(ThyBlackMan.com) Sound the Alarms!!!! Sound the alarms to the thousands of churches located in each City and to the hundreds of Churches in each neighborhood and the 10-15 Churches on every other block across the states. Our neighborhoods need an example of the God you speak of behind your doors.
As Spiritual leaders in our communities, show us and our suffering society of youths how to effectively unite. Do not continue to fail us. Show us an example of God’s Love by uniting with your fellow churches. Hear Gods voice and extend your hand so that we collectively join as one across this great land; breathing the breath of life to the remaining many who needs resuscitation.
Our Fathers who art not in our homes (heavens)! How-eth that we get alone, when our churches stay separated preaching from the same book? Why have not all Churches united as one? Who can we trust when we now have more competition than members, with no examples to this new generation of youths to follow?
If we all see that there are fewer fathers, should it not also be the responsibility of the Church to see this as the problem and come together in the physical (one body) and spiritual (One God) removing all pride (ego) providing an antidote of unity (One). Yes there’s an overflow of fatherless families but just as many churches on every corner to educate them.
The People need teaching and less preaching. Nothing against preaching but preaching is an emotional stimulant that feeds us temporarily, lasting only for a short time and for generations, no one seems to question or discuss preaching original purpose…
I remember one of many occasions going to a service where the service was full of shouting and on this occasion, witnessing this wonderful woman full of excitement running around the church with what many would say “On fire With God” having a spiritual connection with her father; but when service was over, I got cussed out in the parking lot by the same wonderful lady for unintentionally driving the wrong way in my attempt to exit the premises. This was hilarious and sad but also quite informative on how quickly we changed from one spirit/emotion/energy to the next.
But teaching – The act, practice, something taught; will remain with us for life. It allows us to have a clear path (instructions/directions) on how to maintain our behavior/emotion/energy. ACTION!!
With teaching, we learn to fully understand our own behavior, the behaviors of others and how to effectively respond when affected thus bringing less resistant to understanding our purpose. What I am saying is we as a country are suffering from many different behavioral issues with no purpose and preaching isn’t the solution. Learning from our educators and those in leadership authority has become a necessity for change beginning with Church leaders hiring those in these positions to bring weekly classes to those affected/infected. (All of Us)
Use the people offerings to bring in relationship experts, quality educators/professionals ( no Pun Intended ) to educate and counsel those of us who lack parenting skills, finances, depression, basic life skills, communication , and teaching men how to be fathers and husbands @ no cost.(their offerings). This not only provides quality education and unlimited paid jobs to all educators, teachers, self-help groups, health professionals, Non Profits, trainers, Dr., directors, coaches but it also provides opportunities for our youth to go to school for these positions so that they can better serve their communities creating a continuous cycle of supply and demand continually empowering our own community.
The Church offerings will now be helping the blind seek better education (see) and employing those who the world has given up on (raising the dead). This makes us less dependent on the government becoming self-sufficient, creating our own resources.
Set schedules so that people will know ahead of time what class they will attend weekly, This will bring more men back to the church to learn( what it was intended for) and into the homes to stay with benefits, educating their own sons and daughters with confidence.
The Church has more women because there are fewer men in the homes. And the Church has fewer men due to the unlimited supply of church scandals and the constant feeding of sexual desires and ego’s (Edging God Out). We (men) know us very well, we have to live with us every single day and every man knows what I mean as I write this piece (peace), so we as men recognize what is legit and what is counterfeit more than thy women (victims)!!!
No Male Lions equals a Wild uncontrollable Kingdom with zero direction. Lions killing Lions with no pride!! Wizard of Oz……
But it would take humility for pastors to not seek all the glory and finances, but wisdom and awareness to see the vision. This type of Love ministry would actually set a pastor apart from all pastors who are about self-bringing true healing to their city (land) creating a ministry unlike any ministry has ever seen before; teaching any who walks into their congregation despite religious preferences.
People don’t mind giving when they are receiving/LEARNING. We can talk Jesus/Budda/Allah/Jehovah all day but when a kid doesn’t know how to tie his own shoe, WWJD? Tell him how or TEACH HIM HOW!!!
