Dr. Ben Carson is revealing Himself to be an Idiot Savant.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) Brain surgeon notwithstanding, Dr. Ben Carson is an idiot. It seems that White conservatives will never learn that by trotting people like Allen West, Herman Cain, or Dr. Ben Carson out before the public, they’re doing themselves a disservice in the Black community. Black people know and understand our own people. We warned America that Herman Cain had a flawed character. Then when it came out that he was a philandering pervert, conservatives were shocked, while the Black community walked away snickering, and asked, “What else is new?”

So you see, it’s not Black people who are out of touch. We overwhelmingly support the Democratic Party because we have sense enough not to reject the Bogie Man just to go out and support the Devil.
Black people understand that ANY Black person who aligns him or herself with the conservative cause has to be either an idiot or suffer from a severe character flaw. Sound crazy? Okay, well tell me this, how do you feel about Americans who align themselves with Al Qaeda? It’s the exact same rationale.
Black people have centuries of experience in dealing with White conservatives. We know whose grinnin’ in our face during the day, and then riding around under sheets at night. So Black people have long since recognized what many White liberals are just beginning to see – thatbencarsonmrbush the modern Republican Party is the domestic enemy of the United States. The current government shutdown clearly attests to that fact. Thus, if Al Qaeda represents a rattle snake in America’s garden, the current GOP represents a python in the bedroom. After all, Al Qaeda can only blowup buildings, while the current Republican Party is dedicated to destroying the very foundation upon which this nation was founded.
So, yes, most Black people detest Black conservatives, because Black people love America, so we view Black conservatives as not only the enemy of the state, but the enemy of their own people. In short, we look upon them like we would Jewish Nazis.
Thus, the Black community recognizes that while Dr. Ben Carson may be a renown neurosurgeon, he’s had to swallow his pride so often, kiss so much ass, and jump through so many racist hoops to get where he did, that he’s been left with a sever case of Stockholm Syndrome. The man even LOOKS weak, beat up, and morally exhausted.
But for the benefit of those of you who may not be familiar with the Stockholm Syndrome, it’s a psychiatric concept named to describe the psychological response of hostages who were locked in a bank vault for five days during a robbery in Stockholm, Sweden between August 23rd and 28th of 1973. Some of the hostages were so traumatized during their ordeal that they began to confuse relief from blatant abuse with an act of kindness. As a result, they began to empathize with their captors. Many became so attached to their captors, in fact, that they refused assistance and even defended the criminals after they were released.
So, contrary to popular belief, there are hordes of Black people in the community with the intelligence to not only match, but far exceed Dr. Carson’s achievements ( http://wattree.blogspot.com/2010/09/dr-richard-allen-williams-miles-ahead.html ), but due to the abuse, disrespect, and disdain that we’ve had to endure over the centuries, the majority of us would rather continue to endure the struggle of the masses than to prostitute our sense of dignity and respect in order to achieve all that we may have the potential to be. Because we have both the intelligence and character to recognize that one should always give WHO you are priority over WHAT you are. Thus, when you compare the achievements of Dr. Carson – and turncoats like Clarence Thomas, Herman Cain, and Allen West, before him – to the price that they had to pay in terms of character and self-respect, their achievements seem quite shallow and unimportant.
In addition, these people are trading in their character and self-respect for absolutely nothing in return, because for the fiscal conservative manipulators who control the Republic Party, people like Dr. Carson are simply pawns to be used and then discarded once they’ve served their purpose. But many White social conservatives actually take these people seriously, possibly because it allows them to believe that since they like one Black man, that proves that they aren’t racist. But they can’t seem to understand the true reason WHY they like Black conservatives.
The primary reason that White social conservatives are so enamored with Black conservatives like Dr. Carson and Allen West is, these people allow themselves to be placed in the role that conservatives want to see ALL Black people – like grinnin’ children who know their place, are deferential to white people, and hostile toward all other Black people who are arrogant enough to consider themselves equal.
But conservative planners don’t seem to realize that the reason trotting such people out on the political stage never works, is because these very same Black conservatives that the GOP is so enamored with make the Black community want to throw up. The skinnin’-and-grinnin’ of such people actually hurt the Republican brand among Black people rather than help it. 
So the bottom line is, White conservatives fail to understand that they betray their underlying racist attitudes just by the sort of Black people that they embrace. It’s ironic, isn’t it?
Staff Writer; Eric L. Wattree
More thought provoking articles feel free to visit; The Wattree Chronicle.

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