(ThyBlackMan.com) Brain surgeon notwithstanding, Dr. Ben Carson is an idiot. It seems that White conservatives will never learn that by trotting people like Allen West, Herman Cain, or Dr. Ben Carson out before the public, they’re doing themselves a disservice in the Black community. Black people know and understand our own people. We warned America that Herman Cain had a flawed character. Then when it came out that he was a philandering pervert, conservatives were shocked, while the Black community walked away snickering, and asked, “What else is new?”
So you see, it’s not Black people who are out of touch. We overwhelmingly support the Democratic Party because we have sense enough not to reject the Bogie Man just to go out and support the Devil.
Black people understand that ANY Black person who aligns him or herself with the conservative cause has to be either an idiot or suffer from a severe character flaw. Sound crazy? Okay, well tell me this, how do you feel about Americans who align themselves with Al Qaeda? It’s the exact same rationale.
Black people understand that ANY Black person who aligns him or herself with the conservative cause has to be either an idiot or suffer from a severe character flaw. Sound crazy? Okay, well tell me this, how do you feel about Americans who align themselves with Al Qaeda? It’s the exact same rationale.
Black people have centuries of experience in dealing with White conservatives. We know whose grinnin’ in our face during the day, and then riding around under sheets at night. So Black people have long since recognized what many White liberals are just beginning to see – that
the modern Republican Party is the domestic enemy of the United States. The current government shutdown clearly attests to that fact. Thus, if Al Qaeda represents a rattle snake in America’s garden, the current GOP represents a python in the bedroom. After all, Al Qaeda can only blowup buildings, while the current Republican Party is dedicated to destroying the very foundation upon which this nation was founded.
So, yes, most Black people detest Black conservatives, because Black people love America, so we view Black conservatives as not only the enemy of the state, but the enemy of their own people. In short, we look upon them like we would Jewish Nazis.
Thus, the Black community recognizes that while Dr. Ben Carson may be a renown neurosurgeon, he’s had to swallow his pride so often, kiss so much ass, and jump through so many racist hoops to get where he did, that he’s been left with a sever case of Stockholm Syndrome. The man even LOOKS weak, beat up, and morally exhausted.
But for the benefit of those of you who may not be familiar with the Stockholm Syndrome, it’s a psychiatric concept named to describe the psychological response of hostages who were locked in a bank vault for five days during a robbery in Stockholm, Sweden between August 23rd and 28th of 1973. Some of the hostages were so traumatized during their ordeal that they began to confuse relief from blatant abuse with an act of kindness. As a result, they began to empathize with their captors. Many became so attached to their captors, in fact, that they refused assistance and even defended the criminals after they were released.
So, contrary to popular belief, there are hordes of Black people in the community with the intelligence to not only match, but far exceed Dr. Carson’s achievements ( http://wattree.blogspot.com/2010/09/dr-richard-allen-williams-miles-ahead.html ), but due to the abuse, disrespect, and disdain that we’ve had to endure over the centuries, the majority of us would rather continue to endure the struggle of the masses than to prostitute our sense of dignity and respect in order to achieve all that we may have the potential to be. Because we have both the intelligence and character to recognize that one should always give WHO you are priority over WHAT you are. Thus, when you compare the achievements of Dr. Carson – and turncoats like Clarence Thomas, Herman Cain, and Allen West, before him – to the price that they had to pay in terms of character and self-respect, their achievements seem quite shallow and unimportant.
In addition, these people are trading in their character and self-respect for absolutely nothing in return, because for the fiscal conservative manipulators who control the Republic Party, people like Dr. Carson are simply pawns to be used and then discarded once they’ve served their purpose. But many White social conservatives actually take these people seriously, possibly because it allows them to believe that since they like one Black man, that proves that they aren’t racist. But they can’t seem to understand the true reason WHY they like Black conservatives.
The primary reason that White social conservatives are so enamored with Black conservatives like Dr. Carson and Allen West is, these people allow themselves to be placed in the role that conservatives want to see ALL Black people – like grinnin’ children who know their place, are deferential to white people, and hostile toward all other Black people who are arrogant enough to consider themselves equal.
But conservative planners don’t seem to realize that the reason trotting such people out on the political stage never works, is because these very same Black conservatives that the GOP is so enamored with make the Black community want to throw up. The skinnin’-and-grinnin’ of such people actually hurt the Republican brand among Black people rather than help it.
So the bottom line is, White conservatives fail to understand that they betray their underlying racist attitudes just by the sort of Black people that they embrace. It’s ironic, isn’t it?
Staff Writer; Eric L. Wattree
More thought provoking articles feel free to visit; The Wattree Chronicle.
A lot more people fell through the cracks before safety nets were implemented. This society has gotten much larger and more complex than it was years ago, and besides safety nets have helped numerous people climb out of poverty into the middle class. Two of those safety net programs are social security and medicare, which helped my mother and other elderly folks live out their last years with a measure of security. They are among the reasons people live longer than they used to. As for welfare, there are times when anyone’s life can turn on a dime. Of course, people abuse it and abuses need to be addressed in such a way that people who really are trying don’t get burned. I personally know people who were on welfare for a time but ended up as police officers, businesswomen, and payroll supervisors. They used welfare until they could do better for themselves and their kids,
so painting welfare recipients negatively with a broad brush shows a lack of critical thinking. Headstart is another safety net program that helps with early education for kids who otherwise would be left out in the cold. People who receive unemployment benefits paid into it while they were employed, so it would be unfair to call them takers unless they are committing fraud. As for food stamps, there are people with jobs that pay so poorly they are unable to have all their needs met just with their salaries. They are not takers, either, but doing the best they can. I only agree that most safety nets should be temporary except for people who are mentally or physically unable to do any better, or are elderly.
