(ThyBlackMan.com) Just as there are organisms and super organisms, for example ants and ant colonies, there is ultimately a single over-arching super organism, the interconnected whole that is all life on planet earth. No matter what we do we cannot destroy the earth, but we can certainly render it uninhabitable, which seems to be the path we are embarked upon. What can we do to reverse course and preserve humanity in perpetuity?

Staff Writer; Arthur Lewin
This talented author has just published a NEW book which is entitled; AFRICA is not A COUNTRY!.
For more articles written by this talented brother click on the following link; https://thyblackman.com/?s=lewin.
Back again with your self hate. What did blacks do to you to make you so hateful. You need some real knowledge of self, brother. You need to go to the Mosque or somethin. The majority of blacks dont act the way you are portraying. Some do. This man wrote the article with a positive perspective and message. We are the original people indigenous to the earth so you would believe the European Jew is the Chosen People before us? Condemn the Jew every time he says that, but no i dont see you on any Zionist websites. You will see me . Im not afraid to tell them they are not the chosen people. We Are . It was prophesy in the Bible. You are a hater of self and you will never be right until you get that hate out your heart. Remember what Denzel told Ray Allen in He Got Game “Get That Hate Out Your Heart Boy”
why the negative tone anthony? capitalism and reigions are much worse off then the black man. another self critizing fake pan africanist conservative scumbag….takimg the police over sandra bland… your overfocusing on blacks is your thesis statement in being an uncle rukus like coon. i pray to your white jesus you have cardiac arrest…. you will be held to account by our ancestors insignificant spec. hail yawoeh! hail g_d!
Do the chosen people kill each other at an alarming rate? Do the chosen people walk in denial of our problems? Are the chosen people trashy like Nikki Minaj? Do the chosen people avoid personal responsibility? Do the chosen people have abortions like they change shoes? Are the chosen people more concerned with who won the game than the election? Do the chosen people fill their heads with weed laced with rat poison and embalming fluid? Do the chosen people sew in weave and try to look like Europeans?
CHOSEN PEOPLE? YEAH RIGHT. Maybe some of our people, but not most of them