(ThyBlackMan.com) “If we can’t have Black Pete anymore, maybe we should just burn a nigger every year to celebrate his demise.” This was mailed to Afro-Dutch TV host Humberto Tan after he dared to host an episode of his talk-show debating the Black Pete issue.
Since the 1930’s there has been a huge amount of criticism on the figure of Black Pete in the Dutch Sinterklaas (Saint Nicholas) celebrations. This criticism has grown over the years and for the last 30 years the campaign “Zwarte Piet is racism” has tried to make people see that there is a problem. They never asked for the celebrations to be cancelled, just some changes to root out the racist bullying people have suffered because of it and the always present connections to slavery. This was even explained in a 1987 episode of the Dutch version of Sesamestreet. This year, though, a massive “bomb” of repressed emotions has burst after a TV interview.
Last year performance artist Quincy Gario was beaten up and arrested by police during a silent protest when Sinterklaas arrived in the Netherlands. Two weeks ago he talked about what had happened to him on a well known daily talk show. The other guest Dutch singer and performer Henk Westbroek responded with such a lack of empathy that it sent shivers down the spine of many Afro-Dutchies. The debate started up again, a month before it usually does and this time it turned into an unstoppable snowball, tearing the shallow fabric of fake tolerance.
So, how racist is Black Pete, and how much pain does it bring black people?
Well, let’s start with the always present elephant in the room: the caricatural blackface. Black skin, big Afro, eyes wide open, slave earrings and a strange costume based on the ones high ranking slaves used to wear. Up untill the 1980’s he also usually spoke with a “Surinam-black” accent (this has officially changed, but unofficial Pete’s still do it sometimes.)
This imagery a primary problem with gollywog/blackface caricatures and iconography. It warps, distorts and exaggerates black bodies and points to a cultural/social period in history where blacks were openly ridiculed and seen as buffoons. And Black Pete’s image was made PRECISELY in that old, racist tradition.
Having relatives and friends in The Netherlands I am aware of the pain the festivities have brought the Dutch Black community: black children are bullied year round by other children being called “filthy C-word Black Pete”, ruining the party for them. My niece was told by a teacher: “Well, you can be Black Pete, you don’t need any make-up”. The kid was bullied so severely after that that she spent hours in the shower, trying to “scrub off the black”. In what you’d expect to be adult situations, workers are told by bosses and co-workers: “Where’s your boss then?” (meaning Sinterklaas), “Did you miss the boat?”, “You look just like black Pete”, “Oi, Pete, get over here!!” etc.
When questioned, the defenders of the celebrations claim “Pete isn’t a black man!! He became black because of the chimney soot.” When asked: why the lips and hair?? “his lips scraped on the chomney and his hair was curled by the fire.” The weakest excuse according to many. Especially as there are books still out there talking about Sinterklaas traveling with black child slaves (he freed them, but they still had to work for him,) and/or his favourite slave Pedro.
Anyway, does this stop the trouble?
Says a teacher: “A black pupil in one of my classes was wearing her hair out in and was wearing red lipstick and a young child came and asked Black Pete for sweets thinking she was him. Sorry, but kids do indeed think that Black Pete is a black person.” She adds that the bullying has become worse over the years: “Some black children have been so scarred by the bullying that they started to wet the bed once Sinterklaas returned to the Netherlands.”
Says Bryan Wijntak: “So for about 30 years, Black people have come forth and said, “Zwarte Piet is HURTFUL. He OFFENDS us and our sensibilities. He reminds us of a time when our bodies and likenesses were openly ridiculed and despised.” An empathetic people would, at the very least, heed the cries of the offended and carefully consider and listen to their concerns, if out of nothing more than HUMAN DECENCY. But NO, we are written off as overly sensitive whiners and complainers…trouble makers.
And then, when that decent and empathetic people would take into account the centuries worth of abuse, victimization, dehumanization and cruelty experienced by black peoples at their hands, they would probably say, “Well, considering what we have done to them, we should at least cater to their sensitivities and make a few changes. They’ve been through enough.” But NO…still dismissed as they defend their silly, demeaning traditions to the death. We never said we wanted to cancel the thing, just meet us halfway.”
Why can’t there be a few changes? Dutch people compared other Dutch people who did want to think outside the box and make a few changes: Pete’s of other colours, a change in costume, rainbow Pete’s to SS Members and Nazi collaborators and received death threats. Even the official Dutch Pete – actor Erik van Muiswinkel said he had wanted things to change for years, after he noticed the insults his own adopted African daughter suffered. He too now has become a figure of hate.
Strangely, Sinterklaas has been all about change from day 1:
At the very start of the celebrations (leaving behind the stories of Sinterklaas descending from The Devil, Wodan/Odin, a priest or whether he was Turkish or Spanish, Muslim or Catholic for another day) Sinterklaas always simply arrived on his own with his horse and a magic bag. A century or so later he was also accompanied by black crows. A few decades later he was helped by children. A couple of centuries later the children dressed like the “Boogieman” – they had smeared some black stains on their faces. After that the helpers disappeared for a long time. The helpers did not return until the late 19th century, and suddenly the “Boogieman” looked more and more like a black man – a Moor. In 1845 Amsterdam-based primary school teacher Jan Schenkman wrote the book Sint Nicolaas en zijn Knecht (“Saint Nicholas and his Servant”).
This was, officially, the first time that the black-Spanish servant character was introduced into the Saint Nicholas narrative. The servant was described as a page boy or man, and depicted as a “dark person” wearing clothes associated with Moors. In several other versions Saint Nicholas is said to have liberated a young slave named Piter, who decided to serve Nicholas. And this is how things remained: In came the slave and coon trademarks: A white man arrives with a boat filled with black people that work for him. The white man is smart, the black one a big eyed buffoon. Also: Pete was the mean one who’d take the kids away to Spain in his bag if they were bad – this often made white kids afraid of black people, which did not help relations.
