Five Things Preventing You From Reaching Your Goals.

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Every adult knows someone who has a great idea or wants to try something but is waiting to find the perfect love, for the stars to align, to start a new job, or for the kids to move out for them to begin. As time passes, those goals and dreams unfortunately never manifest and the person is still idly lingering. This waiting is devastating for people who feel everything has to be perfect for them to start. There is never going to be that perfect moment, for the moment is now. Not tomorrow, not next week, next month, or next year, but now. Whether, you want to fix your finances, improve your health, mend broken relationships, read a book or, learn to cook, you can begin your journey now. All those excuses are used to justify the fear of trying something new, placing the responsibility on someone else or something else that is deterring you from starting your journey.


The view Americans have of success is one that government and corporations manufactured to keep the laborers insecure, in a vain competition amongst each other striving for an unattainable goal. Reflect upon your goals. Chances are, they’re pretty selfish and self-centered. The average American’s goals include accumulating unprecedented wealth to buy more expensive versions of things they most likely already have, and to receive praise and worship from their peers. This idea of success is devastating to the psyche due to its unattainability. Americans are bombarded with the myth of overnight success circulated in Hollywood, which defies the laws of nature, specifically time and growth. Showing people who went from rags to riches counters the natural grow of a seed producing a tree that bear’s fruit; the process takes time. Americans don’t understand this because of our “instant” society that does not adhere to the laws of nature. Everything is a growth process. The entertainer with the number one hit is presented to the public as an overnight success, due to the marketability of the story, while the reality is they have been struggling with music for over 15 years. Beyonce, Bruno Mars and Bob Marley struggled for years without acknowledgement from the public before experiencing any recognition.

You must truly purge your mind of the idea of success given to society, and create your own criteria for success. This is not done as a justification fgoalsetting-reach-2015or slothfulness or mediocrity but one cannot live one’s life based on the criteria of another. The American ideal of success really deals with the acquisition of materials, which most Americans are unable to partake in due to the structure of society and the salaries they receive. The model of success was made by the elite of society, whose life goals reflect their culture and their ability. All societies, especially America’s culture, are a reflection of the culture of the elite. The unique aspect about American culture is the elite will provide the masses with  high interest loans so they can replicate aspects of elite life.

You have to hold yourself accountable for being consistent in putting in the work for whatever goals you plan to achieve. The reason things do not work out for most people is they feel their journey towards reaching their intended outcome will be like a reel from a movie. The Olympian is working out and every day they’re getting better and better, until the day of the event, then they win. That’s not reality; that is Hollywood. In real life you are going to experience numerous hills and valleys and the building of character is a result of enduring those times when you really want to quit.


Worrying what others think, though considered a youthful trait, is a burden that cripples most adults from pursuing their dreams. People are aware of the harsh criticism they have had towards others aspirations, and do not want those verbal swords swung at them. The question is what’s more important: the task one is trying to achieve or the thoughts of others? So many people miss out on so much joy and new experiences by avoiding supposed criticism of their peers. I commend all those who have the courage and strength to pursue their goals and try new things, not burdened by fear or the opinions of society.


This may sound weird, but it is very true. Too many people are terrified of things working out and being happy. When referring to working out and being happy I do not mean a blissful existence without adversity, for life is rough. I mean people are so used to pain, drama, problems, and let downs, that they subconsciously are terrified of the opposite of these experiences. This is the main reason people do not finish a task or quit at the slightest form of hardship. They would rather stay in their comfort zone of not trying than giving their all without things working out according to their blue-print.


I am not a psychologist but, for unknown reasons, human beings are not good at predicting the future. I know in the past, I managed to think about the worst-case scenarios, causing unnecessary stress and anxiety, over something that rarely ever takes place. This lack of confidence has hindered me in the past, due to the Armageddon battles going on in my head between positive and negative thoughts on how a situation will play out. What I have learned on my journey is the negative thoughts will come but it is up to me if I entertain them. Let’s face it, both outcomes are illusionary to a certain extent because we are unaware of what the future holds; though action does tip the scale towards a more positive outcome. For example, a person wants to lose weight. Sitting on the couch day-dreaming about being healthier and feeling better will not result in you feeling healthier. If you actually begin being active and eating healthier, you will increase your chances of the thoughts manifesting. Words without works…

Staff Writer; Linton Hinds Jr.

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