Have Rwandans Learnt Anything From The Past: A Case Study Of ‘Cult Of Personality’.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) As Rwandan Refugees all over the world celebrate the World Refugee day,it is better to highlight why Rwandans cannot return home.

” The significant problems we face cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them. “-Albert Einstein.

Rwanda will never reach the real democracy if we don’t attack the root cause which is ‘CULT OF PERSONALITY’.

It has been said that the world is three days i.e., yesterday, today and tomorrow. And if you do not know yesterday, you won’t know what day today is and surely tomorrow will take you by surprise.
And General Ignatius Achempong of Ghana said:

‘’Anyone who has a quarrel with the past losses today and risks to lose the future as well.’’

The past, present and the future are entwined together such that one affects the other. We cannot make decisions or actions in life that are in one way or another that influence or affect the past, present or future. The future is something you mold with every move you make in the present. The future is very valuable to all of us because whatever we want to achieve in the future is usually defined by what happened in the past which dictates how we build our future that we dream of.

However, here is a warning: Those who fix their eyes on the past risk a severe collision with the future; those who only see the future can hit much too hard the speed bumps of today. Only those who fix their eyes on God can effectively negotiate the right pace of life.
A concerned citizen wrote some sticking words illustrating the truth that evil schemes cannot and will never succeed:

‘’There are few citizens in any given country of this universe whom God preserves to stand up to call a spade, a spade and sound the alarm when evil starts taking root and His people are taken for a ride.’’ (The Post 1st November 2002).


Over the past few months,Rwandans have been forced to petition to the Rwandan Legislature in support of the constitutional amendment.This is despite widespread international alarm against this unconstitutional move.

Rwanda has lived to see a series of tragic events,some allegedly planned and others beyond circumstances.In its strictest definition,democracy­­­ has been inalienated in the land of a thousand mountains for over four decades.

This is why it is not surprising to see how complacent ordinary Rwandans have become where the political future of their country is concerned.Their minds have been inculcated with a submissive mentality.In modern Rwanda,the State machinery is marred with political patronage,nepotism and some sources have indicated that Rwanda is on a verge of ‘kleptocracy’.

Why should Rwandans speak out?

“Personality cult”is defined as the excessive public admiration for or devotion to a famous person, especially a political leader.

This is what keeps bringing Rwanda aback.Ordinary Rwandans (Hutu or Tutsi) are meant to believe that only Paul Kagame can guarantee the future of Rwanda.He is praised for many things inter alia;

1. Economic transformation,

2. Peace,security and stability,

3. A Justice system that allows for true reconciliation(see Gacaca Courts),

4. A Growing Information And Communications Technology.Rwandans-2015

However,the philosophy behind a political success story should be to inspire,not to suppress dissent.

I will not dwelve too much into the veracity of the current strides Rwanda claims to have achieved but I will ask three questions to all supporters of Paul Kagame;

1. If Paul Kagame is as ‘sanctimonious’ as he claims to be or simply portrayed by his western cronies,what will he lose if he were to allow the law to take its course?

2. How is Rwanda going to identify other Leaders if they cannot be put to test?What precedent will this unconstitutional amendment of the constitution set for future leaders?

3. If Rwandans have learnt anything from the past,what has always been the source of our demise?

4. What are we teaching our youths?Does it mean that the whole country lacks a mature Leader to take after Paul Kagame?Are Rwandan adults irresponsible to this extent?

“Everything that is done in the world is done by hope.”-Martin Luther.

My dear brothers,I hope that one day you will be able to see Paul Kagame for the real person he is-a tyrant who uses a false account of history to sway public opinion in his favour.Until then,open your mind to different perspectives.Do not be fixated to the RPF propaganda, lest you learn nothing and regret when true change comes.

Staff Writer; Lionel Nishimwe

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