced perspective based on facts.BlackCoupleMad-2016

The fact that all of our women should not be stereotyped is not however an excuse to deny the problems, issues and attitudes of far too many African American women. Real women do not blame the men they selected for their problems. Why not? Because real women of class, character and integrity are too busy resolving issues, improving themselves, building careers and taking care of their children to waste time scape-goating their problems upon someone else. Real women can look in the mirror and they have no time for immaturity or unproductive games. Real women can read this article, admit the truth, forgive and change their lives for the better. How many real women do you know?

All that being said, I have to contend that the African American woman as a whole (not all) has overwhelmingly allowed herself to be used as a weapon against the African American man – to keep him at bay, to degrade him, to neutralize his dreams, to confront and quench the fire of his boldness, to aid in his emasculation, to take from what he is trying to build and to try and redefine him by what she thinks a real man is.

Before you attempt to find negative bias in my perspective, I want to let you in on a few secrets. As a marriage, family and relationship counselor, life-coach and mediator for over a dozen years, I have counseled thousands of men, women, couples and families. No ethnic group is perfect and each has its own set of unique problems, but the problems in far too many African American families are destroying us as a people. Sometimes the fault belongs to the man, sometimes the woman, sometimes both and sometimes society has played a major role judicially, economically, politically, religiously (not spiritually) and sociologically. But today we need to take a look at the African American woman and how she has been used as a weapon against the African American family just as the slave masters and the Willie Lynche practitioners intended. No excuses and no pointing the finger back at the African American man as the leading cause for how many “black” women are.

THE WAR AGAINST THE AFRICAN AMERICAN MAN Far too many African American women (and men) have been programmed and used as double agents in the war against the African American man. In a war there are only 3 things to do with enemy agents:

(1) expose them,

(2) Neutralize their effectiveness,

(3) Feed them false information to take back to their masters


(4) Reprogram them. Either way, no more Willie Lynche weapons. No more.

In this article I am going to tell you who these dangerous and deadly “black” women are, why they are, what’s wrong with them and what you can do if you are involved with one. Show me a woman who simply wants to blame a man for her problems and I will show you an immature little girl who walks in denial, fears looking in the mirror and lives in her own mind of insecurity and/or low self-esteem.

These are the little girls masquerading as women. I call them “loser women“. Their characteristics are easily identifiable if you know what to look for. But in case you don’t. let me help you out. Look for bad attitudes, baggage, confrontation, hidden anger, man haters, deception, manipulation, gold diggers, chemical imbalances based on frequent mood swings (bipolar disorders, borderline personality disorders, depression), insecurities, drama, attempts to define a man, dominance, Willie Lynche programming, condescending attitudes and undertones, vindictiveness and false humility. You can identify these women more by what they do not say than what they do say so keep your ears open. They can only mask portions of their character and not for long, especially not when they are angry.

You must overstand the war that has been launched against the African American man. It contains saboteurs, enemy agents, double agents, informants, misinformation, psychological and sociological weapons of mass family destruction. The reason it has worked is because our people do not overstand how wars are strategically planned, fought and won.

As a man, you must not enable these woman – as so many of our brothers have done. You must be a kind, fair and responsible man but you cannot bow down, back down or allow her to have authority over you. You must not throw money at these women because it will show a weakness in you. Men who often throw money at women to impress them are men who do not feel that who they are on the inside is enough. Thus they try to compensate by impressing the woman with material things. Nice gifts are fine (when appropriate and within your means) but do not try to buy her. The women I speak of will take the gifts, consider you a sucker, go for more and not respect you for it.

Gullible men enable and empower dangerous and deadly women. Low self-esteem men enable and empower dangerous and deadly women. Naive men who lack identity and self-worth enable and empower dangerous and deadly women. Good men who do not require fairness and balance also enable and empower these women. Men who think below the waste enable and empower dangerous and deadly women.

If you are not married, you are not legally, morally nor spiritually responsible for her rent, car note, hair, nails, fitness center membership or cell phone bill. Helping a good woman out and enabling a bad one are two completely different things and you would be wise to know the difference fast.

You must not be gullible or controlled by sex. You have to draw the line and the sooner the better. If you are with a dangerous and deadly “black” woman, refuse to be treated unfairly. Leave if you have to. Find a good woman. Again, gullible men enable and empower dangerous and deadly women. Watch for how fast she wants you to spend money on her. Pay attention to how fast she allocates your funds right out of your wallet. Notice when she tries to stroke or manipulate your ego. Use the head that is on your shoulders and stay alert more than emotional.

I could prove each and every claim in this article to you with verifiable facts, stats and hard evidence data but there is neither room nor time in this article to do so. But don’t assume the facts don’t exist.

Women live in a world of emotion and thus they can function in the framework of emotion. If men get emotional, our brains turn off and we fail to use common sense or reason. This is where we men make most of our idiotic mistakes that allow dangerous and deadly women to gain the upper hand.

If you want to impress a good woman, do so by being yourself guys. By paying your own bills, By setting your goals. By achieving your dreams. By preparing for your own future. By taking care of your children and being proactively involved in their lives. By setting standards and drawing lines in the sand. If you want to impress a dangerous and deadly “black” woman, you have missed the entire point of this article.

The African American man must own his purpose, his plans, his maturity, his masculinity and his identity or he is likely to fall prey to a dangerous and deadly ‘black” woman. Remember that.

Think before you jump in. Loneliness is likely preferable to devastation. One bad decision or poor selection can devastate your life in ways you never thought possible. If you already know this to be true, share this article with a friend. Before you are intimate with a woman, you had better be right about how well you know her. If you are wrong, a slip up can yield incredibly costly repercussions. Creating a win-win scenario through compromise is a great idea as long as she is willing to contribute just as much and place just as much at risk. But that is not likely to happen with a dangerous and deadly “black” woman. Of course nobody is perfect, but dangerous and deadly are too far from it for you to get entangled.

All of this being said, I am convinced based on real evidence (not conspiracy theory) that African Americans in general and our women specifically are being targeted by ethnic bio weapons. The research has been done and the technology exist. It appears that far too many African American women are “crazy” for reasons more than stress. From contraception that tampers with her hormones to artificial chemicals in everything from makeup to hairspray to hair weave to chemicals in foods to pharmaceutical medications, somehow our women are being targeted just as they were targeted covertly for sterilization. If you think I am just imagining things, apparently you do not know about our government intentionally giving black men syphilis or how the Native Americans were infected with small pox placed in blankets provided for them.

The proof is everywhere if you just open your eyes. I can’t go too deep in this article about that for lack of space but I recommend you look at the links below and do your own homework as to what is in these foods, medications and products. Any honest sociologist or psychologist will tell you that behavior modification to cause one’s own destruction is clearly possible. Mix behavior modification (also using frequency) with the right ethnic bio weapons and extermination is at a whole new level.




Johnson and Johnson, for example, has been found guilty of criminal negligence and civil liability for knowingly keep baby powder on the market when they knew it caused ovarian cancer, another population control weapon. What else is hidden in their other products? Why are they still around? And why are African Americans still using their products? Wake up people. Wake up. There is a clear plan in place for your extermination and staying asleep on this, ignoring it or blatant disbelief will only cause you to aid in your own annihilation.

Staff Writer; Marque-Anthony

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