(ThyBlackMan.com) We all want to be financially successful and debt free. Where most of us falter, however, is in believing that we need to pay off all of our debts before we can begin saving for and investing in our futures. All this does is reduce the amount of money ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) I was born and raised in New Awlins and never miss the opportunity to remind folks of that. So when Beyoncé’s video for “Formation” dropped on Saturday, I, like the majority of my homegirls, was hype. I wasn’t excited because I’m a certified Beyoncé stan, because the video is visually stunning, or ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Alright, alright; enough about my column from last week where I called out several RNC staffers by name because of their total disloyalty and disrespect towards me.  No more jokes about me being introverted and never speaking my mind. I will admit last week’s column was very pointed and ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) There are plenty of households in the UK who are connected to a prepayment meter and you need to know the best way to use them if you are going to be able to keep your energy expenses as low as possible. A guide on how to get the ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Bernie Sanders raised $20 million with the average donation being just $27.00. What is wrong with Black folks? For decades conscious Black leaders have cajoled, encouraged, admonished, and begged us to raise money among ourselves, a small amount from a lot of people, you know, the way Marcus Garvey ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) If one goes solely by mainstream media coverage, one would assume police/community relations in the inner city hadn’t progressed beyond the last riot! I’m typing this in New Orleans, whose police department is under a federal consent decree for severe shortfalls in several high-profile cases. I remain committed to ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Governors Jeb Bush and Chris Christie join forces with Senator Ted Cruz to attack the most popular Republican running for president in 2016–Marco Rubio. Both Bush and Christie struggle to get campaign momentum, and hope New Hampshire will offer a breath of new life and an end to the ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) As the New Hampshire primary fast approaches, I wish to remind voters that our next Commander-in-Chief must be of the highest character; cut from the rare cloth of our founders. Sometimes God gives us great gifts in ugly packages. Recent attacks on Ted Cruz from both the Trump and ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) A few years ago, Dr. Samori Swygert went through a bad breakup after a long term relationship. So what? Many of us have gone through a bad breakup. But this man, a pharmacist by trade, concocted the perfect formula for an amazing piece of art out of the hurt ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Are you well or are you good? In English, we are taught the semantic difference. For health and fitness, though, we should aim to be ‘well’ and not ‘good’. Wellness and exercise should not be confused. Wellness is the state or condition of being in sound physical and mental ...