These days Sinterklaas, after many incarnations, has become the carbon for what became Santa Claus for the rest of the world. But instead of flying round the world in a sled and just delivering presents in one night, Sinterklaas is dragged out for nearly a month. He arrives round the 12th of November in a big boat filled with presents and his black helpers and doesn’t leave till December the 6th. This is a long period of time that returns year after and keeps dragging up the same pain and hurt for many. If you gave a party year after year, knowing that some of your friends hated it, would you still enjoy it??
Now the UN has started investigations, already saying that they fear the tradition is racist and “infringes the human rights” of black people and that it should be cancelled. Had there been a decent conversation in the last 30 years, things would have not escalated like this.
Sadly the Netherlands have not been tolerant since the mid 1990’s. TV comics and hosts are allowed to say things that would get you banned for life in some places, even the most insulting TV show can be shown without a problem and insults are wrapped in a cocoon of “freedom of speech”.
Since the debate programmes have shown sketches comparing Black Pete to abused African boat refugees, a sketch comparing a “house Pete” and a “house nigger” using imagery of abused slaves throughout the “sketch”. Another comic recorded a message as Sinterklaas, talking to children about how “brown people always ruin everything”.
Here are just a fraction of the responses of “decent” people to the black community since the debate started:
”All problems started when we brought you in. So if you want it to stop, get back to the dark of Africa.”
“We have to rid our country from things that don’t belong here: make a fist!!””You have withe PEOPLE and black ANIMALS – you have to have some difference.”
”Get out of the country, give back everything you stole.”
”Those lazy niggers should be glad to see blacks working”
”All those coons should go back to cooncountry. Netherlands is the Netherlands not a swarma country black pete isn’t black from shit like the coons but from the chimney.”
“if only you’d been born white”
In the Netherlands the Dutch word for ignore is “negeren” it includes the word “neger”, the Dutch word for nigger. It stems from a punishment during slavery and has been used in this way during the discussion (see picture.)
The debate is escalating daily and it looks like things could get worse in the coming months. All sense of perspective has gone, with a protest of Pro-Pete supporters coming Saturday. Black public faces are threatened on the web, and fights between black and white are expected. Some Afro-Dutch people have quickly joined a Pro-Pete support group, hoping they will be seen as “well-adjusted” and “not like the others”, which has caused friction in the Dutch black community. All this could have been avoided with just that one slight, subtle change.
Dutch detective Peter R. de Vries – famous in the USA for his work on the Nathalie Holloway case joined the debate today and tried to speak some sense:
”The fanaticism with which grown adults try to hold on to Black Pete instead of accepting the Rainbow Pete is quite worrying. The Ombudsman is right: everyone that mingles among several groups of people knows that there is a lot of racism and a hatred of foreigners. Children’s books and songs have been edited over the years, so why can’t a children’s celebration be? Black Pete is over, enter Rainbow Pete.”
Staff Writer; Daniel Cohen
One may also connect with this talented comedian via Twitter; Divinevarod and Facebook; D. Cohen.
This article is biased beyond imagination.
It is as rididulous and not based on fact as saying that African slavery was caused by Africans themselves, as tribe members sold their own kind.
After abolishing slavery and inequality and starting to contribute to many great causes in the world to emancipate inequality, we have come a very long way.
Most non-white people in The Netherlands do not share this opinion here.
And they our furious about the small piece of ignorant protesters.
It also isn’t a right-wing – socialist matter. Only sad extremist from both sides contribute to it.
And a over subsidized and progressive media gang that take a liberty they never earned in feeding people with their own creations of how the celebration ought to be. Kim Jung Un could feast on such peoples programming.
Completely torn out of perspective this anascopic mess.
If you stand between prisoners in a prison and take their ‘opinion’ as the truth you will probably tend to give them a key to the door. That’s what’s happening g here.
To start with the word ‘negeren’ refering to ‘neger’ as ‘nigger’ (which is a country as wel, Niger, Nigeria!).
‘Negeren’ is directly from Latin Negare, meaning deny, disavow or…. Abnegate or negate. You see, English uses ‘negate’.
The Dutch swearing word for ‘neger’ is ‘nikker’ which is a much hated word and only used by idiot racists…. And rappers and street people that somehow turned it into ‘cool’.
It very much seems that you were biased through a lot of negative experiences and cannot see any neutral experience anymore. Which I regret, a lot.
(You’re obviously a hurt person that looked for psychology as a study to get help. Therapy may have been a better wY. I mean this not to discredit but sincere. Helpful might be Alice Miller’s The drama of the gifted child. She explains why many people that were damaged turn into psychologists and hardly any psychologist is of ‘neutral’ background; it takes one to be one and to understand).
Yes I fully agree that the idiots that use this protest to react with their racist comments have to be stopped. Hard!
But you seem to forget to mention a lot.
The whole Sankt Nikolaus is a plural myth that is celebrated all over Northern to Easter Europe onto Georgia and what more.
It exists from far before the slavery period.
The ancestors of Zwarte Piet are figures like Krampus, Ruprecht and Wodan/Odin which is easily found in many (non-Dutch) unbiased historical articles.
Sint Nicolaus never had him self a servant that ‘had to stay’.
He freed a Morish slave who himself stayed and offered to stay out of gratitude.
This was by the way in a time (280-345 AD) that slavery was not a racial thing. It was in most societies and many Europeans were enslaved in those days. Calculated at at least 1.250.000.
I don’t know if it is your experience, malinformation or that you just blatantly try to bend the truth.
But your blog post is not objective in any way.
Racism is here, both ways. ‘White’ people are stereo typed as ‘cannot dance’, ‘bad music’, ‘bad food’, cold hearted, unfriendly, greedy etc.
the world’s greatest DJ’s, modern ‘dance events’ are a Dutch invention, we have some pretty impressive food top 10 efforts (best ‘Oosterschelde’ lobsters, onions, mussels, very good cheeses, top beef/steak, greenery food, beers, breads and what more many Paris restaurants claim on their menus).
You claim 1/3rd is against Zwarte Piet.
