Our National Security Plan: Barack Obama vs. Donald Trump.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) In predictable fashion, Democrats blamed Muslim couple Syed Faroook and his wife Tasheen Malik’s terrorist rampage on loose gun laws.  California has some of the nation’s strictest gun laws. The couple began purchasing guns and stockpiling thousands of rounds of ammunition three years ago – legally. The shooting was a failure of President Barack Obama’s national security, specifically the FBI, State Department and Homeland Security.

Why weren’t they on the FBI’s terrorists watch list? The FBI manages the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) which gun sellers must use before selling anyone a gun. FBI Director James Comey admitted that his agency is faltering on its job. Comey noted that Dylan Roof, who killed parishioners in the Charleston, SC church, had an NICS file indicating he had a history of mental illness in 2008 – but still purchased a gun. The FBI should have stopped the sale of that gun.

 In 2014, Malik was granted a K-1 or fiancé(e) visa by the State Department’s consulate in Pakistan, so she could travel to the US to marry Farook. She then passed criminal and terrorists background checks conducted by the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security. The US Citizenship and Immigration Services issued her a green card as recently as July 2015. Nowhere along the multiple layers of national security checks did any of these agencies think about perhaps looking into her husband. Comey admitted that the terrorist couple had been in communication with people “under FBI surveillance.”

What happened in California was a complete breakdown of America’s national security. It appears that George W. Bush did keep us safe after 9/11, but that safety has evaporated under Obama. In response to the president’s disastrous handling of combating terrorism, GOP presidential candidate Donald Trumpa total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on.” This would include Muslim tourists, “refugees” and those seeking visas.

Seems more than reasonable to me considering ISIS comprises Donald-Trump-Barack-Obama-TV-2015Muslim terrorists who have proven they’re adept at committing atrocities across the globe, “beyond comprehension,” as Trump characterized. Yet on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, host Joe Scarborough summarily silenced Trump as the candidate rationally explained his proposal. Trump said it was a “temporary proposal.” Due to lax immigration laws, France is now home to 5 million Muslims, the largest populations in Europe.  About 1500 have left France to receive training in Syria from ISIS. Using the example of France’s loose immigration laws, Trump explained:

“Paris is no longer the same city it was. They have sections in Paris that are radicalized where the police to go in there. They are petrified. We have places in London and other places that are so radicalized that the police are afraid for their own lives. We have to be very smart and vigilant…I want to get our hands around a very difficult situation.”

Oozing with condescension, Scarborough interrupted Trump, “You’ve got to let us ask the questions, you’re just talking.”

I’m not just talking, I’m giving you the facts,” responded Donald Trump.

Scarborough responded by dumping Trump off the air and cutting to commercial break. When liberal reporters can’t distort facts, they cut off or “silence” the debate.

Before he was summarily thrown off the air for his logic, Morning Joe co-host Mika Brzezinski accused Donald of liking to stir up controversy. There’s nothing controversial about Trump proposing that America have a comprehensive plan to combat a growing terror threat to homeland.

House Speaker Paul Ryan demanded Barack Obama develop “a comprehensive strategy to defeat and not to contain ISIS.”  Addressing the nation, Obama said he would review the K-1 visa program, and put forth “no new plan, just a half-hearted attempt to defend and distract from a failing policy,” noted Ryan.

Speaking at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, CIA Director John Brennan offered shocking news:

“[ISIS] was, you know, pretty much decimated when US forces were there in Iraq. It had maybe 700-or-so adherents left. And then it grew quite a bit in the last several years, when it split then from al-Qaida in Syria, and set up its own organization.”

Under Obama’s watch In September 2014, a CIA analysis found under Obama’s presidency, ISIS grew 4,400% from 700 to about 20,000 to 31,500 fighters in Syria and Iraq.

“This new total reflects an increase in members because of stronger recruitment since June following battlefield successes and the declaration of a caliphate, greater battlefield activity, and additional intelligence.”

Donald Trump is offering a plan to fight terrorism and he’s getting more (negative) media coverage than our president who is offering nothing.

Written By Crystal Wright

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