(ThyBlackMan.com) As a former detective, executive protection agent and crime prevention specialist, I have the solutions to stop the killings of unarmed black people. Though they are complex, the solutions are not nearly as complicated as you might think. The problem is that the system that empowers rogue officers and rogue officers themselves know the African American community is not unified with solid strategies to attack the core of the problem. A dozen groups going in 2 dozen different directions will never fix the problem. They know that but all of the groups out here trying to attack the problem don’t get it. Fragmented, unreasonable, unattainable or violent and unlawful solutions will not fix the problem. That includes demands that will never be met such as the demand by Black Lives Matter for our government to get rid of the military industrial complex. Really guys?
The other problem is that there are too many factions in our community who do not know how to fight. They would throw a rock when the adversary has a gun. They would riot when that’s exactly what the adversary wants us to do. They would retaliate by shooting a police officer and thus usher in the next phase of open season on African Americans. DON’T SHOOT POLICE OFFICERS! The adversary is counting on us to react with emotion and the anger that shuts down intellect. Once that happens, the tactical, strategic, legal approach we need to have in place will never happen. Why not? Because the anger bandwagon will spread through our community and infect the minds of our people with the wrong approach – an approach the adversary is both prepared for and counting on.
Click this link and please read President Obama’s Executive Order 13603 signed quietly in 2012. http://www.independentsentinel.com/executive-order-1360/Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
Executive Order 13603 from the White House Website  https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2012/03/16/executive-order-national-defense-resources-preparedness
If the devil wants you to go to the left, whether it violates your rights or not (Sandra Bland), you do everything in your power to go to the right. You do not go head to head (Eric Garner) whereby you place yourself in the very trap that was set for you in the first place. You do not help someone annihilate you Samuel Dubose. These comments are not to exonerate the officers at all. But instead of listening to what I am saying, several black people would rather call me coon, say I am bowing down, counterfeit my name on websites and fake comments I did not make. Those people, like the racist police officers, are also our problem.
The people I speak of are angry anarchists who want to do things their way and adhere to nothing. Some of them may even be planted as saboteurs. They want to complain but offer no real solutions. And because anger is contagious, far too many of our people listen to these fools. They are the black people the slave master is counting on to keep us divided, attacking each other and in denial of how to attack, who or what to attack and how fix the problem at the root.
We are out-manned, out-gunned and up against a terminator machine with many moving parts. We are not fighting officers, we are fighting the system, laws, policies and procedures that empowered them. The Bible says we do NOT wrestle against flesh and blood. Or do we only quote that on Sunday? Still black people want to throw bottles, tear up their own neighborhoods, jump in the mouth of the wolf, grab him by the gums and then scream bloody murder.
Too many black people want to kill each other at 10 times the rate white police officers are killing us then attack the statistics instead of the problem. We have to stop taking the bait – the division, the diversions and the distractions. We have to wake up from the coma of denial and realize they are only doing to us what we are doing to ourselves. But their slave programming is blocking many of our people who don’t see what is really happening.
By now some of the readers are steaming. But if you are going to spout insults, spread mindless anger and offer no real solutions, don’t even bother to comment on this article. And don’t fake my comments as some have done in my previous articles.
Black people need to turn off the freakin game, put down the weed that is clouding minds and pick up a book on constitutional rights or the art of war. We say we know knowledge is power but too many black people would rather play Xbox, smoke weed, wear saggin pants, shoot each other, fill up the jails, make excuses then blame the white man for holding us down, keep us back or killing us off. And before some of you think I am agreeing with the psycho cops who have murdered African Americans, know that I am not. But defiance when you are sure to lose is foolishness.
I am a strategist and I overstand the war that has long since been declared against us – the systematic, institutional, militaristic, covert and overt battle they set up to destroy us. But what most of you fail to realize is that their plan included using as many of us against us as possible – and it’s working because our people want to keep walking in denial about our personal responsibility to each other and our accountability to the African American community. Read and study THE ART OF WAR by Tsun Soo.
We keep saying black lives matter while the powers that be sit by and watch over 90% of the crimes against African Americans being committed BY AFRICAN AMERICANS.
I cannot divulge the strategies I want to share because the wrong people could hear them. But know this, there is more you can get accomplished legally, lawfully, politically, economically, sociologically and spiritually than you could ever accomplish through violence. They have gotten us to fight each other but did you ever think about using their strategies as a guide? That is all I will say about that for now, but if you are ready to win, contact me at brainstormonline@yahoo.com. Yet be careful because opportunists latching on to the movement are there only to advance their own personal agendas. And double agents are everywhere. No I am not one. If I were, I would not be writing this article.
I recently took a thorough look at the Black Lives Matter website and I was disappointed but not surprised. Angry people trying to attack the problem the best way they know how – yet without tactical strategy. And if the government is taking names, which likely they are, the same people who think they are fighting the power are actually feeding the power. Stop feeding the wolf that is preparing to devour you. If you are on Facebook, do you know who they report to? And many of you are handing them a neat little profile of your habits, friends and contacts. Oh it goes even deeper. Look up the King Alfred Plan or REX 84. Try googling the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) signed by President Obama and read what they can now do. And yet some of our people still want to throw rocks at a tank. Wow.
