(ThyBlackMan.com) They are Jesse Jacksonizing Donald Trump. Every reporter that covers his story is always sure to say that he can’t win the nomination. Is that so? Isn’t he leading by a wide margin against 15 other candidates, each commanding but a sliver of support? They did the same thing to Jesse Jackson. Every time his name came up, back in 1984 and 1988, there always came the mantra, “Jesse Jackson is unelectable.” I don’t think that word even existed before Jesse Jackson ran for president. It is one thing to write an opinion piece, to editorialize about the news, but to report the news and simultaneously editorialize, is mixing apples and oranges.

Staff Writer; Arthur Lewin
This talented author has just published a NEW book which is entitled; AFRICA is not A COUNTRY!.
For more articles written by this talented brother click on the following link; https://thyblackman.com/?s=lewin.
I like a man who speaks his mind, even if I don’t like what he is saying.
In the winter of 1983 Jesse Jackson traveled to Syria and won the release of a Black American pilot who was shot down in Lebanon during the course of a protracted military engagement in that country. In so doing, he opened up negotiations that would enable the US to successfully withdraw its forces.
Also, it just happened the pilot, a Lieutenant Goodman, was from New Hampshire. Both these facts propelled Jesse Jackson to the top of the polls and he was scheduled to win the first in the nation New Hampshire primary.
However, on the eve of the New Hampshire primary a Black reporter from the Washington post reported that in a conversation that he had had months before with Jesse Jackson, a conversation that both men agreed was off the record, Jackson used an ethnic slur in discussing why he was unlikely to win the New York primary.
This was used as the initial tool to begin hammering away at Jesse Jackson’s support. Despite the fact that what the reporter did was a breach of ethics, he was rewarded by being made the managing editor of the Washington Post.
Cicero, let me know if you would like me to go into detail regarding anything else in the article or with regard to anything I have said in the above reply. Thank you.
LMAO @ the writer… Your youth speaks volumes. Jesse Jackson got in Hot water when they couldn’t get him to sell out his own (fharrakhan) and he said something about Ashekenazi Jews (or German Jews). Thats what I remember…after those comments the media had enough ammo…and down goes Frazier.
Jackson gained popularity based on merit. What doomed him was the proverbial foot in the mouth…. but hasn’t of yet doomed TRUMP.
Trump alienates a population thats 20% + of america (spanish/latin) Nothing happens poll numbers go up…. Jesse alienated a population thats 5% (jew) and boom he’s out the race.
Apparently its not what you do….but who you do it to
case and point: Now writing a clickbait article is cool until its read by someone with half a brain and then your authorship is questioned…
Politics ain’t cut and dry…. No link between the two men at all…nope they are men so I guess in your view they are alike and they are politicians…
ROSS PEROT would have been the slam dunk… I’ve seen this show before with a wacky billionaire … idk where you get the Jesse Connection from …ayayaya!
If Trump doesn’t get the Nomination it would have more to do with the fact he treads his own water, doesn’t seem like the type who would be a puppet but also I couldn’t see him being very diplomatic, you hate to have him as a dictator just ask the creditors… apparently …
but like most politicians they get amnesia once elected.
Donald Trump brought everything on himself. He is an arrogant noise maker who will never get the Republican nomination. He is not personable nor charismatic. And with international problems such as Russia, Iran and ISIS, our country cannot afford to have such an obnoxious, abrasive President.
America is faced with enemies who will not be bullied. They are prepared to die, expecting to die and desiring to take us with them. The next President must have tact, diplomacy and discretion. He or she must build bridges, not walls, even with our would be enemies.
Trump is a businessman but the presidency takes a different skillset. And he does not appear to have it. He makes reckless and irresponsible statements. He will never be elected President. He isolates his own party, he is inconsistent – flipping from Democrat to Republican and thinking his money impresses everybody.