(ThyBlackMan.com) Yes I am going to tell you how to fix the “black” community. It is not hard but too many of our people are simply unwilling to put forth the effort. This is largely because of two things – (1) slave programming and (2) ambivalence.
Let’s talk about slave programming first. If you have never read the plan outlined by Willie Lynche, you should. And whether he existed or not, the dangerous and damaging ideology of Willie Lynche clearly did and does. Slave programming keeps us divided, keeps us distracted and keeps us in denial. If we cannot unify, we have no strength in numbers, no unified economic power and the divide and conquer strategy works well against us. When our groups do come together, they are too concerned about who will be in charge, who will get the credit and who will get the money. This is even true in our churches and the power struggles are both immature and unproductive. The fruitless efforts to unify when we have been programmed to divide are a distraction.
African Americans become further distracted by waiting on someone else to help us when we should be helping ourselves. We wait on the government, we wait on food stamps to hit, we wait on a new President to rescue us, we even say we are waiting on God – anything to avoid stepping up and handling our business. Distraction then leads our people into a state of denial. We hide depression by smoking it away with marijuana. We buy flashy cars with fat car notes so we can pretend we feel good about ourselves. Our women buy hair like they buy tissue and our men bounce from woman to woman because they are afraid of real commitment when they have been programmed right out of it. A lack of knowledge of our history is a lack of knowledge of self.
Our people accept and support negative words and images of us because too many of our people see themselves as “niggers, niggas (saggin spelled backwards), players, divas and hoes“. Then our people brag about it and celebrate many of these terms and flock to condescending concerts and movies that objectify our women and emasculate our men. Thanks alot Jay-Z, Nikki Minaj, Kanye West, Rihanna, Snoop Dog, Will Smith, Tyler Perry, Jamie Foxx, Martin Lawrence, Terrence Howard, Taraji P. Henson and others for helping our people to make ignorance popular, the racist oppressor to further oppress us, the police to profile us and the government to build justifications to exterminate us (Eugenics).
Is it any wonder that “black on black crime” is so high while we sit and watch and Empire of rappers, thugs, murderers and women with issues? And it is no coincidence that while our people are listening to passive music on FM, the Caucasian community is teaching their people about finances, relationships, health, safety, politics, entrepreneurship and victory on the AM stations. We are being dumbed down willingly, cluelessly and fighting to keep it coming. I could prove it to you by showing you mind control devices, subliminal messages that influence your subconscious and frequencies that access your brain, but that’s another article for another time.
So let’s get to the solutions. It is not a quick process, but we can move a lot faster than we have been moving in the last 20 years. And either you are a part of the solution or you are a part of the problem. The first thing we have to do is realize that our people have been brainwashed. Next we have to expose what and who has done this. Then we must stop the sources that keep the brainwashing in place. We have to feed our intellect, not our entertainment craving portion of our brains because whatever we feed more becomes stronger.
We can fix the clock, not turn it back. Next, we must reclaim the right to define ourselves. WE ARE NOT BLACK. Black is the color of our car tires, not the color of our skin – and that is a fact. Africans define themselves by tribe and geographic area, not by color. In fact, Haitians, Jamaicans, Asians, Hispanics and Native Americans all define themselves – and not by color. Next we have to sop walking in denial and be accountable for our own actions. Blaming other people or groups will never help us fix anything – though sometimes they are at fault. And we can no longer wait on nor depend on anyone but us and our people.
Next we have to concentrate our dollars into a unified collaborative that will give us leverage to negotiate products and services while owning the businesses in our own communities. Money does talk but what has our money said when others come into our community and get it? Our people should at least own the gas stations, hair stores, franchises and grocery stores where we shop. But we are too busy making every other ethnic group rich and foolishly fighting for our right to do it. We must support our businesses and our businesses must do good business.
As for education, everybody should be held accountable – teachers, students, administrators, parents etc. We can start by being parents again and knowing where our kids are (Trayvon Martin) instead of being our kid’s best friends. Our kids will then be less likely to encounter sociopathic lunatics on a mission like Zimmerman. We can learn the laws and learn to use them in our favor, including in dealing with police and traffic stops. We have to participate in the schools that our children attend and check homework. We have to wake up and put the freakin weed down because we have no time to chill out. We can run for local office or hold our local leaders accountable.
We have to be accountable to each other and our communities. We have to wake up our churches instead of just feeding the pastor’s agenda and paying for jets. Too many parents in our communities want the schools to raise our children and the police to discipline them. But parents wake up and be parents. In the Atlanta Public Schools cheating scandal, the courts, the community and the parents blamed the teachers. But we should have held the parents even more accountable for the success of the children.
Our people have been programmed NOT to work together. Jealousy and envy, suspicion, backstabbing and treachery have to be dealt with by our people and erased out of our communities. You have to care because we are connected together, even if many of us do not realize that we are. Therefore what some of us do ultimately affects the others. This is not the time for self-seeking agendas because you and I can never be as successful alone as we can with our people dedicated and behind us.
Once we gain momentum in the right direction, the habits, trends, thinking and behavior in our communities will change from self-sabotaging to productive. But if we don’t wake up and realize these things, no other group, agency or ethnicity will believe that African American lives matter.
Staff Writer; Marque-Anthony
Fantastic Marque Anthony! I am a people’s person. To paraphrase Zig Ziglar “we can have everything in life we want if we will just help enough other people get what they want”.
Interesting point, well made and accurate hoodgirl. That being said, I am a de-programmer.
