9/11: The Whole Hidden Truth.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) On September 11, 2001 two planes allegedly crashed into the twin towers in New York. Another plane allegedly hit the Pentagon. And another plane supposedly crashed due to what was reported as the heroic efforts of passengers in stopping the “terrorists“. But as we remember those who died on 9/11, we should also remember that so much more information has come out since then – information that exposes a lot more of the truth than simply a terrorist attack. So besides looking at Al Qaeda, let’s examine the rest of the truth. You will see the evidence is full of conspiracy FACT – not theory.

Former Congress Woman Cynthia McKinney stated years ago that the Bush Administration knew in advance about the coming 9/11 attack yet allowed it to happen. She was blasted by Zell Miller and the good ol boy club. Then Republicans voted as Democrats in order to eventually get Cynthia McKinney removed from her congressional bully pulpit. Then President Bush stated they had intelligence information about something set to happen but they did not know what. What, whom or what offices were inside the twin towers? Why that location? Then came the other facts and experts who looked at this matter.

Click this link for a 5 minute summary of what the government wants you to believe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgrunnLcG9Q

You can find videos of reputable demolition specialists all over the web, especially on sites like Youtube. They say, show and claim they can prove that the towers that fell in New York on 9/11 were controlled implosions which occurred as someone must have set off charges at the base or bottom of the buildings. They state that the burning jet fuel could not have melted the steel frames of the buildings that quickly nor made the buildings fall in the way they did. As for those who lost their lives, in times of war or when 9-11-2015objectives can be met through tragedy, innocent people are often seen as “necessary collateral“.

Then there is the “coincidence” of the 20 dollar bill, when folded like an airplane, which shows the corporate names of the planes that hit the towers in New York and showing both the towers and the Pentagon on fire. Coincidence or did someone know what was going to happen, thus encoding it into the $20 bill? It’s odd that we do not hear any of this on the news and whereas our government said they didn’t know about it in advance, right away they suddenly said it was Osama Bin Laden. The United States finally went after and killed Bin Laden (again) under the Obama administration, even though years earlier the former Prime Minister of Pakistan said Bin Laden had already been killed before Obama even became President. Hmmm. Mysteriously and ironically, the former Prime Minister was killed not too long after she made such statements. Hmmm.

Check out the link below and watch the videos please:


https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=miilittary+sgt+exposes+911 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puNrdtUiTZ8

https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Jesse+Ventura+interviews+911+pentagon+sgt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Czk3iNZnhoU

Then there was the issue of the Pentagon. An African American female Sgt. who worked in the Pentagon was interviewed by former Governor Jesse Venture. The Sgt. stated that she walked out through the hole supposedly left by the plane that crashed into the Pentagon. She further stated she saw no plane parts and no bodies. The video of her interview seems to have disappeared from the web but I recorded it a while back before it disappeared. After the supposed crash of the 757 into the Pentagon, photos showed books, computer monitors etc. in the hole that were neither burnt nor even damaged.

As for the hole made in the Pentagon allegedly by the huge 757, several experts have stated the size of the hole in the Pentagon was not consistent with the size or wing span of the plane that supposedly hit the building. No photos, satellite or otherwise, seemed to show parts of a plain that supposedly hit the Pentagon. No photos of such a 757 entering the most secure airspace in the world (Washington D.C.) and no intercepts from military fighter jets. Even in the movie White House Down, fighter jets engaged an authorized plane entering Washington D.C. airspace. So are we to believe nobody did anything in the country with the most technologically advanced weaponry on the planet?

Indirect and implied links between Saddam Hussein and 911 were raised by various U.S. government officials. There was no apparent evidence that Saddam Hussein and Iraq was directly involved with 9/11, but the United States went to war against Iraq anyway and declared that a war had been declared on our country. Iraq was at the cost of thousands of lives of both Iraqi soldiers and U.S. citizens and weapons of mass destruction were never found. Yet Saddam Hussein was handed to the new Iraqi puppet government by our soldiers then executed. Ironically, our government continued to do business with Saudi Arabia and buy oil from them, even though over half of the terrorists came from or through Saudi Arabia. Wow, we didn’t go to war against Saudi Arabia. And 911 was used as an excuse that gave our country the Department of Homeland Security and the Patriot Act then later the National Defense Authorization Act.

WOULD THIS COUNTRY DO SUCH A THING? Click the link below, download the pdf and see. https://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl#q=operation+northwoods+pdf

Was the gain worth the loss of 2 or 3,000 lives? To answer that question, I would have to ask another question and let you come to your own conclusion. Was it worth the lives of over 200,000 Japanese civilians burning to over 2,000 degrees in less than a minute in order to end World War II with Japan? Apparently our government thought it was.

If you think your country would not allow such a tragedies as 9/11 to happen, you do not know the history of this country. Fact: The United States violated United Nations guidelines and used incinerary devices to kill over 200,000 civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II. Fact: The United States intentionally gave syphilis to African American men at Tuskegee. Fact: If you go to our governments patent and trademark website (www.uspto.gov), click “patent search” then scroll down and click “patent number search“, then enter 5676977, you will find that there has been a patented cure for AIDS for a decades that our government knew about. And the lost of what has been done to our citizens or allowed goes on and on. I hate to burst your bubble of nice illusions about this country, but these are the facts.

Click the links below to see for yourself actions taken by the FBI in the past against the Black Panthers, Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil Rights Movement and the Nation of Islam. The program was called COINTELPRO and the links you will see below come directly from the FBI website vault.



So as we remember and honor all those who lost their lives on 9/11, we must remember to put our thinking caps on and to ask if 9/11 had to happen. It is easier to call all of this conspiracy theory instead of swallowing the pill of truth. But denial does not change the facts. Watch the video evidence for yourself. Listen to the dozens and dozens of scientists, demolition specialists, engineers, environmental specialists, former military personnel, investigators and other experts. Look at the photos of the Pentagon and the towers in New York, the heat of burning jet fuel and the controlled implosions. Then wake up and realize what many of us have known all along.

Staff Writer; Marque-Anthony

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