(ThyBlackMan.com) I’m going to be addressing the issue of Black injustice in a series of articles with specific examples of how this White supremacist establishment not only slaughter innocent Black people on the street, but also routinely victimize the average Black, minority, and working class person in their daily lives.
I referred to this system as the “White supremacist establishment,” but that’s a misnomer. I should refer to it as the White ELITIST establish, because the social manipulators who control this system don’t care any more about poor and working class White people than they do Blacks and minorities. Was it only Black people who lost their jobs during the great recession, or lost their homes during the 2008 housing crisis? I don’t think so. We’re in a class war. They only give White people the IMPRESSION that they’re special, and then throw a few perks their way in order to factionalize us and keep us at one another’s throats, because social division is the establishment’s most potent weapon.
The problem in the Black community is the most severe, however, and it’s partially our fault. We wait around until the brains of one our kids are blown out before we start jumping up and down. That’s tantamount to coming across poison oak and simply cutting off the leaves instead of pulling it out by the roots. The Black community has got to become PROACTIVE in the fight against injustice. We’ve got to organize in our churches and community, educate ourselves, and join with others to form a working-class coalition
The murder and abuse of Black people by bad cops only to have their atrocious actions declared justified by the courts is just the leaves of a political system that is corrupt and indifferent toward Black, minority, and working class people down to its roots. So if we truly believe that Black lives matter, the atrocities being committed by the establishment must be snatched out by its root. We can’t just wait around until AFTER a Black life is taken to demonstrate and voice our outrage, we’ve got to take off our party hats, turn off BET, and begin to reform the infrastructure of our community BEFORE these atrocities take place.
Jumping up and down once one of our kids has been murdered, or one of our women has been lynched for smoking a cigarette in her own car is meaningless – that doesn’t help either the dead kid, or the woman, and it doesn’t prevent the next kid or Black woman from being senselessly murdered. We’ve got to come together in the Black community and develop a political clout that’s formidable enough where the last thing a cop hears before he goes out on the street is, “Whatever you do, don’t upset the Black community.”
That’s the way the Jews have it, and so can we. When was the last time you heard of a 12 year-old Jewish kid being murdered by the police? Never – and that’s in spite of the fact that this bigoted power structure is just as anti-semitic toward Jews as it is racist toward Blacks (well, almost). But the Jews have developed the cultural resources to fight back. They learned a very powerful lesson during the holocaust, and if the Black community doesn’t wake up from our “party hardy” attitude, and our delusion that “It can’t happen here,” we’re just one conservative lunatic away from repeating the Jewish experience – and we have a clown bus full of conservative lunatics running in the 2016 election. What’s currently, and routinely, happening to Black people at the hands of bad cops on the street, and the tepid response of the nation’s judicial system clearly demonstrates that the Black holocaust has already begun. So wake up, people!
Many insightful Black people recognize the truth in what I’m saying, but our collective response to it is lackadaisical, indifferent, and completely inept. Just going after one bad cop after he’s killed a Black child, and snatching microphones from people in order to grandstand on stage does absolutely nothing to correct the problem we face.What good has that done? Black people are still being slaughtered on the street, and their personal lives are still being made miserable in their homes, on their jobs, and in the courts. All we’re doing with such behavior is showing the powers that be what pushovers we are. We’ve got to go after the system that spawned and protects that bad cop AS A WHOLE – and in order to do that we’re going to have organize our community, become serious and mature adults with an eye toward the future, and stop giving priority to Beyonce swinging her butt. But currently, we’re allowing the social manipulators to keep us completely distracted while they’re picking us off one at a time with complete impunity, and as they become more bold, they’re going to eventually start coming after us as a group, and that day may be sooner than you think.
Staff Writer; Eric L. Wattree
More thought provoking articles feel free to visit; The Wattree Chronicle.
ADDED THOUGHTS March 19, 2020. I was hoping to quit Internet and said on September 10, 2019 that it’d be the last time I’d post, but old habits are hard to break. Here are added thoughts.
