(ThyBlackMan.com) Let’s clear this up right now. If you are African American and you are stopped by the police do not behave as if you have rights equal to everyone else in this society.
A Black woman in Texas was pulled over for not signalling as she changed lanes. When the policeman who stopped her asked, “Would you mind putting out your cigarette, please,” she refused to do so. She was then arrested, jailed and two days later found dead in her cell.
Her name is Sandra Bland, look up the discussion of this case on the internet. You will find that a number of individuals with high status in the criminal justice system feel that the officer did not break any laws, and huge swaths of the public are in agreement.

Any rational person knows that a police officer cannot lawfully arrest someone for not putting out their cigarette when sitting in their own car. Therefore, as evidenced by the discussion of this case on the internet, many officers, and those who supervise them, are not thinking in a rational manner, and neither is much of the public.
Therefore, if you are African American, and you act like you have the full rights accorded to all American citizens, you are making a grave mistake.
Yes, this situation must be changed, but in the interim please make sure that you are still with us to engage in the struggle. Thank you.
Staff Writer; Arthur Lewin
This talented author has just published a NEW book which is entitled; AFRICA is not A COUNTRY!.
For more articles written by this talented brother click on the following link; https://thyblackman.com/?s=lewin.
There is a difference between: acting polite, complying with instructions, and giving law enforcement officers the respect they should be given; and acting like a ‘second class citizen’ … we are NOT second class citizens, and should not take on that mantle just to pacify a cop. In fact, no one should be a second class citizen. We are all AMERICANS and are CITIZENS the same as any other.
That said, there are times when our mouths overload our butts. We do need to learn when to chill, and learn how to pick our battles. We also need to learn how to conduct ourselves in public and not continue to do things that draw negative attention to ourselves (and young guys, please pull up your pants!).
I am not excusing the law enforcement officers that do abuse their authority or giving them a pass. They are just thugs with badges, and are like any other thug, they just think they can beat on anyone they choose and use their badge to try to get away with it.
Sen. Bernie Sanders has just this week issued a statement about police abuse, and the Sandra Bland case in particular after the dashcam video was released. While the evidence does support the fact that Ms. Bland acted out like a fool and would probably still be alive today had she controlled herself, the point Sen. Sanders makes is valid.
If you haven’t read Sen. Sanders’ comment yet, I will quote him here: “This video of the arrest of Sandra Bland shows totally outrageous police behavior. No one should be yanked from her car, thrown to the ground, assaulted and arrested for a minor traffic stop. The result is that three days later she is dead in her jail cell. This video highlights once again why we need real police reform. People should not die for a minor traffic infraction. This type of police abuse has become an all-too-common occurrence for people of color and it must stop.”
Equality and justice for all Americans. Bernie 2016.
Marque Anthony, I agree that if she had kept quiet and been polite she would have been on her way. And I said as much without being insulting.
But do you really believe that if she were a white woman, dressed in expensive clothes, and acted the way she did, she would have been treated the same way? You cannot believe that.
Yes, the law gives police great discretion so that they can act freely and use their judgment in tight situations. But many policeman exercise their discretion in a discriminatory manner. Those whom they feel are “beneath” them they treat one way, and those they feel are “equal” or “above” them, they treat another way.
In a just society, no one is above or below anyone. This is not a just society. And that is all I was pointing out. Black people are treated as second class citizens. And we had better realize this unless we are willing to risk our lives to prove a point. And should we find this realization intolerable, then let us work together to change things.
I am sorry about the death of Sandra Bland.
But as for the traffic stop, she should have complied with the trooper’s instructions. She should have not used profane, obscene language. SHE WAS GETTING A WWRITTEN WARNING WITH NO PENALTY AND NO FINE. Sometimes we just need to use wisdom and know when to be quiet.
We are not second class anything. But sometimes the uncontrolled anger our people display points to our thoughts that we are second class. Know your rights. Sandra Bland thought she did, but she did not. The article I have just written for this site will prove just that.
For a number of reasons, there are indications that Sandra Bland was unstable. She worked against herself in the encounter with the trooper. We cannot exonerate her actions on the side of the road. If we simply blame the trooper, we have learned nothing.
Bland thought she knew her rights but she in fact did not. As a former crime prevention instructor, I must say I am always telling our people to know your rights. But we would rather watch the game, play xbox, listen to music, go out or watch Nikki Minage.
I am an African American man and a former detective. To the writer of this article, your assessment is both incomplete and inaccurate. I suggest you request a copy of my article entitled The African American Woman’s Mouth and Sandra Bland to get more of the facts. You are reacting to a tiny part of the story. There is a reason she was politely asked to put out her cigarette and a possible reason she did not want to.
To get a copy of my article, email me at brainstormonline@yahoo.com
I am now an family and relationship counselor, mediator and life coach so I can see various aspects that are not being address by our community.
Interesting how the case has developed and now we have a Cell Mate who has just been released. Interesting Timing and just so happens she had a front row seat to Sandra Bland, she can tell you what Sandra was crying about, how she was “there to lend a ear” etc, etc, etc. Miss Alexandria even says she’s positive it was a suicide and the police weren’t involved.
What a Mole… So she comes off as all knowing of the details over the 3 day span Sandra was in jail, but as far as that short amount of time involving her death: Miss Alexandria knows nothing saw nothing and is now released from prison after 17days????? as usual smells fishy….smh
But I will not act like I am “second class”. I will continue to be a first class citizen an African in America.
Amazing how the Western World privilege considers itself 1st Class but how can that be with the way it views and treats other cultures and peoples….
jdean, that is exactly the point. We will never change the situation until we realize the situation. There are a thousand ways to change the system, boycotts for example being one. But we will do nothing at all until we admit the position we are in.
Yes lay down and bend over and say yes master may I have another beating. Yes massa .Its sad we have gotten so scared of this beast. But it is our fault we created them. Now we have to destroy what we created.. Elijah was right. He is the devil and we still are scared to confront him. So until we know this and act swiftly……….. we will be slaves…………..FOREVER
Peace Family, I always say born in America, don’t feel American. We must change out mind set in United Snakes of America, we must stop celebrating the holidaze, that don’t belongs to us. A REAL boycott, stop this marching, we must change. Stop us vs.us Loveself……Peace