(ThyBlackMan.com) There is no dollar value you can place on a human life but hitting the city of Baltimore in the pocket got their attention. It is speaking the language they understand. Congratulations to the family of Freddie Gray and to Freddie Gray himself. It is a shame it took ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Hip Hop was labeled the “new Rock ‘n’ Roll” by critics and the mainstream media in the early 90’s. How far we have fallen. Hip Hop has now become a cartoon, a joke, a caricature of itself- populated by untalented Whites ripping off Black people (Eminem), and Canadians (Justin ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) This blog is inspired by my participation in the conference: Blogging While Brown 2015 in Austin, Texas – http://bloggingwhilebrown.com/ Before you begin Blogging, Vblogging, Microblogging or Podcasting, the words you intend to use are a visual representation of a story, whether is it a personal event, community activity, religious ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) As the head of the family, you must have the ability to provide the physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of your family. Though some needs can be easily accommodated, when making decisions on things as significant as relocating, you want to make sure that you cover all of your ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) With the next Republican presidential debate coming in two days, I expect more theatrics than substance. With eleven candidates on stage, it’s impossible to have any type of substantive dialogue. Each candidate will have 10 minutes of total talk time. And of course the media will try to focus ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Did you see the movie, A Beautiful Mind? It follows the life of Nobel Prize-winning mathematician John Nash. In it, we see how he eventually came to be called insane. He sees and hears people that no one, other than he, can see. The movie is presented from his ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Girls are smart. It is a mistake to underestimate them. NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell greatly underestimated females when he instituted the league’s new domestic violence (DV) initiatives after the Ray Rice punch that was felt around the world. The entity that was listening in HQ was the domestic violence ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) On September 11, 2001 two planes allegedly crashed into the twin towers in New York. Another plane allegedly hit the Pentagon. And another plane supposedly crashed due to what was reported as the heroic efforts of passengers in stopping the “terrorists“. But as we remember those who died on ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Many aspects of modern life in America are shaped by ideas and actions we see on our televisions. Scripted shows beaming out of television screens influence what Americans consider fashionable, from our mannerisms to our ideas about family structure, life goals, health trends, body image, and morals. The primary ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) I need you to put on your thinking cap for this op-ed piece. Have you ever looked up into a clear, star-filled nighttime sky and wondered if mankind is alone in the universe? Allow me to play angel’s assistant for a few minutes. What if the answer to that ...
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