What was Hitler’s intention with Final Solution? Official version as given by Professor Ian Kershaw’s Nemesis and Prof. RJ Evans 3rd Reich @ War is that the Wannsee Conference was written in euphemisms (Eichmann trial) and that words such as Madagascar, emigration were codes. Now I’ll admit that it’s my speculation but here it goes.
Here’s what Hitler said which is his own speech. Three days after the Wannsee Conference, January 23, 1942, Hitler told his associates: ‘The Jew must clear out of Europe. Otherwise no understanding will be possible between Europeans restrict myself to telling them they must go away. If they break their pipes on the journey, I can’t do anything about it. But if they refuse to go voluntarily, I see no other solution but extermination. Hitler added: A good three or four hundred years will go by before the Jews set foot again in Europe.’
This speech doesn’t sound like euphemism or codes to me. It sounds like Hitler is admitting it’s an extermination war. My belief is that Hitler’s view would be (I’ve mentioned this in other places) is that if Jewish people and Gypsies were living in let’s say India (Gypsies originated from India)or in a nation such as Madagascar, he wouldn’t care, but that they would be exterminated if they refused to leave.
Yes, this is bad, but I don’t think it’s exterminate to extinction. It’s likely that Hitler didn’t read the Lake Wannsee Conference (he didn’t attend), but these are comments Hitler made during the war. It’s my belief that Hitler’s Madagascar comments are that if you don’t want to be killed, then go to Madagascar. Incidentally, before the Final Solution, the Nazis actually tried to get emigration policy for Jewish men, Jewess women & Jewish children to emigrate to then Palestine during the 1930s. So yes, the Final Solution was an exterminating war, but short of the idea of exterminate a race.
Most people killed by the Nazis were NOT Jewish-they were Russians, Poles, Czechs, etc. Yes, German Nazi soldiers and their auxiliaries killed Jewish babies. German Nazi soldiers killed many more Russian babies, Polish babies, etc. Yes, German Nazi soldiers raped Gypsy women, Jewess women, Polish women, etc.
Adolf Hitler believed in eugenics in that he wanted Germans to have large families with lebensborn where Germans and Scandinavians would have the most # of children and other ethnicities would do things for German interests such as Hitler’s idea was that Nazi Germany could take the best lands in Poland, Russia, etc. for German interests and that Poles, etc. would have limited education.
Yet, Nazi German soldiers sometimes raped Jewess women, Polish women and Czech women which resulted in mixed breeds (if a person was 1/2 Polish and 1/2 German and they were born between 1940 to 1945 you can guess it’s most likely the rape result of a Nazi German soldier raping a Polish woman) and this mixed racing caused by rape went against Hitler’s idea of master race. Heinrich Luitpold Himmler also had with lebensborn (life fountain) where Polish children, Russian children, etc. were kidnapped to be raised by German families where a Polish child let’s say would be Germanized.
It seems unlikely that Adolf Hitler would approve of kidnapping Polish, Czech and Russian children to have them raised by German families because as you said with eugenics, Hitler had a low view of Slavs and I don’t think Adolf Hitler believed people he regarded as lower ethnicity could be Germanized. My guess is that Adolf Hitler didn’t know about Heinrich L. Himmler’s ideas to kidnap Polish, Russian and Czech children to be raised by German families and that Himmler did this part of lebensborn without Hitler’s knowledge.
Also know that Axis Japan had eugenics with their belief that Japanese were the best and that the Chinese, Koreans, Filipinos, etc. would do things for Japan’s interests where Japanese soldiers following bushido (Samurai code) would invade China, Phillipines, etc. and do things for Japan’s interests where the Japanese take the best lands and the other ethnicities do things for Japan’s interests. Japanese soldiers also sometimes rape Chinese women, Filipina women, which resulted sometimes in mixed breeding. If a person is 1/2 Japanese and 1/2 Chinese and was born in China between 1931 to 1945, you can guess they were most likely the result of a Japanese soldier raping a Chinese woman.
