Why “Black Lives Matter” Is Dangerous.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) The leaders and founders of the “Black Lives Matter (BLM)” movement are dangerous because they are angry people who are reacting emotionally instead of responding based on intellect and clear cut strategic planning. There approach is obvious and expected – and what is expected can be prepared for then neutralized. People like many of those in BLM are dangerous, impulsive, unpredictable and could get us all killed in a march or protest. Have I spoken to them? Many times. But they are impatient and they see strategic planning as foolishness or a form of backing down. They neither know nor overstand the art of war and that makes them dangerous yet again.

They neither understand the totality of the war that has been launched against the African American community nor do they know how to fight it nor are they prepared to do so on a logistical nor operational basis, practically speaking. My concern is that BLM leaders are so focused on anger and using the tactic of disruption that they are playing right into the hands of those they see as the 2016-blacklivesmatterenemy and about to end up on the FBI watch list. Strategically that is neither covert nor smart.

The people at the top of the Black Lives Matter movement do not overstand how to win a war. They are ready to fight tanks with rocks and bottles, get locked up and lose their jobs when that is not needed and make enemies when there are other ways to get things done. They do not realize the tactics being used against them go much further than brutal police officers. They do not know how to spot saboteurs or agitators placed inside the group to promote violence. They do not see that the oppressive powers that be are not only waiting on BLM disruptions, these powers are counting on it and well prepared for it.

There are much better ways than placing African Americans at further risk. Better ways than calling for cops to be attacked or fried. Better ways than isolating potential supporters and causing further division in the African American community. BLM has no idea of the machine it is up against. Research CointelPro or the King Alfred Plan or Rex 84 or Agenda 21 or the power of the NDAA President Obama signed and you will see what I mean.

Unfortunately a war has been waged on the African American community. But our solutions must not be mostly confrontational, impulsive, anger-driven reactions. Apparently Black Lives Matter has forgotten (or never knew) how much Martin Luther King Jr. and so many others accomplished without ever throwing a rock or starting a riot. And of course we should speak truth to power but not coupled with ignorance and confrontations that would leave us at a further disadvantage.

No group can effectively make demands unless they are well organized, strategic, supported and able to bring about a consequence when those demands are not met – a consequence that does not leave those making the demands neutralized or annihilated. I do not advocate violence when there are so many other lawful ways to stop police brutality against African Americans. I know because I teach these other solutions every month in seminars around his country and they work. But a group comprised of so many people (not all) inside Black Lives Matters that wants to simply point fingers, stay angry and cause disruption will go down in history as vessels of anarchy and confusion, not vessels of change.

The world is watching “black on black” crime as it wipes out many more African Americans every year than the police do. But groups like BLM refuse to tackle that issue and by trying to avoid it, they are seen as hypocrites. Millions of unborn African American children have been killed by abortions due to promiscuous women/girls and irresponsible men/boys in our community, but Black Lives Matter does not want to address that either. There are very few marches, no riots and there is practically no outrage coming from our youth nor BLM about these problems.

The world watches and asks if black lives really matter to “black” people. Do they? Do they really? Or have too many programmed “black people” began to lead the way with the guide or rule book on how to treat, mistreat, abuse and kill “black people”? We can blame racism, slavery, racists and oppression for some of this but the rest of the fault is our own, like it or not.

Our solutions are judicial. Our solutions are sociological. Our solutions are economic, as we saw on “Black Friday“. Our solutions are political, especially with an election on the horizon. Our solutions are spiritual – or has BLM forgotten the power that resides there? Our solutions are cultural. Our solutions are hard hitting, yet without rocks, bats, bottles, guns or riots. But our solutions must not be emotionally charged reactions of confrontation and disruption. Nor must our solutions be hypocritical. Not if we want to reach a major victory in overcoming the problem.

African American lives matter because black is the “color” of your car tires, it was never the color of your skin. When you realize the impact of that statement, you will wake up to why we treat each other the way we do and why other ethnic groups follow suit. And when enough of our people wake up, we can draw a line in the sand that others will hesitate or refuse to cross. But on that day, we will realize that we cannot cross it with each other either. Wake up!

Staff Writer; Marque-Anthony