(ThyBlackMan.com) Used to be a time that African American athletes had character, integrity and stood on what was right more than how much they were paid. This was also the period of intrepid investigative journalism. Now, both have gone the way of extinction as it was with the dinosaurs at ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Perhaps it is because as a child, I witnessed Zaggy torturing chubby Butterball every morning at the school bus stop. Consequently, I have an extremely low tolerance for Leftists bullying Americans into submission and getting away with it. Fear caused Butterball to endure daily humiliating facial slaps, punches and ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) We can spend so much of our energy pushing uphill against what is. You may wonder, “What is ‘what is’?” What is, is reality. It is the inevitable; it is the situation that you wish were not in existence. It is the fact that: You would prefer it if ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) I love Iggy Azalea. I think what she’s doing is brilliant. She has taken the rap industry and turned it on its head by coming out with a song, err rap, which highlights her ability to sound like a drowning kitten WHILE racking up over 135 million views on ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) President Obama’s team of national security advisers have a few bad poker hands they are in the process of playing. The first regards all the trillions they have spent on National Security and the NSA yet not foreseeing the collapse and routing of the U.S.trained Iraq Army forces by ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) The Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) describes itself as “the conscience of the U.S. Congress.” According to the dictionary, conscience is the inner sense of what is right or wrong in one’s conduct or motives. Notice that the root of the word conscience is the word “con,” which is exactly ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) I have a simple question for you. If you stumbled across a poll in a newspaper that concluded that Ronald Reagan was the worst American President in the last 70 years, would you believe it? Of course not. Your reaction to such a poll would be the same as ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) My fellow Americans, we are all bit players in the making of a metaphoric slasher movie, “Obama Unchained” starring Barack Hussein Obama. Here is a summary of the movie. It is a heartwarming tale about how the mainstream media and Democratic Party suckered America into electing their extreme far-left ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) With this article II want to go into a subject that is close to my heart because this has happened to me personally ( But I have found a Solution ). Everyone has heard the phrase ” Women using kids as Weapons to hurt the father “ . At ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Black women are currently attending universities at historically high rates. While such achievements must be applauded, it brings to light a blaring inconsistency between the level of black male achievement to black female achievement from the same socio-economic backgrounds. Why are black women attending universities at historic highs while ...
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