The violence was committed by both sides. Soviet soldiers killed German babies and Soviet soldiers killed Polish babies, Russian babies, though Soviet commanders often told their soldiers not to do this but would tolerate Soviet soldiers killing German babies. The justifications made were the eye tooth rule.
When it comes to 3 year old Germans killed during WW2, people such as SWC Aaron Marshall Breitbart likely justify, make excuses or minimize these killings using eye tooth rule with arguments that the German babies parents may have been Nazis. That could be true, but the 3 year old German girl or boy is not to blame for her parents deeds, but there’s hostility against the 3 year old German kid. Another justification that people such as SWC Aaron Marshall Breitbart make is that the 3 year old German kid could become a future Nazi, but though he knows this, it’s unfair because you can not predict what a 3 year old will do in adulthood.
There were millions killed on both sides. People do violent things in wars and make excuses and justifications for it.
ON MARCH 19, 2020, THIS POSTER HAS MADE SOME revisions because I now know after many years that on some things I went about it the wrong way. I am going to revise somethings that I said about the Holocaust. It took me a long time (many years to realize this) but some things which are obvious. MOST people who the Nazis killed were Gentiles. Most Communists who the Nazis killed were Gentile Communists. IT WAS WRONG FOR ME to have said ‘Jewish Commununists’ and admit that it’s anti-Semitic, when I should say Communists as MOST COMMUNISTS WERE GENTILES. That said, all wars are Holocausts.
Yes, Nazi German soldiers and their auxiliaries killed babies and most people who were killed by the Nazis were again Gentiles. Now that all wars are Holocausts and during WW2, millions on both sides were killed. Though I’m not religious, has the Holocaust become more about worshipping created rather than creator?
Before getting to this, if Hitler had died in 1938 instead of 1945 (after millions were killed), he would have gone down as a great leader in German history. Germany and later Austria (after 1938) anschluss were advanced in many ways during Hitler’s time be it automotive science (V.W. Beetle came out in 1938), veterinary science and other things. Nazi propaganda would show films of Hitler with children & dogs. Nazis did pass animal welfare laws which were advanced for it’s time such as Hitler signed law to protect the eagle (Eagle on Swastika is Nazi symbol) and Hitler signed laws which created rules on hunting and Hitler signed laws on fastest way to kill crustaceans.
That said, Nazi Germany, Axis Japan and Fascist Italy were doing things which was for their own interests against their neighbors. Hitler wanted Germans to be Europe’s lords where their neighbors such as Poland, Czechoslovia, etc. would have limited education and do things for Germany’s interests.
Yes, Nazi German soldiers raped Polish women, Jewess women, Czech women, Russian women, etc., along with killing babies, both Jewish and Gentiles. Japanese soldiers following Bushido raped Chinese women, killed war prisoners, Bataan massacre, Nanking, Shiro Ishii flea bombs and other horrors.
With that said let’s get to how the Holocaust has in some ways been too much about worshipping created rather than Creator? The first eg. is the Commissar Order. Now I think the Commissar Order was justified & is a matter of broken clock getting time right. Almost all the Soviet Commissars were Gentiles and they were not ordinary soldiers fighting for their nations. Soviet Commissars did bad things such as maim war prisoners, kill children and sent millions of people to their deaths in the ex USSR under Communism’s name. If a Red Army soldier was believed to have surrendered to Germans during WW2 (early in Operation Barbarossa), the Soviet Commissars were involved with sending the Soviet soldier’s wife and family to the GULag in ex-USSR.
When the Red Army recaptured territory from the Germans and came into contact with Red Army soldiers who were war prisoners (PW) of the Germans, the Soviet Commissars gave orders to kill these war prisoners rather than free them because they didn’t fight the Germans to the death. There are many other things but the Soviet Commissars were violent men (sometimes women). I think the Keitel Commissar Order was justified because the Soviet Commissars had bloody hands. U.S. Holocaust Museum omits ugly facts on who the Soviet Commissars were and most Soviet Commissars were Gentiles.