I think that in a free country as we are one would expect 90-100%.
Like in America you probably won’t find anyone of African descent liking Sammy, the blackface. Not now and not then?
Very sensible and clear thinking unbiased people of Surinam and Dutch Antilles origin find it ridiculous and favor Zwarte Zpiet as he is.
I think there is a lot of truth in the way you were taught to see things.
Learn a child that dark skin people are scary… And what do you get?
You have just stigmatized yourself with this article and I pitty you for it.
You wrongly and prejudicialy educate people with hate and lies.
You do this under a flag of being ‘well educated’ and a psychologist.
It harms a culture that has made a big effort and still does in the emancipation of equality for all people in the world that have been ‘negeerd’ through the centuries.
If this is an effort to put a shadow over the Dutch culture and people, shame on you. Likewise it counts for the people that are racist nowadays.
Ever heard of reversed racism?
This story is full of it.
Yeah, I’m dutch. And the dutch word Neger does NOT mean ‘Nigger’. It literally means Negro, and whilst this term is dated and controversial in english, in dutch it’s just the word for black. Ask any dutch person. Ignorance is one thing, but don’t lie. Afro-Dutch is not a commonly used word in the Netherlands. (We’re not America), black people will refer to themselves as Neger, Black (Zwart) or Antilliaan (Antilles Islander), or Surinamer (Surinamian), but Afro-Dutch… seems to be used exclusively by a tiny handful of activists. You do hear Black Dutch sometimes in certain contexts though. But as it is, Afro-Dutch is not currently a commonly used term, and Neger is not considered a racist term (except by people who don’t speak Dutch and who think it sounds like Nigger.)
I also sincerely doubt the average dutch person knows all these american racial slurs like ‘coon’. Because we’re not americans. Sure, there’s some racist people, but that sounds like very liberal (And thus dishonest) translating there. Only reason I even know of that slur is because I’ve had a long interest in Americana and I came across the term at one point. (Which also seems a rather weird slur to me. Sounds more like short for raccoon… raccoons are adorable though.)
As for the whole issue with the Pieten, eh… it’s changing gradually. And that’s what you want. If it changes ABRUPTLY, you set bad blood, if it changes gradually, then within a decade or two, the problem is gone and virtually no one will give a shit.
Now if this was the type of problem where people got REALLY hurt, not their feels, but things like actual violence or even things like being unable to get jobs. Then a more abrupt change might be good, but for something like this? You’ll create more trouble then it’s worth. Fact is, the point’s been made and each year various cities try to figure out a new way to do things. Give it a little time.
Fact is, no matter what happened with the Pieten, there’ll always be some racists, and bullying victims… well they tend to be vulnerable kids. If they’re not bullied with this, their bullied with that. Seems more to me that the education system needs to be improved to prevent and better deal with bullying then that this is a Pieten-related issue. And well, if a vulnerable kid happens to be black, bullies, being bullies WILL go to some sort of racism, regardless of wether that’s related to Pieten. (Who’s origins by the way actually not only predate American minstrel shows, but America in general.)
As for Quinsy Gario, he and his followers are asshat who threatened people with violence. Doesn’t say one thing or the other about wether he is or isn’t right about Zwarte Piet or not, but regardless, he’s still an asshat. Fuck him.
Honestly, I don’t think anyone’s feelings are even real issues. Real issues are if you have a harder time getting a job, if you’re harassed by law enforcement. Those are real issues, those should be resolved. But people’s feels? Maybe it flies in the US, but dutch culture actually isn’t much like American culture at all. Americans seem to us dutch to often be hysterically emotional, incredibly dishonest (under a veil of false politeness.), and far more prone to violence (what with their guns.) Now on the other hand us dutch to them seem to often be dour and incredibly rude. But eh, we’re not them, they’re not us. And some Americans are nice, honest and stable, and some dutch people are polite.
I think though what’d probably improve the lives of black people in the western world in general might be to take a cue from the Chinese. Chinese people keep their own culture and customs alive, but they also simultaneously adapt to the culture around them. They’ll have a chinese and a western name. Generally in the Netherlands, minorities that do their best to integrate do quite well and there’s not that much bigotry against them except from hardcore racists. Minorities however that don’t integrate, that rebel against the local culture etc… yeah, there’s constant friction. They tend to see us as oppressors and we tend to see them as criminals. Unnuanced? Sure… also totally happens even so. When dutch people see a surinamian who adopted US ‘gangsta’ bullshit, it spooks the locals. Not all of them DO that, but honestly… if you’re an embattled minority you just don’t want to even allow your own to antagonize the majority. Europe has a different history then the US. The US at least once had the IDEAL of being a melting pot. Didn’t live up to it necessarily, but still.
Europe… has a history of groups of people fighting for their own cultural identity. Now RICH fuckers like the idea of ‘multiculti’ because they want cheap labour from other countries. Rich fuckers also where behind the colonization and slavery stuff anyway. It wasn’t a WHITE thing, it was a rich fucker thing. Rich people are the real enemy. Always where. Still are. But anyway common Europeans rarely are interested in multiculturalism. And fair or not, this means a minority that wants to do well in Europe should adapt. The chinese ‘dual identity’ is just the way to go.
Now with black people in the US, I know for a fact amongst eachother there’s a lot of black people who exile other black people from blackness if they feel that person is to friendly with whites. They’re an ‘uncle tom’ then. Some even are anti-education, which is the dumbest thing anyone could be. Again, unnuanced? Perhaps, but these things exist. These things are toxic.
Look, I sympathize to a degree with a lot of the plights of minorities in general. They often do get the shit end of the stick. But trying to fight the majority… it doesn’t work out? Look at the Palestinians! They fight for decades and they get crushed. But what if they’d taken the Gandhi route? Oh, they’d got crushed too, but it’d have looked a fuck of a lot uglier in the media. Because then the right wing fuckers (on behest of their wealthy overlords) can’t say their terrorists! Fact is, with non-violent resistance… they’d probably have had Palestine by now. If they ever get it now (And Likud sure as hell doesn’t want it.) Maybe they’ll just get Gaza.
