Black Lives Matter Needs To Be Dissolved.

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( Of course African American lives matter – and they should matter first and foremost to African Americans. I say African American lives matter because we are not black. Black is the color of my car tires, not my skin. Black is a term used by our people who do not know the geographic origin of our identity. The term “black” is full of negatives in the dictionary and not by coincidence. Black is a label we have never bee, a term placed on us.

If we lead the way in how we must be treated by first treating our own people that way, we are then smart enough, wise enough and powerful enough to change the tone in this country. No we should not bow down and yes worldwide attention must be drawn to our cause. But not by using violence, disruption, anger and confrontation when there are lawful, strategic and balanced methods available. All of the peaceful means have not been exhausted yet therefore the utilization of riots, violence, disruptions and confrontations that even further place African Americans at risk is both unwise and unnecessary.

Just as there was in King’s day, there are groups today who approach problems in the wrong way. One such group is Black Lives Matter. This article will prove that.

The agency where I am an instructor and senior legal analyst has black-lives-matterreached out to several Black Lives Matter groups at least 5 times in hopes of sharing lawful solutions for the prevention, intervention and curative results for private citizens. When they finally answered, they responded with insults, anger, ignorance, threats and bad attitude. They would not listen to anything that did not feed their thirst for anger, confrontation and civil unrest. We tried to tell them the chants calling for attacks on police officers would have them ending up on the FBI watch list but they don’t see that. We tried to tell them they could one day become classified as combatants but they would not listen.

BLM works with groups and people ready to cause havoc and mayhem. What decent group or wise activist is endorsing them?

We tried to tell Black Lives Matter the solutions were economic, spiritual, sociological, judicial, legislative and psychological. We tried to tell Black Lives Matter that it was also an issue of credibility, community collaboration and addressing black on black crime in order to set a higher standard of how our people must be treated, but they didn’t want to hear that. They were about blame, escaping any personal responsibility, making demands, disruption and confrontation.

After so many attempts, we have concluded that Black Lives Matter cannot be reformed. BLM should be dismantled and dissolved. Why? Because they are feeding a stereotype of African Americans as ignorant, violent and angry. The group has been hijacked by other groups with hidden agendas such as “Transgender Lives Matter“. This diminishes the original cause because there is no other struggle in this country that can come close to the struggle, plight, racism, degradation and oppression that African Americans have repeatedly encountered.

There are numerous lawful and impacting ways to STOP and PREVENT POLICE BRUTALITY! To find out how, send an information request to

Black Lives Matter has created its own bad reputation, even in the African American community. They see any civilized way of attacking the problems we face as bowing down because they don’t know the most effective ways to get results. Yet what are they accomplishing? They started off with unrealistic demands like calling for the government to get rid of the military industrial complex instead of going for mediations, arbitrations and negotiations. And they are not evolving much at all.

I am a balanced person but I cannot honestly find much of anything positive to say about Black Lives Matter. Their platform seems to be based on rudeness and ignorance. As one example of proof, look at how they ignorantly took over the microphone at a Bernie Sanders meeting early in his campaign. I am not a fan of Sanders but he does have a strong civil rights record on the African American community and he marched with King. There are a dozen other examples. Just look around.

I recently participated in a 2 mile walk against “black on black crime” on a cold day with over 300 people. Where was the Black Lives Matter group? BLM is a group of reverse racist and you cannot fix racism with more racism. Nor is it wise to go head to head with the system when you are not prepared for the consequences.

Black Lives Matter does not represent all or even most African Americans, though police brutality is very real and disproportionately used against our people. The statistics easily prove this is true. But if poor methods of combating the problem place African Americans more at risk, we are working against ourselves and that is something BLM refuses to see or cannot understand. Some have ears but they cannot hear and eyes but they cannot see.

Their reactions are not based on expertise in investigations or research. BLM largely reacts based on rumors, social media posts, videos and bandwagon anger about life in general. I am not saying videos like the one of Sandra Bland, Eric Garner or Samuel Dubose do not tell the story. I am saying sometimes there is more to the incident than the video footage. Imani Perry, an African American professor at Princeton University, was guilty. But she went straight to social media and spouted that she was a victim. Imani was driving on a suspended license. Imani was speeding. Imani failed to appear in court on a ticket years earlier. Imani had a warrant. There are actual victims but she was not one of them.

Where is the Black Lives Matter group when thousands and thousands of unborn babies are killed by abortion in the African American community every year? If “black lives matter” to them as they say, where are their marches, rallies, protests and riots over “black on black” crime? They are strangely and largely silent because all they want to tackle is racism. But racism is not the only thing that is killing our people.

So if you know anybody in Black Lives Matter, tell them to find another way to bring about change. People who act or react out of anger (or emotion) usually make bad decisions that place themselves and others at unnecessary risk because emotion tends to neutralize intellect and sound thinking. I am sure BLM does have some people who are sincere, but they are overshadowed by the loud, angry, ignorant members.

Staff Writer; Marque-Anthony