A 2nd eg. to a lesser extent of broken clock getting time right are the Pink Triangle Tattoo inmates killed in the concentration camps and ghettoes. Some of the Pink Triangle tattoo immates were gay pederast Catholic priests who molested children. Most of the Pink Triangle Tattoo inmates were Gentiles. The U.S. Holocaust Museum omits the fact some of the Pink Triangle Tattoo inmates killed in concentration camps and ghettoes were gay Catholic pederast priests.
Those are 2 eg. of how the Holocaust has become too much about worshipping created rather than creator. Also Kim Il Sung who would later become North Korea’s dictator commanded 2 Korean unites in Stlalingrad and Leningrad. In some cases, the Nazis killed a Kim Il Sung Communist. A problem with Holocaust history (again all wars are Holocausts) is that it means the life of a Soviet Commissar who victimized others means more than a 3 year old German girl killed during WW2. There often is hostility towards a 3 year old German girl with people justifying saying that the girls parents may have been Nazis (which is not the girls fault) or the eyetooth rule which makes no sense.
Things to regard. During WW2, millions on both sides died. Axis nations Germany, Japan & Italy along with Nazi Germany’s other satellite allies such as Romania, Hungary & Finland, etc. had civilian deaths during the war. Germany, Japan & Italy had many civilian deaths such as their cities being bombed, Soviet atrocities & 2 atom bombs dropped on Hiroshima & Nagasaki.
My view with the atom bombs always has and will be that atom bombs should’ve been dropped elsewhere in Japan with fewer civilian deaths, but I can’t guarantee surrender and only bad choices for President Harry S. Truman. An invasion would have had more civilians killed and wounded. If Axis Japan, Nazi Germany & Fascist Italy had the atom bombs, they would have used them against us & we may still be dealing with them today.
Here’s the thing. If a person were to say ‘100,000 innocents killed in Hiroshima & Nagasaki’, that person likely will have others reply that while the babies & small kids killed in Hiroshima & Nagasaki are innocent war victims, the adults killed in Hiroshima & Nagasaki possibly are guilty, such as it’s possible the adults took part in atrocities such as Rape of Nanking & or killing POW such as Bataan. Same thing with Nazi Germany & Fascist Italy. People will often say that the 3 year old German, Italian & Japanese kids parents could have been Nazis & Fascists. That could be but that’s not against the 3 year old kids, that’s against the parents.
Incidentally, I have heard people justify or make excuses for the killing of children who are German, Japanese & Italian children arguing on how the kids could turn out to be future Nazis, Axis & Fascists. The late journalist John Sack made excuses for the pedophile Solomon Morell when Solomon Morell raped little girls & when Solomon Morell killed a mentally retarded German boy, with John Sack making excuses such as because Solomon Morell had family members killed during Shoah, that John Sack excused Solomon Morell raping little girls & murdering boys.
Millions of people on both sides were killed whether 1 was Chinese, Filipino, Polish, Jewish, Czech, Abysinnian, Russian and yes, German, Italian and Japanese. Bombs wound and kill and don’t care about the victims innocence or guilt.
Also, many people including educated people do not know much about the Korean War and many do not know that the Korean War did not end in a peace treaty but in a 1953 armistice which has been violated a few times by North Korea. Many do not know that during the Vietnam War, North Korea sometimes violated the 1953 armistice by doing attacks on American Soldiers and their South Korean allies south of the 38 Parallel DMZ.
And with wars-soldiers killing eachother in a fight is 1 thing. But harming POW is bad. Bataan death march during WW2, atrocities committed against POW during the Korean War and Vietnam War (Hanoi Hilton) are bad and against Geneva Protocol. Once asked a Vietnam War veteran what he thought about enemy soldiers ? He told me that if they were trying to kill him in a fight, he won’t pass judgment as it’s a war and soldiers are sent to fight for their nations whether it’s the right or wrong cause. Now however, if the enemy soldiers are going to take POW and mutilate them, then that is bad & that’s murder.