Building Leaders for a Better Tomorrow!!
Staff Writer; Barnard Greg
Also connect with this brother over at; http://streammyschool.com.
No Pun intended- You have life coaches, physical therapist, counselors, Dr’s , etc. who many members see as clients , just as you have many who are members. Most employers we work for don’t have a shop set up in a church.
But just because one’s profession may be in the world we live in, doesn’t mean everyone teach buffoonery. Seriously? Did you read my article with an open mind?
You somehow misinterpreted everything I wrote and used scriptures for what purpose. I was only saying, why not employ them for the church and teach its members how to handle finance, teach women etiquette, mentoring programs, health awareness, self-respect and empowerment, self-discipline, therapy to help our people. Facts are that the black community is lacking in these areas and you presented scriptures to prove it’s not a good idea? Based upon research or ones interpretation of scripture? Okay.
You never spoke on how for thousands of years, the Afrikaans and Niger and Indians co-existed in Unity and harmony without the bible based upon principle and teaching and how the bible was introduced with entrapment, slavery, rape murder, assault all in the name of Jesus Christ that we now all should now live by? Have it ever cross our minds to study History and its origin?
Why? Because we may learn something?
I never said Church’s don’t connect with other Church’s, only to have Church’s connect together as ONE….having a real conversation without using scriptures.
@JfromPTY…love the open dialogue..this is what i am speaking of…to discuss in Love and to come up with solutions for purpose…we need brothers/sisters like your way of thinking who can sit in a room for purpose . Would love to invite you to a live forum for a discussion. Everything starts with a discussion first…Thanks for your feedback….
@Barnard Greg and others.
–1.Your article came off as if Churches are not reaching out for our churches.
I’ll give you some facts… two churches that I personally know about that created changes in the community on many levels, from food outreach, health & awareness, education (opening schools), scholarships for higher learning, political education and job opportunities for the community.
As a New York resident I can mention:
—The Greater Allen Cathedral of New York http://allencathedral.org/home/
—C.C.C. Christian Cultural Center Brooklyn NY http://www.cccinfo.org/
–2.Yes the members of the body of Christ suppose to bring suggestions for the purpose of God’s Kingdom and those who teach “spiritual matters” in the Body of Christ must have a relationship with Christ for the sake of the Gospel. The aforementioned churches are filled with able bodies in regards to education and they are doing the work.
The issue is that a person who does not have a relationship with Christ or have a does not have a Christ centered mindset they will perform their task for self gratification or any other reasons except for Giving The Honor and The Glory to The Lord Jesus Christ.
Examples: I’ve been in meetings were opportunities have been giving for individuals to voice their opinion to create changes and I’ve heard individuals wanting to bring RnB singers who make the “ladies cry” instead of leading people to Christ. Or lets get some liquor and have a party in the church Hall. Know is this the mindset to lead God’s people according to scripture?? absolutely not.
And the reason why I quote scripture is because God words confronts us and it helps in the proses of renewing our minds vs coming to the House of The Lord with our own preconception of how things have to be in The Body of Christ.
—Matthew 5:14-16(NIV)—
14 “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
2 Corinthians 5:16-21New International Version (NIV)
16 So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. 17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:[a] The old has gone, the new is here! 18 All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: 19 that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. 20 We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God. 21 God made him who had no sin to be sin[b] for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
–3.God as always been there for His creation, the fact that you wrote this:
Before there was an us or a bible or Jesus Christ or Buddha or Jehovah, there was someone that offered solutions and created laws based upon those…..
—–Could be many thing————
1.You don’t know Christ for yourself?
2.Or you might be a Christian who somewhere down your path fell into error?
3.You might be harvesting unforgiveness “Lord Knows”
And I say this because The Bible teaches that from the abundance of the heart speak the mouth!!! Luke 6.45
Fact in regards to God been there for us since day on. THE HOLY SCRIPTURES (THE BIBLE) The book of John 1:1 The Word Became Flesh
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
The Book of Genesis
——Adam and Eve He reveals His self to His creation and gives us free will to chose.
