Connoisseurs Of Criticism.

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( “Pay no attention to the man who criticizes unless he is doing something better than what he criticizes… Criticism is very cheap. It does not take an intelligent man; it does not take an abnormal mind; it does not take an intelligent mind to criticize. Even the fool can criticize, and generally it is the fool who criticizes.”

Marcus Garvey

As a youth playing sports I heard and received criticism that was quite damaging. These harsh statements did not come from immature youth but from supposedly mature adults whose words sting much harsher than slander from one’s peers. As I have matured growing in wisdom and knowledge of self, reflecting upon life’s experiences I realized the root of the unbalanced verbal onslaught void of encouragement. Who were the verbal bullets coming from? Unhappy people, void of achievement and life experience, crippled by fear and doubt. These adults were intimidated by an innocent youth who had a dream and vision. This lesson is still prevalent today when one hears unconstrained criticism of an individual whose only offense has been their ambition and drive.

People are so offended and intimidated by people who are not scaredcriticismwordcloud-2015 of failure, with the courage to try new things, or have achieved some success in their endeavors. These sideline critics analyze every single thing everyone should be doing or failed to do. Failing to ever put the same effort into their own lives which is usually crippled by fear, doubt, and disappointment.

In modern language, connoisseurs of criticism are referred to as “haters” but they truly are haters of themselves. They hate the characteristics and courage they see in you that they wish they had. Please do not let the negative words of others disrupt you from giving your all on whatever endeavor you may try.

For all those who put down instead of building up, please refrain from your destructive behavior. Keep your misery to yourself. The world has enough negative energy and it would be beneficial if you did not add yours. We as black people are chronic criticizers, without ever providing any information that could improve the person’s situation. What irresponsible use of the powerful tool of speech.

We see them congregated in corners, mocking their peers for their weight problem while they themselves are on medication, because of their own inability to manage their own weight.

I have learned to refrain from criticizing due to the negative energy it creates and instead focus on the more uplifting behavior of encouragement. If I am exposed to someone who is more knowledgeable, experienced, and prosperous in a particular area I humble myself, seeing what I can learn from their expertise and, applying their knowledge to my own development. I have found this action most beneficial to my energy source and my own growth. You will be surprised how open people will be to share information with you if you approach someone with a humbled spirit.

For all those who have been hurt by the crushing words of critics please remember the words of Marcus Garvey, “Pay no attention to the man who criticizes unless he is doing something better than what he criticizes.” Humble yourself and see if the criticism is true, then ask for means to improve. If it is mere empty speech, forgive the transgressor and continue on your journey.

“Kind words and good emanation frequency

Proven most beneficially…”


Staff Writer; Linton Hinds Jr.

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