Many people would not know who Sgt. Leonard George Siffleet was-the ANZAC POW who was beheaded during WW2 by the Japanese soldiers. Japanese soldiers followed Bushido code (Samurai way) and they treated POW, including American POW, Chamorro Indians in Guam, Chinese POW , Filipino POW were beheaded and bayonetted by Japanese soldiers. That is bad.
If you want information on US military during Korean War and the Vietnam War, or other things military, the TV show the Big Picture presented by the U.S. Army which ran from the Korean War until the early 1971 gives alot of information. Big Picture also discusses topics such as nuclear powered submarines, small nuclear reactors, Ranger training, training military dogs, Berlin Airlift, Berlin Wall, Cuba Missile Crisis, etc. The USMC, US Navy Presents and USAF presents also did shows on these topics, as well as the Korean War and Vietnam War.
Finally, the military has used atomic energy since the 1950s. President Dwight David Eisenhower came up with the idea of atoms for peace. I support nuclear/atomic energy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We must use Small Modular nuclear reactors (SMR) and we must use Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor. I also support hydroelectric dams and geothermal. American Lung Association supports nuclear/atomic energy since that gives cleaner air and benefits asthmatics. Professor Steven Arthur Pinker supports atomic/nuclear energy. There are wildlife experts who support nuclear/atomic energy.
Things to regard. During WW2, millions on both sides died. Axis nations Germany, Japan & Italy along with Nazi Germany’s other satellites such as Romania, Hungary & Finland, etc. had civilian deaths during the war. Germany, Japan & Italy had many civilian deaths such as their cities being bombed, Soviet atrocities & 2 atom bombs dropped on Hiroshima & Nagasaki.
My view with the atom bombs always has and will be that atom bombs should’ve been dropped elsewhere in Japan with fewer civilian deaths, but I can’t guarantee surrender and only bad choices for President Harry S. Truman. An invasion would have had more civilians killed and wounded. If Axis Japan, Nazi Germany & Fascist Italy had the atom bombs, they would have used them against us & we may still be dealing with them today.
Here’s the thing. If a person were to say ‘100,000 innocents killed in Hiroshima & Nagasaki’, that person likely will have others reply that while the babies & small kids killed in Hiroshima & Nagasaki are innocent war victims, the adults killed in Hiroshima & Nagasaki possibly are guilty, such as it’s possible the adults took part in atrocities such as Rape of Nanking & or killing POW such as Bataan. Same thing with Nazi Germany & Fascist Italy. People will often say that the 3 year old German, Italian & Japanese kids killed during WW2 are innocent war victims, but the parents could have been Nazis & Fascists.
Incidentally, I have heard people justify or make excuses for the killing of children who are German, Japanese & Italian children arguing on how the kids could turn out to be future Nazis, Axis & Fascists. The late journalist John Sack made excuses for the pedophile Solomon Morell when Solomon Morell raped little girls & when Solomon Morell killed a mentally retarded German boy, with John Sack making excuses such as because Solomon Morell had family members killed during Shoah, that John Sack excused Solomon Morell raping little girls & murdering boys.
With Holocaust against the Jews, I have heard people say things such as ‘6 million innocent souls’ but not all 6 million victims are innocent. Yes, kids such as the girl Anne Frank & the boy with his hands up are innocent victims. The adult Holocaust victims may or may not have been innocent. Yes, you have adult Holocaust victims who were schoolteachers & citizens just trying to get through the next day.
But not all Holocaust victims are that. Some of the people who were killed in the concentration camps and ghettoes were Communists, pedophiles, etc. and sometimes Mobsters (in this case Nazis) kill bad people. Murderers sometimes kill bad people. Nazis sometimes murdered bad people. Some of the people who were killed in the concentration camps and ghettoes were Communists, pedophiles, etc. and sometimes Mobsters (in this case Nazis) kill bad people.