——He decides to chose Abram who after establishing a covenant to build a nation thru Him calls the man Abraham, from Abraham came Issac then Jacob and from Jacob God decided in “HIS SOVEREIGNTY” bring forth HIS promise of the nations via the name Israel.” And they were other group of civilizations” but He brings a set of laws and standards for men not continue self destructing like how you see up till today etc. etc. etc. Then comes JESUS The one who brings us back to right relationship with God etc. etc. etc.
–4.Education is a must.
But when the desires of lives suppresses and Individual to the point of dismissing GOD and a persons sin condition, then their is an issue, and I’m writing from my Christian standards.
Example: Let me attain success, by any means necessary without looking at my sin condition that’s a problem.
Oh Let me teach you how to invest and create wealth but, let me turn the blind eye and ignore your dishonest practices and immoral issues.
—James 5:19-20(NIV)—
19 My brothers and sisters, if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring that person back, 20 remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of their way will save them from death and cover over a multitude of sins.
—Matthew 16:26(NIV)—
26 What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?
Remove The Lord Jesus Christ and his standards from any outreach and all you have is the blind leading the blind, no matter how much you may prosper because God equipped mankind with the ability to succeed and to reach great heights in anything FACTS: THE TOWER OF BABLE,THE HOLY SCRIPTURES Genesis 11.)
@JfromPTY- Thank you for your response JfromPTY….you will see that I will only stick with the facts….
Let me first start with your first comment if you do not mind
* to the writer of the article and any other person with suggestion’s for the Church.
Shouldn’t the church seek those with suggestions if we are One Body? Or does this right belong only to the head of the church? If this is so, what determines the head of the church to be the only one to provide solutions, when most have yet to see any? (no different than Government).
Do we really want to be honest with some of the decisions the head of some of the churches has made that has affected and infected some(betrayal, distrust) and ruined any chance for some to ever join? Aren’t those pastors using the word you are speaking of? Please ready behavior vs sin….when you can.
Do we continue to quote scriptures and lie to ourselves pretending not to see what worked in the past is no longer working ; facade to see that its slowly (tick) sucking the life out of its members destroying any chance of new members?
Before there was an us or a bible or Jesus Christ or Buddha or Jehovah, there was someone that offered solutions and created laws based upon those solutions that we all are now govern by. Just as there was those before who also was afraid of change and did not agree with the solutions because they were accustomed to the way things always have been, even if evidence showed the old was no longer working.
And if the writers suggestion is ONLY asking the Church to teach/educate its members what is clearly evident to THE WORLD, its members, their families and their family family’s that basic behavioral skills, financial, parenting, BASIC Life skills, etiquette, forgiveness and discipline is lacking. Then why is that asking much? Is our only argument be careful what is being taught?
How far away from the bible can you go that creates destruction in us teaching our sons and daughters? What books are you reading that are that destructive and so far away from basic principles before leaving earth (BIBLE)? There are thousands of basic principles books that educators are and have learned from.
If that’s your only fear, Why not interview the educators prior to selection. What is it that we are afraid of? Change? If, it’s not broke, don’t fix it…but if it’s broken…why not have provide a solution (Godly Wisdom) that could possible work instead of pretending it’s not broken. (Earthly Wisdom). It’s imperative that we research if an educator is earthly or Godly before we make a determination but let’s not make a determination before we interview an educator. How far away can a financial educator go away from scripture? And again, do you know that there was AFRIKAANS, NIGERS, NIGA, NIGARIAN, INDIANS who did quite well before there was scripture? What were their teachings? Do we not know? Do we have to get permission from the head of the church to research it? Why can’t we discuss this and see what they done that worked and how we went away from it..IJS…
If you listen to Joel Olsten you will see someone who teaches basic principles at its finest. So basic, it’s like 1,2,&3. Don’t hate your neighbor, be friends to your neighbor, tell your wife you love her, tell you kids you love them, don’t be rude, respect everyone opinion, learn from other people experiences….
Have you taken a sociology or psychology course that showed a major difference between basic life skills and the bible? If, so, check out a few more educators. These educators’ clients are now some of our major pastors and bishops. Why? BecausePastors have realized, we all need assistance. Forgive me for not using scriptures….I try to stick with basic principle which is not far from scripture..& no I did not talk to the lady who cursed me…we was in a moving vehicle and I did not go back to the church to seek her out…she probably was in a hurry, that’s how I assessed it and that was good enough for me, also based upon my experience, it’s not always safe to seek a person out.