It’s the old thing… it takes more courage to take a punch then to dish one out.
Anyway I guess this might be seen as patronizing. But however it’s received, it’s not going to change a thing anyway.
But I don’t think harping on slavery is valuable to anyone. I didn’t enslave anyone. And considering my ancestors where poor peat farmers, I don’t even think they did. But even if they did, I’m not my ancestors. I never even gave anyone a lone slap. And as for ancestors… There isn’t a single human being on the fucking planet who does not have a few ancestors that where things like child rapists. (Because if you do like to look at history alot, you might notice that was really common. (And sure as fuck not exclusive to white people.) Who gives a shit about ancestors? Deal with the here and now!
And when you want to win hearts and minds, appeal to empathy (over current things) rather then guilt.
Again, probably could be considered patronizing.
Of course maybe I’ll be considered the enemy across the board… But you know… in the past whenever I heard about things like slavery in the past I just thought of it as history. History was brutal all the time. If you go back to the stoneage, or you look at Papua or Amazon tribes now even sometimes, life is brutal. When I heard about the American term of ‘white privilege’ it just confused me at best, but even so, it’s a fucking stupid term for a problem I’ll happily admit is real.
Why is it stupid? Because it instantly gets people who are not in the know on the defense, and then they won’t listen.
Same with if I see people who are harassed by cops when the cops have no reason to do so. And the people start to instead talk back at the cops and film it. Problem is… THEN people start to side with the COPS, even if the cops are wrong. Because if people argue with cops, cops can’t do their jobs. Oh, the FILMING bit is great. If a cop harasses you for no reason, and you film it, good! But cooperate with the cop. That way you got a film of a cop harassing a perfectly cooperative citizen for no reason. And THEN only the tools will side with the cop.
As a citizan of Bonaire (one of the Caribbean islands of the Kingdom of the Netherlands) I would like to show with an article whatthe, mostly black, community of Bonaire thinks about the Sinterklaas en Zwarte Piet situation.
It’s written in Dutch but it says that local people want to keep the real Black Pete. Local youth all want to be Black Pete and put the black stuff on their face, they wear the ‘funny clothes’ and red lipstick. Sinterklaas is a local man with white make-up. So who is making the problem. And futhermore your oneliners about discrimination are done by individuals, surely not by the majority.
Living in London as a black woman you do come across “undertones” of racism and you earn to deal with it because after all you cant really proove it. but after seeing the hype around this obviously racist tradition it stirs up an unquenchable anger within. why has this blaitent disrespect of black people been escalated to this point?….black Holland need more than a voice action is needed this festival smears sh*t on all blacks have strived to become since slavery….they took our past lets dictate/control OUR FUTURE! ABOLISH THIS STUPID SENSELESS TRADITION!!!
You have to be kidding – a Jew writing for a black magazine to rob the Dutch of their heritage?? You Jews know no shame!
@ Mireille “The best example is Jane Elliott who was hired to do a workshop in Holland but left before she could finish it because “She didn’t know what she was talking about” and racism didn’t exist in Holland.”
Could you tell me when this happened? I can’t find any info about it anywhere…
Did the Dutch actually chuck out Jane Elliott?
Another comparison picture. Black Pete is a Moor.
It’s a shame you didn’t go more into depth of the true origin of this holiday. Zwarte Piet is a Moor. An Afrikan. That is the reason he looks the way he does. That is why his skin is dark, his lips are thick, his clothing and jewelry look the way they do, they are Moorish clothing and jewelry. And that is why the Dutch used to dumb him down and make Black Pete speak with a ‘black accent’. He is an Afrikan slave. The Dutch have been lying to their children and the rest of the world for years and years. Here is a comparison picture between a Moor and Zwarte Piet. Even a 2 year old could see the resemblance.
This slave holiday has always been racist, the Dutch have always been able to mask it as a children’s holiday due to their lies. They told their children and the world Black Pete was a caucasian guy and his skin color was the result of chimney ashes, but they could never explain his clothing, hair texture, lips and jewelry.
The Dutch didn’t even make sure they lied correctly. In one of their songs they sing, Sinterklaasje kom maar binnen met je knecht, which means Sinterklaas please come in with your servant. In another song Zwarte Piet sings, ook al ben ik zo zwart als roet, ik bedoel het toch goed, which means even though I am black like tar I don’t mean any harm. This is what the Dutch are teaching their children. People with skin like tar mean harm, therefore they need to emphasize Zwarte Piet doesn’t. Now why would the Dutch be singing these kinds of songs if this ‘holiday’ is supposed to be fun, positive and ‘non-racist’? Can you imagine Afrikans painting the faces of their children white and have them in whiteface singing, even though I am white like fungus, I don’t mean any harm? Do the Dutch not realize how disgusting they sound or do they just not care? I think it’s the latter.
Ever since Sinterklaas and Zwarte Piet has gotten more media attention, the Dutch are trying to do damage control, so they can keep their slave holiday. Black Pete is now a ‘hero’. All of a sudden he is quick, fast, witty, he lost his ‘black accent’ and now everyone wants be him, because he’s just soooooo cool. All of a sudden, he’s no longer the ‘black speaking’, dumbed-down slave of Sinterklaas, he is a friend and hero. Riiiiight. Who are the Dutch trying to fool exactly?
The Dutch keep saying, Sinterklaas and Zwarte Piet is for the children, they don’t care about skin tone. And they are right, kids don’t care about skin tone. So what is stopping the Dutch from changing their disgustingly racist tradition? Could it be the fact that the ADULTS love painting their faces brown and love depicting slaves? Could it be the fact that the ADULTS love calling black dutch people Zwarte Piet ”as a joke”? Could it be the fact that the ADULTS love depicting black skin as bad and harmful? Could it be the fact that the Dutch love putting the idea in their children’s head from a young age that caucasians have their black helpers and servants?
If the Dutch adjusted all the racist aspects of this holiday they would have to change the following.