I called Marcus Aaron Applebaum of the USHMM, but he didn’t reply to my message. I know my comments possibly angered him, but I asked him-who were the Holocaust victims before their deaths? It’s human nature for people to say their family members were nice people & yes, many Holocaust victims were ordinary people such as girls like Anne Franks or the boy with his hands up. Most Holocaust survivors & most Holocaust descendants don’t usually admit ugly facts of who their relatives were before they were killed. I write what most Holocaust historians including USHMM usually won’t discuss & that’s who were the victims before their deaths?
We have heard that 6 million innocents were killed in concentration camps, ghettoes and shot and killed by the Nazis. Given that some of them were horrible people such as Stalin’s henchmen and henchwomen, then all 6 million are not innocents and quite a few of the victims are horrible people. If a Jewish person was a Communist, then if a Jewish Commies ended up being killed by the Nazi mobster Einsatzgruppen, then that means fewer Julius and Ethel Rosenberg (who gave atom bomb secrets to the former USSR) and fewer Commie dictators like Kim Il Sung.
I don’t think Jews, Gypsies or anybody should have been put in ghettoes and concentration camps. But not all those who were killed in the concentration camps and ghettoes were Anne Franks or the boy with his hands up in a 1943 Warsaw photo. Some of the people who were killed in the concentration camps and ghettoes were Communists, pedophiles, etc. and sometimes Mobsters (in this case Nazis) kill bad people.
Dennis Mark Prager and Aaron Marshall Breitbart of the SWC would get offended if you point out the fact that not all Holocaust victims were Anne Franks & both Dennis Mark Prager and Aaron Marshall Breitbart of the SWC would get offended if you mention the fact that individually, some of the Holocaust victims were horrible people. If you were to see a photo of an Einsatzgruppen shooting a man in a ditch and ask, who the victim was before he was killed ?, Aaron Marshall Breitbart and Dennis Mark Prager would get offended by you asking that especially, if you imply the victim was a horrible person.
Yes, it’s wrong to execute without a trial and it’s wrong to put people in concentration camps and ghettoes to be starved and worked to death, shot, etc. But in some cases the Nazis killed bad people and there are cases where the Nazis killed pedophiles in the concentration camps and ghettoes. A broken clock gives you the right time twice a day & out of millions killed by the Nazis, you could find cases where the Nazis killed horrible people.
Also, many people including educated people do not know much about the Korean War and many do not know that the Korean War did not end in a peace treaty but in a 1953 armistice which has been violated a few times by North Korea. Many do not know that during the Vietnam War, North Korea sometimes violated the 1953 armistice by doing attacks on American Soldiers and their South Korean allies south of the 38 Parallel DMZ.
And with wars-soldiers killing eachother in a fight is 1 thing. But harming POW is bad. Bataan death march during WW2, atrocities committed against POW during the Korean War and Vietnam War (Hanoi Hilton) are bad and against Geneva Protocol. Once asked a Vietnam War veteran what he thought about enemy soldiers ? He told me that if they were trying to kill him in a fight, he won’t pass judgment as it’s a war and soldiers are sent to fight for their nations whether it’s the right or wrong cause. Now however, if the enemy soldiers are going to take POW and mutilate them, then that is bad & that’s murder.
Many people would not know who Sgt. Leonard George Siffleet was-the ANZAC POW who was beheaded during WW2 by the Japanese soldiers. Japanese soldiers followed Bushido code (Samurai way) and they treated POW, including American POW, Chamorro Indians in Guam, Chinese POW , Filipino POW were beheaded and bayonetted by Japanese soldiers. That is bad.
If you want information on US military during Korean War and the Vietnam War, or other things military, the TV show the Big Picture presented by the U.S. Army which ran from the Korean War until the early 1971 gives alot of information. Big Picture also discusses topics such as nuclear powered submarines, small nuclear reactors, Ranger training, training military dogs, Berlin Airlift, Berlin Wall, Cuba Missile Crisis, etc. The USMC, US Navy Presents and USAF presents also did shows on these topics, as well as the Korean War and Vietnam War.