There are many people who suffer from mental disorders, so it doesn’t matter what you say to them, they will never get an understanding. I know this from experience and as a Certified Life Coach, we see and experience a lot and have to channel different energies in many different directions.
Now to answer your 1st question? What am I doing to help the body of Christ? Hmmm….
Personally, it is not and I but one body of individuals that have come together with the same purpose educating our youth. (Our youth are impressionable) easy to take direction from and we are training these youth to become a lethal force in our society. Keep your ears open for STI720 (Coming soon) can’t say much because we are in our rehearsal stage. November 1st!!!
But what I can say is that we developed our own Internet TV Live Streaming network; owned and operated by Africans Americans. To change the minds of our youth and adults, we have to change the channels we watch. To change the channels we watch, we have to own our own network and provide opportunities for our youth to create positive unlimited channels producing their own talk shows, entertainment, dance, art, poetry, music and educational shows simply by using their webcams or studio cams. Since the youth are already on the internet more than TV, this will allow them to be as creative as they want to be while connecting with other positive youth voicing their feelings and thoughts through positive media.
We always speak of “THEY” own all the networks so they destroy us and our kids with negative media- Now we have Positive media, where everyone can participate and instead of paying 100,000 per month for your own TV-channel, we have packages for less than $49.00 per month. What a small investment for our youth and adults, Right?
We made the prices so incredible low to rid all excuses. Why? Because it’s time we put up or shut up. No more, they own all the media networks!! Now we do and this network doesn’t just belong to me, it’s for all of us to express and share and create our own finances. We have to Come together or be left divided. What other channel do you know remove limitations while branding you to an audience of over 100,000 people watching you at the same time? Providing Pay per View and free channels depending on you (the broadcaster) choice.
It’s something we all have been asking for and now it’s here. This creates one body in media for everyone to enjoy. Mom, Dad, Ministry, Daughter, Son, Grandma, Grandpa, Cousin and Aunt can be sitting in the living room area being educated by principles for less than $5 per viewing and commenting with their educator when they have a question. If we see the present is not working, why not try something different that’s still positive for our youth future.….so hopefully, every one reading can create their own channel and assist in branding their ministry, event , show topic or inspirational weekly daily message…making a difference in the life of others. Go to http://WWW.Streammyevents.com and http://www.streammyschool.com to meet the team and select your package.
We at SME and SMS are One Body, no one is better than the other. The nail is just as important as the brain. They all provide a different function. We also have youth who are working our cams, switchboard, directing, producing and Live (in Real time) Streaming….We are mobile Live streamers with our own Live streaming Network…….That should speak volume in a world controlled and owned by other nationalities.
When will we get behind the backs of our own instead of complaining about those with positive new concepts? Support by helping us continues to educate by providing quality educators to these youth. So, we speak from experience (facts), not from opinions. If you could see these kids’ faces and those who much rather skip football practice and games to be on the switchboard. Again, thanks for your response. (No Apologies for being so long)
My question is, to the writer of the article and any other person with suggestion’s for the Church.
Since you have seen and experience issues in the church of The Lord Jesus Christ, I have some question for you to answer.
1.What are you doing to help the body of Christ “The Church” (1 Corinthians 12:27) ?
2.Those relationship experts,teachers and professionals for the church that you are referring to, are they Christians?
Because their is a difference between Godly wisdom and earthly wisdom according to(James 3.13-18)
3.After you had an hilarious moment with the “on fire lady” did you pray for her, and later tried to talk to her, to take her out of her error?
John 13:34-35
34 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
4.Do you know preaching and teaching have their function and God ordained both for a reason?
Ephesians 4:11-12 NIV
11 So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, 12 to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up
2 Timothy 4:2-4New International Version (NIV)
2 Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction. 3 For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. 4 They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.