– Black Pete’s skin needs to be white
– Black Pete’s hair needs to be straight and blond
– Black Pete’s lips should be white and thin
– Black Pete’s to stop wearing moorish clothing and jewelry
– The song ‘even though I am black like tar, I don’t mean any harm’ needs to be become ‘even though I am white like fungus I don’t mean any harm’.
– He needs to be called White Pete
But then if you look closely at the changed slave holiday, it would just be a bunch of caucasians handing out present. All the subliminal messages would be gone and that of course isn’t very appealing to the Dutch. They love depicting slaves and putting the idea in their children heads from a very young age, caucasians have their helpers. Not just regular helpers though, they have their BLACK helpers. The intent of this slave holiday has always been racism.
It’s a shame you didn’t go more into depth of the true origin of this holiday. Zwarte Piet is a Moor. An Afrikan. That is the reason he looks the way he does. That is why his skin is dark, his lips are thick, his clothing and jewelry look the way they do, they are Moorish clothing and jewelry. And that is why the Dutch used to dumb him down and make Black Pete speak with a ‘black accent’. He is an Afrikan slave. The Dutch have been lying to their children and the rest of the world for years and years. Here is a comparison picture between a Moor and Zwarte Piet. Even a 2 year old could see the resemblance.
This slave holiday has always been racist, the Dutch have always been able to mask it as a children’s holiday due to their lies. They told their children and the world Black Pete was a caucasian guy and his skin color was the result of chimney ashes, but they could never explain his clothing, hair texture, lips and jewelry.
The Dutch didn’t even make sure they lied correctly. In one of their songs they sing, Sinterklaasje kom maar binnen met je knecht, which means Sinterklaas please come in with your servant. In another song Zwarte Piet sings, ook al ben ik zo zwart als roet, ik bedoel het toch goed, which means even though I am black like tar I don’t mean any harm. This is what the Dutch are teaching their children. People with skin like tar mean harm, therefore they need to emphasize Zwarte Piet doesn’t. Now why would the Dutch be singing these kinds of songs if this ‘holiday’ is supposed to be fun, positive and ‘non-racist’? Can you imagine Afrikans painting the faces of their children white and have them in whiteface singing, even though I am white like fungus, I don’t mean any harm? Do the Dutch not realize how disgusting they sound or do they just not care? I think it’s the latter.
Ever since Sinterklaas and Zwarte Piet has gotten more media attention, the Dutch are trying to do damage control, so they can keep their slave holiday. Black Pete is now a ‘hero’. All of a sudden he is quick, fast, witty, he lost his ‘black accent’ and now everyone wants be him, because he’s just soooooo cool. All of a sudden, he’s no longer the ‘black speaking’, dumbed-down slave of Sinterklaas, he is a friend and hero. Riiiiight. Who are the Dutch trying to fool exactly?
The Dutch keep saying, Sinterklaas and Zwarte Piet is for the children, they don’t care about skin tone. And they are right, kids don’t care about skin tone. So what is stopping the Dutch from changing their disgustingly racist tradition? Could it be the fact that the ADULTS love painting their faces brown and love depicting slaves? Could it be the fact that the ADULTS love calling black dutch people Zwarte Piet ”as a joke”? Could it be the fact that the ADULTS love depicting black skin as bad and harmful? Could it be the fact that the Dutch love putting the idea in their children’s head from a young age that caucasians have their black helpers and servants?
If the Dutch adjusted all the racist aspects of this holiday they would have to change the following.
– Black Pete’s skin needs to be white
– Black Pete’s hair needs to be straight and blond
– Black Pete’s lips should be white and thin
– Black Pete’s to stop wearing moorish clothing and jewelry
– The song ‘even though I am black like tar, I don’t mean any harm’ needs to be become ‘even though I am white like fungus I don’t mean any harm’.
– He needs to be called White Pete
But then if you look closely at the changed slave holiday, it would just be a bunch of caucasians handing out present. All the subliminal messages would be gone and that of course isn’t very appealing to the Dutch. They love depicting slaves and putting the idea in their children heads from a very young age, caucasians have their helpers. Not just regular helpers though, they have their BLACK helpers. The intent of this slave holiday has always been racism. The Dutch are disgusting.
Black Pete has nothing to do with slavery, it’s all about discrimination, which, holding one race above the other is at the root of slavery.
Imagine if you will some black children decide to paint themselves white, don blonde wigs and place blue contact-lenses in their eyes and immediately start behaving like junkies and sluts. Would it be considered racist if they referred to themselves as White-Dutchies?
Hey, you “scholar”—it should be “than,” not “then,” in your headline. Sheesh.
Was the opening of the yearly season this year again in Florida?
I thought it was prohibited by the UN in 1989?
Slavery is of all times and nearly all places. Even today there is human trafficking in Europe.
Quote Wikipedia: “David P. Forsythe wrote: “The fact remained that at the beginning of the nineteenth century an estimated three-quarters of all people alive were trapped in bondage against their will either in some form of slavery or serfdom.”[5] While slavery has existed for thousands of years, the social, economic, and legal position of slaves was vastly different in different systems of slavery in different times and places.[6]”
I suspect that one of the main reasons slavery was put aside in the West was the introduction of the steam engine. The abolition of slavery in the West thus was a consequence of economics. The other factor of course was that Christian morality began to prevail.
As for Sinterklaas and Zwarte Piet, they had to deal with the human limitations and morals of their times and cultures. Sinterklaas at least has always striven to improve the human condition. And about Zwarte Piet it is sung that he testifies that he means well, though his skin is black as soot.
It is fair to say that everybody on Earth has lots of people in their ancestry who were slaves. The Christian thing to do is to accept, forgive and to move on. That a lot of USA citizens of African descend are walking around with a collective trauma that they themselves perpetuate like a disease and that they walk around with a huge chip on their shoulders and a grudge is regrettable – but it is their own doing and their own problem, and can only be resolved when they own what they own. Jesus and the New Testament can help them. And Zwarte Piet and Sinterklaas will help them. But a pouting child cannot be helped unless he takes the hand that is reaching out to him.