Finally, the military has used atomic energy since the 1950s. President Dwight David Eisenhower came up with the idea of atoms for peace. I support nuclear/atomic energy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We must use Small Modular nuclear reactors (SMR) and we must use Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor. I also support hydroelectric dams and geothermal. American Lung Association supports nuclear/atomic energy since that gives cleaner air and benefits asthmatics. Professor Steven Arthur Pinker supports atomic/nuclear energy. There are wildlife experts who support nuclear/atomic energy.
The Fascist Italian dictator’s full name Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini and he was the true friend who Hitler had when it came to foreign leaders. Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy’s alliance was a friendship. So Fascist Italy could be called Hitler’s friend when it came to the 3 Axis nations. Nazi Germany and Axis Japan were untrustworthy allies as Axis Japan did what was in Japan’s interests mainly. Fascist Italy and Axis Japan were also untrustworthy allies. Of course during the late 1800s and during WW2-Germany, Italy and Japan believed they were the greatest.
I once knew a Jewish lawyer (won’t name him) who talked about Holocaust, etc. He told me that he wouldn’t visit Germany and Austria, yet he would visit Japan and he drove a Japanese car. Now it’s his money and if he wants to visit Japan or drive a Japanese car, then it’s his right. This lawyer was pro-Israel. With many Jews, their loyalty is more to Israel than the U.S. This lawyer implied he didn’t care about American POW killed by Japanese soldiers during WW2. This lawyer was also OK with taking Palestinian land and he wanted American wars for Israel such as Iraq. This lawyer’s loyalty was to Israel and not the United States.
This could anger people, but it was mainly Jewish Communists who did Holodomor in former USSR and a bigger genocide which happened against Latvians, Ukrainians and others in former USSR committed by Jewish Commies and millions of them were starved to death in GULag. Soviet Commies who killed Ukrainians, Latvians, Estonians, etc. were Jewish Communists, such as Lazar M. Kaganovich, Genrikh Grigorivich Yagoda, Lavrenti Beria etc. and they did this in the 1920s and 1930s.
We have heard that 6 million innocents were killed in concentration camps, ghettoes and shot and killed by the Nazis. Given that some of them were horrible people such as Stalin’s henchmen and henchwomen, then all 6 million are not innocents and quite a few of the victims are horrible people. If a Jewish person was a Communist, then if a Jewish Commies ended up being killed by the Nazi mobster Einsatzgruppen, then that means fewer Julius and Ethel Rosenberg (who gave atom bomb secrets to the former USSR) and fewer Commie dictators like Kim Il Sung.
I don’t think Jews, Gypsies or anybody should have been put in ghettoes and concentration camps. But not all those who were killed in the concentration camps and ghettoes were Anne Franks or the boy with his hands up in a 1943 Warsaw photo. Some of the people who were killed in the concentration camps and ghettoes were Communists, pedophiles, etc. and sometimes Mobsters (in this case Nazis) kill bad people.
Also, many people including educated people do not know much about the Korean War and many do not know that the Korean War did not end in a peace treaty but in a 1953 armistice which has been violated a few times by North Korea. Many do not know that during the Vietnam War, North Korea sometimes violated the 1953 armistice by doing attacks on American Soldiers and their South Korean allies south of the 38 Parallel DMZ.
If you want information on US military during Korean War and the Vietnam War, or other things military, the TV show the Big Picture presented by the U.S. Army which ran from the Korean War until the early 1971 gives alot of information. Big Picture also discusses topics such as nuclear powered submarines, small nuclear reactors, Ranger training, training military dogs, Berlin Airlift, Berlin Wall, Cuba Missile Crisis, etc. The USMC, US Navy Presents and USAF presents also did shows on these topics, as well as the Korean War and Vietnam War.
Finally, the military has used atomic energy since the 1950s. President Dwight David Eisenhower came up with the idea of atoms for peace. I support nuclear/atomic energy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We must use Small Modular nuclear reactors (SMR) and we must use Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor. I also support hydroelectric dams and geothermal. American Lung Association supports nuclear/atomic energy since that gives cleaner air and benefits asthmatics. Professor Steven Arthur Pinker supports atomic/nuclear energy. There are wildlife experts who support nuclear/atomic energy.