Acts 19:8-10(NIV)
8 Paul entered the synagogue and spoke boldly there for three months, arguing persuasively about the kingdom of God. 9 But some of them became obstinate; they refused to believe and publicly maligned the Way. So Paul left them. He took the disciples with him and had discussions daily in the lecture hall of Tyrannus. 10 This went on for two years, so that all the Jews and Greeks who lived in the province of Asia heard the word of the Lord.
So to anyone with questions please feel free to email me at j4yourhome@gmail.com
@Northern Magnolia – thanks for your response. My attempts in writing is to keep it simple. Sin Vs behavior..Do they not come from the same womb? Isn’t one the result of the other? Change the behavior and you change lives despite ones religious belief…Sin is ever present and my flesh reveals this daily as I continue in progress to sin less.
Now if I had better teaching and my mother and fathers mothers before them had better teaching, my daily sins would be undoubtedly less based upon my behavior skill, though sin will be everpresent.
There are many others in different religions who sins less..Why? Sin is the result of our behavior right? Before we can sin, we have to behave in a way that causes us to sin. What I am simply saying is why not teach behavior sills (which we truly lack )and those seeds will reap.
There was Africaans, Niger, Nigarians, Indians who were before us and history teaches us that they lived in harmony for thousands of years before Jesus Christ was introduced to them (no pun intended; facts right?) & without going into a church listening and discussing the Word of God, they had their own Word from God and prayed, danced, and rejoice too, but most importantly they had family values, respect, Unity govern by Love for their culture and their people.
And we all know from history (fact) how these major Countries were taken and introduced to a new religion other than the one they knew was previously working for their families for thousands of years before they were raped and slaughtered and enslaved.
Now most of America calls ourselves Christians and wonder why our youth are calling us phonies. why? cause they live with us daily. We lost our sight of Unity, Honesty, Trust, Hope, Security, Belief, Loyalty, and Will, and isn’t this the true source of our Sins? You lose your values, your behavior follows and sins is the result.
Now that most of America follow Jesus Christ , where does the truth lie in self? today? who is our example?….
I am not saying anything about Christianity (only truth; facts) or how we was introduced to Christianity, only to respond in saying why sin is the result of a behavior issue.(Psalm Proverbs)…and how going back to the basics of “TEACHING” basic skills may be a better result than expecting memberships knowing whats going on now within the walls of the church.
There is nothing wrong with problem solving right? rather than continue the route we are going praying when God himself has given us the power to overcome these obstacles. Why we waiting on him when it was him himself who says, I have given you the spirit. why? Could it be possibly because that’s what we were taught? TEACHING IS A POWERFUL TOOL AND we ARE CONTINUOUSLY BEING TAUGHT BY TV on how to think, pray, feel and believe …
If, I’m hungry, please don’t tell me Jesus will feed me, give me food and show me the Jesus inside you..then I will follow…
I enjoyed this article. I attend church because I enjoy learning about God’s love. I overlook the other mess because I have developed my own spiritual relationship with God and when I go to church, I go for my reasons of praise and worship with Him. Man, don’t depict where I stand in the church because I know where I stand. So, I DO NOT need permission to feel welcomed or fed because I know how to get that for myself and it took me leaving the church for MAN/RECOGNITION to understand the purpose of the church for me.
This article overlooks one fact that the Church was created by the Lord Jesus Christ to address — the root of all the social ills described is plain and simple human depravity, or, in short: sin. God’s judgment of sin does not begin in hell; all the trouble in the world is the consequence. There is nothing wrong with assisting church members and community with their felt needs, but to do so without addressing the root of WHY things are all messed up — SIN — is like putting bandages on people who are dying of cancer. “For,” as says Romans 3:23, “all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” And, to add Romans 6:23, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
In brief, according to its Biblical charter, the Church exists to declare to the people of the world that all have sinned, and are therefore under the present and coming judgment of God; however, the Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross for mankind’s sin and rose again to be a living Savior to all who believe on Him. There are many institutions that can do fine social work: no institution but the Church can give the message of eternal salvation through the death for sins, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. People will come to the Church seeking for many things, but the average local church is doing no good precisely because it does not proclaim the one message that can transform the human heart into one that is alive to God and His righteousness instead of dead in sin — the message of eternal salvation through the death for sins, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Excellent article!