Sinterklaas turned into saint Claus?
For a small person in America that’s not so nice either;
I like conversations like this because it brings out information that may change people’s minds, or at least give them information they may not have known before. I just looked up the Dutch people on wiki. They may not be the best at giving accurate information, but they let you know if they think what was written is inaccurate. One thing I do know for a fact is that the Dutch were major players in creating apartheid in South Africa. This may be a reason why they could care less about what another group of people believe to be racist. If they can create segregation in another people’s country, they sure can dismiss how a people feel about being portrayed in a negative manner.
I also looked up Black Peter and based on the information, he looks the way he looks because he is a Moor, who were Black Africans in Spain, the country who colonized the Netherlands. So this could be a way of getting back at the Moors or Blacks for being apart of the colonization. I consider myself a Black Nationalist not because I hate white people, but because I love Black people and because of the lack of unity among Americans in the US. Still in 2013 racism and discrimination is alive and well. It has become institutionalized. We don’t have discussions about race in this country either.
So to me it makes a lot of sense that in a country like the Netherlands and based on their history in South Africa, they don’t see any problem with Black Pete. Racism is a new concept, started in religion, but became a major concept in the 15th or 16th century to make money and justify the concept of slavery. I truly doubt it will change. Not for a very long time because of the long history of slavery and the fact that our government acts like nothing is wrong. I guess like the Dutch feel about Black Pete. So I will continue to focus on helping Black people become the best that they can be, in all areas of their lives, and not worry about other people who really don’t care or want to care about the issues of racism here and around the world.
Black Unity means financial independence and happiness
Quote Houteklomp: “now that the “wooden shoes” have unequivocally been made aware that the image of their beloved zwarte piet is felt as hurtful they will act to adjust it”.
The question is what to do. Myself I am in favor of returning to Zwarte Piet his thousands of years old lost attributes: the chain on his leg and the torch (or in our times a lamp) in his hand and his sack to put bad children in to abduct them to his abode.
As for the people who are angry at Zwarte Piet and do not love him: they clearly have been the victim of child abuse and most likely their parents were the perpetrators. The victims ought to apply for psychotherapy and I advocate that their perpetrator parents must pay for that psychotherapy, as well as pay a hefty fine.
Furthermore, I deem it necessary for people to be educated about Zwarte Piet and Sinterklaas and therefore my next project will be to write a long article or small booklet doing just that.
Hi Yam,
Quote: “look at @ the nation of Sudan, there you will find wonderfully black skinned humans”.
Sorry Yam. Zwarte Piet is not from Sudan. There is a lot more ultraviolet radiation in his abode than anywhere on Earth.
It is not sweets, but a coal in your shoe for you, Yam. Zwarte Piet does not care about the skin color of mortals. He does care about the ability or lack of ability to love unselfishly of their soul, though. And yours disappoints him. I recommend that you read the New Testament and that you learn to love all mortals as Jesus did.
ps. Robert is wrong: Mr. Gario was not arrested because he was demonstrating at a parade. He was cooperating with the police after they told him he could not demonstrate he asked them if it was ok for him to be there with his shirt on and they said it’s fine. Then all of a sudden things changed and police started to arrest him quite violently.
Steph makes some great points. The root of the problem is that there was never a civil discussion about racism or even slavery in the Netherlands. The colonized people like me (Black woman) were always told what to think and just like a few comments here we were told that we shouldn’t “play” the victim even if we genuinely felt we were discriminated against.
The best example is Jane Elliott who was hired to do a workshop in Holland but left before she could finish it because “She didn’t know what she was talking about” and racism didn’t exist in Holland.
I am thankful for your article. Holland has a long way to go.
@yam Oh my, the things you write would make you fit in perfectly with a bigoted racist organisation like the kkk.
On the subject: now that the “wooden shoes” have unequivocally been made aware that the image of their beloved zwarte piet is felt as hurtful they will act to adjust it. In the end I’m sure that cooler heads will prevail.
Dirk- this celebration is clearly racist wheter its concious or unconcious! And just to put to a holt your rubbish claim that there are no “pitch black” skin coloured people- there are, look at @ the nation of Sudan, there you will find wonderfully black skinned humans. This celebration you all have seems like a unconcious act of self hatred, clearly knowing ones self to be genetically inferior would cause you to poke fun but really you want to be us and this day maybe makes you feel good because for one day you think you are us! Damn stupid ugly no melanin (soul) cast aways, your a bunch of albino mis educated caucaziods. We were here and everywhere before you came about only 6000yrs ago. Go back to the uncivilised mountains you emerge- canibals!
Support the Netherlands in fighting black pete/blackface
In 2013 the Dutch still use ‘Black Pete’/’Blackface’, a symbol of slavery in its traditions every year. More than 1/3 of the black population see this tradition as racism but the Dutch simply don’t care.
Share this page pleasse.
The article is interesting, but totally warped and full of misconceptions. For an example: the Dutch verb ‘negeren’ does not have anything to do with those paleskin mortals from south of the Sahara. The verb derives from the Latin verb ‘negare’ (to denie, to say no).
Why do I call them heavily pigmented people from south of the Sahara paleskins? Because compared to Zwarte Piet they are. Zwarte Piet is pitch black. All mortal humans on Earth, however heavily pigmented their skin is, are pale compared to his immortal skin.
The European archetype Zwarte Piet has existed for thousands of years. Which makes any identification with someone from south of the Sahara ridiculous because Europeans in those times had no knowledge whatsoever about people from other continents.
Quote from the article: “1. the caricatural blackface. 2. Black skin, 3. big Afro, 4. eyes wide open, 5. slave earrings and 6. a strange costume based on the ones high ranking slaves used to wear. Up untill the 1980’s he also usually spoke with a “Surinam-black” 7. accent”.