Wars are holocausts, as they are about exterminating your enemies until you get what you want be they land, water, territory, surrender. During WW2, we bombed German, Japanese and Italian cities hoping for surrender. The 3 year olds killed in Germany, Japan and Italy are innocent even if parents were guilty. Incidentally,atom bombs should’ve been dropped elsewhere in Japan with fewer civilian deaths, but I can’t guarantee surrender and only bad choices for President Harry S. Truman. An invasion would have had more civilians killed and wounded.
We have heard that 6 million innocents were killed in concentration camps, ghettoes and shot and killed by the Nazis. Given that some of them were horrible people such as Stalin’s henchmen and henchwomen, then all 6 million are not innocents and quite a few of the victims are horrible people. Incidentally, I am for peace, I am against putting people in concentration camps and ghettoes. But I call the facts as I see it.
I don’t think Holocaust is much different from other war atrocities & I support the Commissar Order. Yes, it’s Nazi mobsters killing Soviet mobsters but Red Army Commissars were not ordinary soldiers sent to do job for their nations-the Communist Red Army Commissars often took part in things such as killing children, raping girls & maiming POW.
Soviet partisans were often Communists who took part in things such as raping 10 year olds. Just don’t see how a Nazi mobster (Einsatzgruppen) killing a Soviet Communist partisan is something to mourn about if it turns out the Soviet partisan did things describe, which is why the Commissar Order was justified because those killed by the Commissar Order weren’t oridnary POW. In fact, Soviet POW (esp. Latvian, Estonian and Ukrainians, though few ethnic Russians) sometimes went into Wehrmacht to fight against the Red Army.
No, I don’t think Jews, Gypsies or anybody should have been put in ghettoes and concentration camps. But not all those who were killed in the concentration camps and ghettoes were Anne Franks or the boy with his hands up in a 1943 Warsaw photo. Some of the people who were killed in the concentration camps and ghettoes were Communists, pedophiles, etc. and sometimes Mobsters (in this case Nazis) kill bad people.
If Hitler had died in 1938 instead of 1945 (after millions were killed), he would have gone down as a great leader in German history. Germany and later Austria (after 1938) anschluss were advanced in many ways during Hitler’s time be it automotive science (V.W. Beetle came out in 1938), veterinary science and other things. Nazi propaganda would show films of Hitler with children & dogs. Nazis did pass animal welfare laws which were advanced for it’s time such as Hitler signed law to protect the eagle (Eagle on Swastika is Nazi symbol) and Hitler signed laws which created rules on hunting and Hitler signed laws on fastest way to kill crustaceans.
What’s sad is that we African Americans are still calling ourselves BLACK because Caucasian oppressors called us that to contrast their color and to assign to us all the negative things BLACK is equated with in the dictionary. The fact is, like it or not and believe it or not, YOU ARE BROWN and your car tires are black. You can say black is a culture but when they deal with you, they deal with you based on it’s definition – dismal, gloomy, dark, diabolical, treacherous, devoid of light. WAKE UP AFRICAN AMERICANS. We do not call the Asian yellow man because he would not stand for it. We do not call the Native American a red man because he would not stand for it. We do not call the Hispanic man a brown man because he would not stand for it. And many Africans, Haitians and Jamaicans do not accept being called a color they know they are NOT.
Ironically, African Americans are the only ethnic group/race on the planet which allows ourselves to be called a color we are not, allowing ourselves to be defined by color, by someone else and to allow ourselves to be attached to a color we are not – a color they filled with negative denotations. Then we fight to help keep the lie in place. Is it any wonder that cops treat us as BLACK people by the definition of dismal, gloomy, treacherous, evil etc? We will never rise and overcome as a people if we allow other groups to define us, to define us with a lie and we are sadly willing to help them. AFRICAN AMERICAN LIVES MATTER PEOPLE. Black is the color of my car tires, not my skin. I am a family and relationship counselor who specializes in deprogramming African Americans from slavery mindsets.