1. When someone hears the Word of God and does not understand, the devil comes to destroy and remove all the good things and the good news the person has heard. The person usually gets offended and continues in his or her wicked ways.
2. Then again, someone will hear God’s Word and be excited and start to walk in Christ. But then they may get distracted for different reasons or excuses, and will fall or stop believing, obeying and listening to God because he or she did not really root themselves or give his or her heart 100% to Jesus.
3. Some hear the Word of God but are caught up with all of life’s problems, temptations, wickedness, greed for money and material things and all other evils and pleasures of this world. So they do not truly receive all what God has for them and most of all being saved from Hell by the free love gift of eternal life through our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ.
4. But if someone really hears the Word of God he or she will listen, understand and seek God in spirit and in truth… and will continue to seek God, no matter where the person is or come what may, the Word of God will stay in his or her heart and the person will be blessed always and will continue to walk in Christ. We must change and sin no more. We cannot continue in sin.
The sickness in the black church is one major reason many blacks start attending white churches. Now white churches are also screwed up, but they tend to be no where near as bad as black ones.
This is a very touchy subject that most don’t even venture.. but it takes only one movement to make a much needed change of direction.. As the written word says: Faith without works is dead”. If nothing is ever said the change is dead. This is a very powerful and insightful perception and a very realistic view. It is a SAD TRUTH THOUGH. The church was always suppose to be the element of a support system but now has become a mechanism for money making. Great truth Barnard!!!
@ Redd..You are so, so correct. Today’s very existence has been manipulated and based upon someone’s concepts than what was purpose. Bringing positive resolution to negative pollution when Greed, poverty and hate has been our result. My ideas and concepts are based upon Understanding, Forgiveness and most of all Love. And if loving me is wrong….I don’t want to be right!!
Also, there isn’t a concept that I can think of that did not have the input of others. My Motto is and has always been…A Few Great Minds working together eliminates dependency……opens the door to solutions and the impossibilities!!
Great point Redd…one with intellect, thought, creativity and careful choosing of words. That also says something about your Great mind!! Politicians talk, talk talk..We feed, feed, feed…
@Jess…I also never discuss religion…only concepts-ideas that can possibly bring all religion under one tent to discuss issues and solutions for a society that has no unity. Thanks Jess for your calmness under the storm…
You are so right we do need more teaching but what is being taught? As the great King Soloman wrote, “as a man thinks so is he.” You are and become your concepts. If your ideas are wrong then your concepts are wrong and your understanding will be inaccurate and incomplete. You can only understand properly if your concepts are in alignment with your ideas and your ideas must be based upon God’s dynamic truth. So for the Pastors, Relationship Experts, Quality Educators/Professionals and whom ever decides to teach in the “church building” just remember that the original concept is always in the mind of the sender. All that being said, in order to understand the original concept , you must have clear grasp of the precept of the sender. WHAT IS GOD PURPOSE?
Food for thought – King David and King Soloman were not pastors but politicians.
I typically do not discuss religion or religious views. The spiritual connection or lack thereof is driving force of life. We, the people, ask the people, regardless of title to be something that they are incapable of giving, teaching, or displaying. And when they fail us, because they do, we turn our attention to the fact of them being in “leadership” or being a celebrity but what we do not realize is they are covered in flesh and the flesh is weak. Instead of accepting our responsibility and duty to build our fellow-being up (regardless of color) to achieve excellence; poverty, division, or envy probably would be an at all-time minimum. However, we do not because we live in a broken world, with broken leaders, with broken followers that all fall short of the glory. It is a vicious cycle that has been around since inception – until we own the fact that we do not have to be enslaved by our generations past, we will never be set apart as a people, as a nation, as a world. ~jess
Jesus lead by example. He made sure that whatever audience he drew to him he spoke to them on their level where they could receive relate and respond. We as a people of God need to stop with the MEism and help one another move forward with a life purpose. Brother Barnard powerful message continuous blessing on your life journey of awareness.
Powerful!!!!We, the Church, must become active in making a REAL difference. Great reality check!!!!
Excellent Truth!