Anyone trying to reach and sustain success must engage in continuous personal development because we are overly exposed to negative stimuli from the time we enter this world. That’s why deprogramming is essential to building self confidence to acquire the right attitude which leads to winning the game of life regardless of one’s ethnicity.
Generalities! Generalities! Generalities! The Problem of Black Unemployment and Economic Independence Is A Now Problem!
Still You Persist In Generalities. Use Your Platform And Your Intellect To Honestly Promote A Fix Or Join Someone And Promote Their Fix.
If you write articles to see how many “likes” you get, it is you who is the charlatan that I referred to in my original comments. You said, “And while you made these comments, dozens of other people liked this article.” You should write a disclaimer at the beginning of each one of your articles saying that you are writing for “likes” so no one takes your articles seriously. Folks who are looking for serious discourse in regard to the trials of African Americans will than respond appropriately to your pieces.
When it comes to resolving our issues; likes, and tweets ultimately carry about as much weight as an empty checking account at the first of the month when the rent is due! The actual measurement of success when it comes to resolving the critical issues of our day is not how many followers, tweets, and favorites you accumulate with a given piece. The true measurement of success is whether you helped in some way to unify our community to act upon a plan that will bring an end to the high rate of black unemployment, black on black crime and usher in black economic independence. It most obvious if you have an ounce of common sense that you can’t do to this with generalities.
When you say, “There are good blueprints to follow like Black Wall Street from 1920 Tulsa, Oklahoma,” you come off as appearing to be dismissive of the dire situation of many in our community today who find themselves being victimized by this oppressive economic system. I am not going to get into a back and forth conversation with you. I simply wanted to call your attention to what you are doing. We are in a war; some of us are on the front lines. There are others like yourselves who have yet to be engaged. I think it would be an indictment of the integrity of the brothers and sisters like myself who take our dilemma seriously, when historians look back and see we tolerated frivolity on the behalf of some when we encountered it, concerning this fight, without saying anything. Therefore, I spoke.
You see my dear friend, there is a bit of urgency about this economic fight we are in as we once again see the black unemployment rate beginning to rise.
To James Davis,
To you, these are generalities. But to others, this article is a starting point. And while you made these comments, dozens of other people liked this article. As for being more specific, do you really think all that can be done in one article? Obviously you have not read the dozens of other articles I have written on this site that also attack the problems and offer real solutions.
Ironically, I know all about the Federal Reserve and I was just in Jekyll Island weeks ago. But just because you know some things that others may not, that does not mean they can move at your pace – or you at theirs. Our mental and economic independence is a process that begins with de=programming our people from the slave mindset and increasing awareness that so many of our people have been programmed in the first place.
I can answer the questions you asked but that takes seminars and workshops of training (which I do offer), not just one article. But clearly this article gets the ball rolling for a lot of people. If you want a systematic, elaborative approach by the numbers, are you ready to implement it? And what are you doing to help right now?
There are good blueprints to follow like Black Wallstreet from 1920 Tulsa, Oklahoma. If you are ready to carry out a solid plan, then email me at brainstormonline@yahoo.com. But also be ready to tell me what you are doing now to combat the problems. If de-programming does not come first (as this article helps to do), many people will not hear anything else that is spoken or written.
Generalities! Generalities! Generalities!
There is a real need to shine light into this area; however, we must get away from generalities when we speak about remedies. You said, “Next we have to concentrate our dollars into a unified collaborative that will give us leverage to negotiate products and services while owning the businesses in our own communities. Money does talk but what has our money said when others come into our community and get it? Our people should at least own the gas stations, hair stores, franchises and grocery stores where we shop.” I have some questions – can you “help to understand your fix.”
1) What specific “collaborative are you referring to – how does it look on paper – who are the specific participants in this collaborative? Where does one apply?!
2) Leverage with what, whom and who is specifically going to be doing the leveraging and negotiating – will these folks have a certain meeting place and time? Can I directly get involve?!
3) Who comes into our community and how do they get our money specifically. Once knowing this; how do you specifically intend to stop it?
4) How will “our people” specifically come to own these businesses – are they going to build them or are they going to buy them – tell me how – I want to know. Where will they get seed capital or risk capital?
I do not ask these questions in a disparaging way because I know you are a gifted writer and a dedicated soldier in our war for economic freedom. However, come September 16th-17th , the Federal Reserve Bank through the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) may raise interest rates causing an already high black unemployment rate to increase from 9.5 percent. It is a real possibility many blacks will start losing their jobs. That brother or sister or bread winner for his family would rather see you stop generalizing and get more specific about how he or she is going overcome this new economic downturn. We have to start talking in specifics, if there is any hope of convincing reluctant black leaders to draft legislation that will lead to solutions. That is all I am saying! They have to know what to write! Look, we are in a crisis here, as we are literally being tore apart economically as a race. This is no fantasy. This is really, what is happening on the ground in cities across this country. I respect your intellect brother. I do not know about your community but black on black crime is increasing in many communities. We who have been intellectually gifted and can see the needs of our people really need to come together and agree on talking about specific solutions. In addition, we need to support those specific solutions that have promise. In this way, we drown out and fight the charlatans, who waste our time and misdirect our good efforts and intentions in this endeavor.
Excellent article!! Very candid, insightful and hard-hitting on the woes and solutions to help the black community. I’ve long shared these views. It seems as if the “brainwashing” and “dumbing-down” has gain many converts. But you’re right on its not going to be easy. Yet necessary changes for our survival. Please keep writing articles of this type! “How to Fix the ‘Black’ Community.”