Your internet habits are being watched. Click below and see for yourself. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/atandt-helped-nsa-spy-on-an-array-of-internet-traffic/ar-BBlM9NE?ocid=iehp
Our solutions begin with how we treat each other. If black people don’t stop buying illegal street weed, stop selling poison to our children, stop allowing little Muky to hide stolen electronics in our homes, stop driving with a fake tag, make our children pull their pants up and go to school, carry ourselves like black lives matter and stop committing crimes against the black community – we will continue to say black lives matter on one side of the coin and show that they don’t on the other side.
The African American who knows his rights, knows the law, the power of the pen and how to use them all to protect himself is far more dangerous than a black man with a rock, a bottle or a gun!
I recently wrote an article on ThyBlackMan entitled Black On Black Crime. But it was not nearly as popular as other articles written by angry black people with no real solutions. I created and offered a Free Ebook on Police Brutality but not nearly enough people emailed me for a copy of it. Article after article, seminar after seminar, Ebook after Ebook full of solutions. But our people would rather complain and throw rocks and bottles. WAKE UP!
There are several events around this country claiming that black lives matter. But how many are collaborating with each other? Your adversary knows united we stand and divided we fall. So he stands by and lets us think all these little groups that won’t come together can really stand against his armies of darkness. Your adversary laughs because we are saying black lives matter but our crime rates against each other are saying they don’t. Unity is part of the solution. Knowledge of the law is part of the solution. Coming out of denial is part of the solution. Boycotts and the strategic use or withholding of the “black dollar” are part of the solution. Voting is part of the solution. Getting my free Ebook on police brutality and sharing it with everyone you know is part of the solution. Send your request to brainstormonline@yahoo.com .
Leaning on your city council, Mayor and congressmen are parts of the solution. The church is part of the solution, if it would remember to be the lion instead of fleecing the flock and leading the lambs to the slaughter. Our people holding our people accountable for our behavior sets a new tone of what we will and won’t tolerate from anybody. Therefore accountability for everybody is part of the solution.
An eye for an eye is not the solution and we will run out of eyes before they run out of bullets. Then what? Especially when people are not trained, armed or unified to fight. We still have plenty of peaceful and lawful solutions. And those who say we do not are only those who won’t take the time to learn them. The Bible says we should count the costs before we start something because we might not be able to finish it. Therefore we must respond with intellect instead of simply reacting out of emotion. It’s like a martial arts tournament. If your opponent can get you upset and attacking blindly in anger while he outthinks you, he will win.
Remember Martin Luther King Jr. and the impact his solutions had around the world, even to this day. Remember Medgar Evers and Frederick Douglass. We cannot dare say their approaches were ineffective. Today we have people just as clever, just as articulate and just as charismatic. Plus we have the internet and social media, when used for more than entertainment. We can stop the genocide but we must first stop it from within then use the power of legal, lawful solutions to work for us. The only way you are likely to win a battle, such as when playing chess, it to know the rules just as well as your opponent but learn to use them better. To quote a famous actor, the sh… chess, it ain’t checkers” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jW4zXiZh6p8 1:46 mark ).
Need more solutions for stopping the killing? Prayer is part of the solution. Marches, protests and rallies are parts of the solution. Pressing the courts and juries to indict murderous officers is a part of the solution. Articles, meetings and seminars like the ones I conduct on Surviving A Police Encounter or Knowing Your Rights are all parts of the solution. Petitions and lawsuits are parts of the solution. Media attention and videotaping ever incident you see are parts of the solution. All of these solutions must be implemented simultaneously. But if you do nothing, jump in the mouth of the wolf or walk in denial, you are not part of the solution because you are part of the problem. So what will it be?
Staff Writer; Marque-Anthony
TheBlackMan.com reporter, editor, and CEO should be charged with Inciting a Riot. These people are interested in only one thing: Getting idiots to watch.
BTW In 1986 Larry Davis gunned down 6 officers from the NYPD after they broke in to his house unlawfully and tried to kill him. 2 years later, a New York jury acquitted him, finding that he was justified in shooting all 6 officers. I’d rather be judged by 12 then carried by 6. R.I.P. to those who lost their lives to this police brutality madness. I will not make the victims the ones to blame for getting killed unarmed.
Now you are changing your tone because of me. Good job buddy. You should of wrote this article in the first place instead of cooning the whole time and spreading lies about the hardworking brothers and sisters like to Peacekeepers of Chicago working against black on black crime. Im glad in this article the idiotic line” Where are the marches , rallies, riots for black on black crime”. The movie ” Straight Outta Compton ” was very powerful because it showed how easily you can get caught up in police brutality. Just walking or standing on the corner. In those cases, we are not even given a chance to mouth off or comply. We are brutalized, beat up or shot for no reason at all. And please stop saying Eric Garner resisted the tape clearly shows otherwise. All your suggestions are a start. Not the final solution. Are next focus is changing the bogus laws by voting out the politicians who make them. Getting these rogue cops out by setting up a system that does not reward them but ostracizes and criminalize them.Also educating our kids on the system that is set up against them. Next is group economics. After that is getting rid of the coons. If that doesnt work then what. Redo the strategies we have been employing since the end of slavery. If it doesnt work then shooting those who are going to eventually kill us will be the only thing we haven’t tried yet. Maybe it will work Maybe not. After all these nonviolent solutions. It might be worth a try.