The Dutch are remarkable for having hold on to these attributes of the Black Knight for thousands of years. Indeed, it is a miracle that Zwarte Piet with his attributes survived the religious persecution that this archetype – who means well to all good people, and even some of the bad people – has endured throughout the ages.
1. There is no blackface involved in Zwarte Piet. The black face concept is relatively young. Zwarte Piet is thousands of years old.
2. Zwarte Piet’s immortal skin is pitch black all over. There is nothing that can be done about that: washing does not help. If anyone has a problem with Zwarte Piet being black, then he or she is free to color his or her own skin in whatever other color he or she wishes – or apply for psychotherapy.
3. The hairdress of Zwarte Piet is unkempt and long. Those are the attributes of his hair and they have been like that for thousands of years. Afro is just one interpretation of these attributes, and a rather good one, though likely incorrect. Feel free to provide another interpretation of those attributes.
4. Eyes wide open? I never heard anything about that. Zwarte Piet, however, is a creature of the night and usually active only after darkness has fallen, so undoubtedly his pupils will be very large.
5. Earrings. Earrings are what sailors have in their ears as payment for their burial in case their ship is wrecked and the sea deposits their body on some coast. The idea that the earrings of the Black Knight have anything to do with him being a slave is preposterous and ridiculous.
6. A strange costume. He is gayly dressed because he likes to be seen and because he is full of good humor. So what? Who appointed you the clothing police. After Zwarte Piet being persecuted and hung for wearing a gay costume, what is next? Must he be shot for having ten toes too?
7. Accent. It is remarkable that the Dutch retained this attribute of Zwarte Piet throughout the millennia. Yes, Zwarte Piet speaks funnily in Dutch, as he would in any other language – and he speaks them all. The remarkable thing is not that Zwarte Piet speaks funnily. What is remarkable is that Sinterklaas does not speak funnily.
There is quite a lot of difference between a platypus egg and a chicken egg but the ignoramus will think both to be identical – and he clearly is wrong in that assessment. In the same manner are the ignorami wrong who fail to distinguish between Zwarte Piet and the past generations of USA pigmented slaves. (And who are silent about the hundreds of thousands of European people who were transported to the America’s as slaves.)
Let me end with this statement: neither Sinterklaas nor Zwarte Piet are racists. The only dinstinction these immortals make is whether mortal people are good or bad, whether they are sinners or not; whatever the pigmentation of their skin is.
Until black people stop hoping white people will Ever love us, we’ll never get ahead and do our own thing like Marcus Garvey told African people to do.
As the fight for the remaining economic leftovers from the one percent, there will be More intolerance in Europe, see Golden Dawn in Greece and American tea party who like Joe Biden told the NAACP, they would put us in chains (oh yea, they are so called Christians.)
Why are we Still surprised at racism? Get over it and do for our damn self.
Robert: “The problem of those claiming zwarte piet is a racist phenomenon claim the moral high ground, and are no longer open for debate.”
This is a huge misrepresentation of the problem and I get the impression that you’re trying to talk yourself into a victim role here. I have not seen a single anti-ZP protester who has lost their cool or refused to argue in a reasonable manner. Pro-ZPers, however, have been losing their cool all over the place, with the prime example being the discussion between Quinsy Gario and Henk Westbroek. Worse, some of them have been making all sorts of vile and disgustingly racist comments, and somehow that is less important than this so-called “moral high ground” that you claim the anti-ZP’ers have? For some reason people in the Netherlands have developed the mindset that being accused of racism is worse than actual racism, which is absurd. It’s not even that relevant because nobody is accusing Piet-lovers of being racist, and it is precisely because we believe you are not racist that we implore you to educate yourself and come to understand that a racist icon like Zwarte Piet should not be accepted in our society.
Finally, apart from Verene Shepherd, nobody is trying to get rid of ZP altogether. All we ask is to get rid of the features that make Piet into a racial stereotype: the full brown face paint, the red lips and the afro. Anti-ZP’ers are precisely the people who want to have a debate, and pro-ZP’ers are the ones who are telling them “We heard your arguments, we just don’t care, so now please shut up so we can celebrate our holiday the way we want to.” Even if you don’t want to call that racist, it sure shows a remarkable lack of human empathy.
As a white dutch guy I came across this article, first i want to say that i love the Sinterklaas celebrations and even black Pete. But after reading the article i was in shock that it offended people so much and worst of all the children who get bullyed. I agree with everyone in the black community that this has to change. but how is a dificult question because on one side people would like to hold on to this tradition on the other hand people should not be offended. I believe that respect fot each other and each others well being are far more important than a tradition of wich, i now see after reading the article, is outdated.
Although i can imagine that people consider the Black Pete character insulting and demeaning, the debate is really kind of spiraling out of control right now. 2 million Dutch people signed a petition to keep Black Pete, the majority of them not because they’re racists, but because they’re deeply offended that they’re being called racists because of a tradition that the majority seriously thought was nothing more than an innocent children’s festival. You may not believe it, but most people seriously don’t link it to racism, and they simply feel that they’re being wrongfully accused of racism. Call them ill informed about the traditions history (as is often the case with traditions) but that’s the truth. So the discussion was always a very sensitive one.
This year there were some signs that a slowly but steadily growing number of people would be prepared to very gradually change the image of Black Pete so as not to be offensive to colored people. It was a very sensitive debate, but very slowly and carefully we were getting somewhere. Then it all went wrong. Contrary to what your article states, it didn’t go wrong because of the interview with Mr Gario and Mr Westbroek. It went wrong when some people complained to the UN and subsequently Mrs Shepherd of the UN came on national Dutch television and said, rather bluntly, that all Dutch people were racists and the entire Sinterklaas festival should be abolished. That’s when the careful discussion that we had broke down in the blink of an eye. The millions of people speaking out for keeping Black Pete are not so much saying “Never change Black Pete”, they’re saying “Who are you, the UN, to yell at us like this and call us racists and forbid a tradition that we’ve held dear for centuries”. I admit a number of people are really overreacting, but you have to admit that Mrs Shepherd could have been less blunt.
