Hillary Clinton And The Immoral Democratic Party: Have We Traded In Our Morality.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) We African Americans are faced with a dilemma. Most of our people (who vote) are dead set on voting for a democrat, no matter what. Such an action is based on the belief that the democrats are for African Americans and the republicans are not. But that’s not absolutely true and we would be wise to know why. There is a reason Martin Luther King Jr. was a republican. There is a reason Frederick Douglass was a republican. And as a man who was inside the democratic party on the delegate floor, I can say unequivocally that the democratic party is not as much for us as you might think. They have fed us that rumor because they simply want to win – and to win by getting the vote the republicans are not like to get. The black vote.

Most African Americans over 40 may not be republicans, but we are likely social conservatives. We believe in heterosexual marriage, managing our own money, limited government and so on. And thus while I am not a republican, because I vote for the most qualified person, I am definitely a conservative. Unfortunately, because many of our people never find out what conservative beliefs actually are, they are quick to say they are not one because they also believe to be conservative is to automatically be a republican. But that is not always true either.

The democratic party in the deep south was the party filled with people who owned slaves. Just as the descendants of slaves inherited many of the slave master’s last names, so did they inherit the slave master’s political party – ironically right in the middle of the racist south. Today, many of our people vote based on who they like and/or what color the person is instead of voting for those who echo their moral beliefs. And when they handed us a team player Trojanafrican-americans-hillaryclinton-2015 horse who looked like us, our people jumped on the bandwagon without checking the record. Those who run the democratic party knew we would do just that. And the democratic party is the party that caters to people who have gone astray.

Henceforth comes Hillary Clinton. Recently Hillary was awarded the Margaret Sanger award. And Hillary supports Planned Parenthood, the biggest promoter of the killing of unborn children in this country. Sure they run nice promotional ads and offer other services, but they push abortion and that is reducing our numbers in the African American community. Are you kidding me? Margaret Sanger was a follower of Hitler’s philosophy on the creation of the master race and the subjugation, reduction or annihilation of races that were not – including us. Sanger strategically placed Planned Parenthood in the African American community first and foremost, made the propaganda sound like they were there to help and helped to wipe out as many African American children as possible. In that way, she was the genocidal female version of Hitler himself, yet our women took the bait and drank the Kool-Aid down to the bottom.

Planned Parenthood, which Hillary Clinton publicly supports, has recently been caught admitting and even bragging that they are selling the body parts of aborted babies for huge profits and allowing babies to be partially delivered before they are killed and dismembered to be sold.

Right about now many of you are preparing to debate me on this issue and on my article. But before you do, stop and ask yourself if our people have traded their morality for promises of prosperity. Ask yourself who has pushed entitlement programs into our communities under the false flag that they help our people. Entitlement programs like welfare, food stamps, Section 8 and WIC exert even more government control over what you eat, where you live, what you give your children and how much money you make. It only appears that the female comes out “better” when the male is not in the home and entitlement programs covertly promote just that. But because they offer free stuff, most of our people take the bait yet again and the poison fruit punch Kool-Aid tastes even sweeter.

We are still set on what Bill Clinton did for black people and sadly, that may cause Hillary to win. But how important are your morals and are you willing to sacrifice your value system? The democratic party is so comfortable with immorality and sin that the devil himself probably wants to be a democrat. I could present enough proof to make your head spin, but many of you would just challenge the research, react as if I am a traitor (though I know the truth) or ignore the facts altogether. So I will let you do the research. Try googling phrases like “the truth about the democratic party”.

The democratic party goes after groups they know the republican party will never get. They acquire the support of these groups by telling them exactly what they want to hear. And democratic leaders like Hillary and President Obama are masters of the spin game. To the homosexuals, they support homosexuality. To the African Americans, they promote African Americans. To the illegal aliens, they say it’s o.k. to be here illegally. To the bird watchers, they love birds. To the fish in the sea, they don’t fish. To the lion, they love lions. To Planned Parenthood, they support it – even though Planned Parenthood has been exposed for selling body parts of the murdered unborn children for profit.

It’s time for our people to wake up and return to our morality as well as our spiritual foundations. Our people claim to love God but we then turn around and support those leaders who condone the unthinkable, accept the ungodly and trick the uninformed. Before you vote (or encourage anyone else to), find out what the candidate stands for and research his or her track record. Because what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?

Staff Writer; Marque-Anthony