(ThyBlackMan.com) Donald Trump is bad news. If the Republican Party selects Donald Trump as their nominee for the president of these United States of America, in my humble opinion, he will not become the 45th president. He does not have the experience, the temperament, the respect for all people, the knowledge of domestic and foreign policies, the power of truth-telling, the fairness, nor does he even have the vision to “make America great again.” This man will further divide America; this man will fight everybody who disagrees with him; and this man will bully this country into Armageddon.
It is a sad commentary to know that in this 21st century, that Donald Trump can actually become the nominee for the Republican Party. To elect a man who clearly and purposefully tells “big lies” that he saw “thousands of Muslims cheering when the Twin Towers buildings were falling and on fire” after the horrific 9-11 attacks, would be a travesty. He tells these lies with no proof and repeats them after reputable news outlets and reporters have said this is not true.
How can the Republican Party nominate a man who consistently insults women? He calls them fat, ugly, stupid and distastefully mimics normal /functions unique to the female physiology. How can the Republican electorate nominate a man to lead this country who lambasts Hispanics, Latinos, African Americans, refugees, a P.O.W. hero, and led the “birther movement” against President Obama?
Donald Trump’s personality, his appeal and his divisive policies have reincarnated the likes of George C. Wallace, Bull Conner, Joe McCarthy, David Duke, etc. “The Donald” appeals to the worse side of us. Unfortunately, there is perhaps, 25 to 30 percent of the Republican electorate, who can and will stay with Trump, no matter what he says or does. He probably can call folks the N-word and continues to rise in the polls.
All of this is bad stuff, and any other person who has made these outrageous, atrocious, and disgraceful comments would have been long gone from the political process. But not Donald Trump. The more shameful, pitiful, notorious and inglorious his comments are, he advances higher in the polls. Trump’s candidacy really is a dark, sad and grave indication of where this country is headed in race relations and how low our civility has fallen.
December 1, 2015, was the 60th anniversary of the courageous act of Rosa Parks’ refusal to give up her bus seat to a White man. Sunday, December 6, 2015, was the 150th anniversary of the 13th Amendment that abolished Black slavery. Now, we have a candidate by the name of Donald Trump as the leader in the Republican presidential primary aspiring to become the leader of this country and the world. America, it is praying time!
Fellow Americans, this is a terrible day in our country. My friends, it is true: free speech is a part of our freedom, but “Trump speech” should be a part of our past. It is a catastrophe that many of my friends in the Republican Party perhaps, have laryngitis, and will allow Donald Trump to destroy the party.
Let me be very clear: Donald Trump will not become the next president of this country. You cannot make fun of the disabled and handicapped; you cannot demean women, immigrants, minorities, the frail, the weak and play on people’s fears; and thank God, you cannot bully your way to the White House. He may win the Republican nomination in the primary, but he will not get enough votes to win in the general election; and to the Donald ‘s surprise, most people in this great America are not “dumb, ignorant nor stupid.” If Donald Trump should manage to win the Republican nomination, then let me be the first to say: “Congratulations! President Hillary Clinton!”
Written by Rev. R.B. Holmes, Jr.
Official website; http://betheltally.org/
I think that many Republican Trumps supporters arent really FOR Trump- they are supporting him as a proxy for their blatant bigotry and hatred of the idea that first, a black man, and now a woman, could be elected President of the US. Why ? I dont know. Bias and anger, egged on by those on the far right , has reared its ugly head to such an extent recently that I think there may be civil war .
The past 8 years have seen a resurgence of covert and overt racism and now sexism among the less educated white voters, that I shudder to think what will happen in the next 4-8 years with a woman as President.
Donald Trump is nothing more than an arrogant, self centered egotistcal bafoon.
The way he presents himself and his rude behavior toward others, shows the type of character he is.
All he wants to do is get people all worked up where they end up distracted from the important issues that need attention.
Now I ask his supporters…Seriously, Is the the kind of person running the country and resideing in the White House,and getting free room and board thanks to us paying taxes.
I really think we can do better than Trump.
YOU know when the black slave democrats and white conservatives are joining together to denounce a man something is truly wrong.
GEORGE WILL just stated that he would rather see HILLARY in office instead of his fellow white male conservative TRUMP.
DON’T be confused , TRUMP is exposing the system for what it is, it’s not two party’s opposing each other, rather it’s one party split in two , TRUMP has his own money and he owes neither side nothing, he’s his own man.
TRUMP is frightening the crooks who hijacked AMERICA because he’s not a JEW owned sock puppet like OBAMA, and will not be their willing slave.
DON’T let others think for you brothers and sisters and scare you with all this race talk listen to TRUMP carefully he’s the only one telling the truth and that’s why the whole political establishment as well as the media is against him!
Excellent article. Thank you. I don’t think Trump is destroying the Republican party. Leaving out Reagan’s contribution to that, the Republicans actively recruited anti-minority people for years to gain votes and it turned on them. The animosity toward minorities has been there, but it used to be more hidden. These kinds of people (previously frustrated because no one was listening to their narrow-minded biases) then ran for office and gained great power in Congress, which they’ve used to block almost everything. We’d only expect that someone spouting their hateful “ideals” would be popular running for the White House. I sure hope you’re right that he could never be president. Judging from previous elections, I’m not completely convinced.