My point is that it’s a delicate discussion, but we can get somewhere if we talk it over carefully and gradually and without making accusations and remarks that only lead to more misunderstanding and create an atmosphere of conflict and escalation. In that respect I’m afraid your article, while factually true on a number of points on the history of Black Pete, through its tone doesn’t really help and only adds to the misunderstanding. Especially with remarks that fights are going to break out between black and white people – I don’t know where you got that from, but it’s not true at all. So when writing stuff about this, please be constructive and try to increase the mutual understanding. And don’t act as if our country is on the verge of civil war, because that’s just ridiculous. Thank you very much.
I’m actually disapointed by this article since you quote some racist bigots and generalize those as expressing the racist nature of the entire Dutch population. Quite discriminatory in my opinion. The using of the word negeren to illustrate that the Dutch are racist underlines my feelings in this. Maybe we should ban that word as well. Also I might add the word neger is commonly used to describe a person with black skin and doesnt have the same connotation as the word nigger.
The problem of those claiming zwarte piet is a racist phenomenon claim the moral high ground, and are no longer open for debate. This article is full of generalizations, claiming that all people of african heritage have a problem with it. This is simply not true, a majority have no problem with it. You even have black petes in Surinam and the Carribean Islands.
Mr. Gario was arrested because he was demonstrating at a parade. Demonstratin in a quite distasted fashion wearing a tshirt saying zwarte piet is racist. How would you feel if someone would claim the same about santa claus where all the kids can see it. Take disagreements to the proper forum and leave children out of it.
Zwarte Piet doesnt have a race, black is a color. When I read these kinds of articles I wonder who the narrow minded persons are: the people who enjoy a nice tradition or the people who think the white men found another way to discriminate.
And yes Dutch people feel strongly about it, as is logical. Its the countries biggest traditional celebration. It would be the same thing if the carnival in Rio would be cancelled because its demeaning to women.
Thank you for this article. Please disregard the ignorant comments from Dutch people below. One of the most popular arguments is “Foreigners don’t understand our traditions, they don’t know what they’re talking about so they should stay out of our traditions.”
Well, I’m Dutch and I understand Sinterklaas very well. I grew up with Sinterklaas and Zwarte Piet and enjoyed it immensely, I never saw harm in it. I thought it was ridiculous, “excessively politically correct” (a term which I’ve now come to despise) when they introduced the Rainbow Petes a few years ago. “Nobody associates Piet with racism, why make such a fuss, it’s a children’s celebration.”
The thing that made me realize how wrong I was was the fact that I took the time to educate myself. Racial education is sorely lacking in The Netherlands. Dutch people like to pretend that in The Netherlands we have “overcome” racism to the point where nobody is offended by things like this, and that the USA has a lot of catching up to do where the elimination of racism is concerned. How sad that the reality is that the roles are reversed: although the history of racism in the US is perhaps more extreme than it ever was in The Netherlands, it has forced a discussion there that never took place here. Instead of actually dealing with the issues, the white Dutch population has drawn a big curtain over our history, decided that our history of slavery is no longer relevant and that “racism is over”. Thereby making it very easy for themselves to pretend that Piet’s image truly is the innocent tradition that they insist it is.
Although the discussion has sparked some truly despicable racist sentiments, the main problem you will encounter when debating this issue is not racism but ignorance. Until we improve racial education and truly address the black pages in our nation’s history, we can never have a relevant discussion about race.
This article describes EXACTLY how it is!
This Article is the truth!
I see dutch people reacting that its bullshit?? But what would you expect lol.
You can´t feel the pain and humiliation if you dont have a black skin period.I am a black person living in Holland kkk
and because the white people own the Media ,you will only see positive propaganda about black Pete.But the masses of the coloured people living in Holland despise it.
But as it has been in the past,so is it right now in Holland,they try to cut of the voice of the black people and use black people (who are afraid of losing their jobs and have been brainwashed for years)to speak out against their own black fellow citizens.
It´s a damn sham what´s happening in Holland right now!!! I am calling the whole world to burn this Racism !!
You’re calling the article one sided without one actual argument from you on why it ISN’T racist. I am Dutch too and agree with the article. Interesting how you think you’re speaking for an entire nation. Great article.
This really is a ridiculous story. Reality in the Netherlands is totally different. People in the Netherlands see no relation between Back Pete, and Black people. Black Pete is just a fantasy figure which is part of the ferry tale.
It’s origin might be related to slavery, but nowadays he has become a totally new meaning. Just like your christmas-tree which has pagan origins.
For the same reason you don’t think of pagan rituals when looking at a christmas tree, people in Holland don’t think of Black people when looking at Black Pete.
Actually 97% of the Dutch population sympathises with the Sinterklaas celibrations, which includes many yellow/black/brown/whatever people
But of course it’s easy to call out for racism, and make yourself a victim.
This arrticle is so full of one-sided and over exagerated arguments NO_ONE (even if you agree with the general tone) should take this poor excuse for an article serious.
If you want to see the racism it is extremelyeasy to see it is so,but if you are raised to see everyone as equal ‘Black-Peter’ is just a figure that is in no way meant to be ‘a typical black person’. Children will get bullied even if theyre not black and you guys are just using the ‘black’ issue as a piss-poor excuse. The guy that was supposedly ‘beaten up by police’ was not, but he was extremely forceful in resisting arrest, which means police officers can use appropriate force. His protest was also NOT Silent, that is a blatent lie.I could type more about how bad this article is in my poor english, but in general you make a very BAD argumentation against Pete.
There is a ahuge difference in it BEING racist and POSSIBLY being seen as racist. Come round to the celebrations one year and see for yourself. ONLY THEN can you speak out on the issue.
Personally I think its hilaious that the word and colour ‘black’ is still so sensitive, in my country we are all equal, and even tho there is a rich history behind sinterklass and black pete, which we all learn about eventually, not all chrildren become racist because of it, hilarious argumentation once again…
Yes, lets get rid of Black pete because he is black, that is not racist at all~