(ThyBlackMan.com) In this climate of NFL domestic battery and abuse, many wonder what kind of private apologies were extended to the wives/women by the professional athletes accused of such terrible acts! And how does an abusive man and those who’ve made mistakes actually go about saying “I’m Sorry” to the ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) There’s often a point as you are moving towards your vision when things just get hard. You get tired. The road is longer than you expected it to be, and you wonder if things will ever come together. And to be honest, you feel like giving up. In fact, ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Just when you thought Tyler Perry’s King of Coons crown was safe, here comes Steve Harvey to plant his soup coolers on Racist Paula Dean’s ass! Steve Harvey is on his way to COONSVILLE; and thumbing his nose at black folks along the way. Every time you black folks ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Our struggle as Black Americans has been well documented by numerous historians, theologians, scholars, journalist as well as our ancestors who were in the unfortunate position of being in the ultimate form of bondage. During this period atrocities such as, raping of our women, castrations, public lynching for “entertainment” and ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) ABC has a brand new hit show on Thursday nights called “How to Get Away With Murder.” The protagonist of this television show – portrayed by Academy Award nominated actress Viola Davis – is a noted defense attorney and college law professor. Democratic, Republican, and Independent candidates for public ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Six years ago I wrote the song, “American Tea Party Anthem” http://bit.ly/1D155uv and was asked to perform my song at rallies across America on a Tea Party Express national bus tour. Back then, I was not politically savvy; clueless about how all this political stuff worked; back room deals, ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Do hair extensions and weaves truly make a difference in the desirability in a woman? I really don’t think so. But read on and either applaud me or get severely pissed off ……. Some of you are not going to like me for this but I have to say ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Before I begin, I have a few questions. Do you think it’s a coincidence that the thug rapper is more likely to be promoted than the intelligent one? Do you wonder why brilliant artists like Dee-1 and Immortal Technique can have millions of fans and go several years without ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) The state of Missouri is once again in the news due to police violence against black males. And as a journalist I cannot be more pleased. Let me explain. On Wednesday October 8, 18 year old Vonderrit Myers Jr. was shot and killed by an off-duty St. Louis police ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) I was raised by my father (Gerald Smith),my aunt (Patricia Smith), and my Great Great Grandmother (Leatha Henson) after my mothers death in 1980. The benefit of being raised by a woman in her 80s’ was priceless. I gained a vast amount of morals,history,knowledge of self and wisdom that ...
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