As for Ben Carson, no one is denying he’s intelligent. But intelligent people are quite capable of saying stupid things. In addition, there are other black conservatives whom I can respectfully disagree with. Condoleeza Rice and Colin Powell come to mind. His being a conservative is not the problem. It’s the fact that he keeps putting his foot in his mouth, and comparing ACA to the barbaric system of slavery is a prime example of foot-in-mouth syndrome.
Good point…
Before the saftey nets, people had to “rely” on each other. Remeber the Waltons..Sometimes that would mean many generations living under the same roof..Social, cultural and moral traditions were in place that protected the family and community for the most part..But now with so many programs and safety nets, who cares personally anymore?
For capable folks that are experiencing some struggles in their life, I am sure you would agree that safety nets if used sparingly, is a good thing to help them get back on their feet.
However, so many able-bodied, healhty, intellengent people have abdicated their responsiblity to themselves and others for lure of the “safe” life at the cost of everyone’s freedom.
@ ANNE DID you ever ask yourself how did our people survive before there was MEDICARE;MEDICADE od WELFARE?
YOU don’t have to respond; just think about it.
Dr. Carson was courageous for voicing his distain of homosexuality, bestiality and pedophilia as they all add no positive value to society which was his point. Apparently, you disagree..
Your criticism of Dr. Carson for those comments in this PUBLIC forum is hypocritical at best because based on your comments, you believe homosexuality to be morally superior to bestiality. The only difference between you and Dr. Carson is that you are politically correct in your opinion concerning people that practice bestiality. Dr. Carson was being real and truthful. We need more of that from people of high character.
Lastly, Social Security is running out of money. Again, a little research would reveal that fact.
Liberals focus so much on safety nets, which are needed in some cases, but they hardly focus on helping people build and acquire wealth on their own.
But how can they when they focus on to many issues such as homosexually, abortion that tear down rather than build communities.
I wouldn’t care if someone accused me of what I am judging Dr. Carson for because, (1) there is no altering the fact that he said the stupid things he said and (2) I’m not a spokesperson for any views but my own, which I’m entitled to. I’m not in any kind of public forum to influence anyone. My dislike of bestiality and pedophilia are beside the point, which is that if indeed Dr. Carson knows these things to be different, then he needs to think before he speaks. And you are right, time WILL tell whether Obamacare is a success. After all, when Social Security and Medicare were enacted, there were folks who criticized them as well. If it had been left up to them, as well as the armchair critics downing Obamacare while offering nothing of their own, I hate to think where a lot of Americans would be without such safety nets.
As far as ObamaCare goes, time will tell..
I think Dr. Carson knows the difference between homosexually, beastially and peophillia.
You however are offended by the comparison of homosexually to the other two forms of sexual activity. Apparently, you feel negatively toward beastiality and peoophillia.
But what is intesting, is that you apppear to look down on people that participate in beastility and peodophilla.
You may not know it but beastility is an approved sexual act in the US military along with homosexually. You can easily Google this to verify my assertion.
So, someone could accuse you of the same attitude you accuse Dr. Carson of having concerning bestiality.
@C.D. Smith:
Tell me where I implied that Bush was responsible for Obamacare. Or do you confuse him with Willard Romney, who did implement a health care plan similar to Obama’s but on a smaller scale? The “implosion” is not the program itself but the computer glitches that folks are currently working on. After all, it won’t go into full effect until Wednesday, January 1, 2014. As for Ben Carson, the fact remains that his statements confusing homosexuality with pedophilia and bestiality were stupid, ignorant, and backward–especially coming from a man who’s known for his intelligence. If he wants to sound intelligent in his opposition to these things, he at least needs to sound like he knows what he’s talking about. As I said before, regardless of whether people accept or reject any of these, they are totally different things. That’s a fact that operates independently of my opinion or yours on these subjects. While I don’t like any of them, it’s still a fact that they’re different things. He should also have been ashamed to let the words come out of his mouth saying that Obamacare is the worst thing that’s happened to us since slavery. That was equally stupid, ignorant, and backward especially from a black man. As for the program you say is “imploding,” what have the Republicans offered instead of simply being armchair critics? Back in 2010, when the president was putting it together, he asked for their input. Because all they wanted to do was be obstructionists, they offered nothing. I also find it hilarious that folks like Ted Cruz who helped to orchestrate the government shutdown didn’t even read it before they rushed to judgment. They were willing to cause needless suffering, and did, in order to defund the program which is already funded independently of the budget. In fact, they’ve tried more than 40 times to get rid of it and failed. That tells me that they are afraid it might succeed in spite of their worst efforts.
Wow..Please don’t start saying Bush is responsible for ObamaCare..
Here are the differences between RomneyCare and ObamaCare
1. Romney care imposes limits on the manadates it can FORCE insurance companies to provide. Obamacare – no limits on mandates. This why the insurance system will eventually collapse. So everyone will have no choice but to come under government control.
2. Obamacare forces employers to pay for services that originally employees had to partially pay in…This is why you are seeing businesses shorten employee hours as to not have to conform to the regulation.
3. Obama is not following the original terms of his own law by giving “exemptions” to businesses that support him, members of congress and other “special” concerns.
4. RomneyCare website works and people can sign up for it..
As far as Dr. Carson’s homosexual remark, he was merely inferring that the homosexually as abnormal. Since he is a scientist and a physician, it is understandable that he would see the issue in “logical” perspective given the design of men and woman. Function follows design. Based on that simple deduction alone, the logical conclusion that sexual relations between people of the same gender does not follow the design of male and females.
You comment on that subject indicates that you have a “lower” opinion of people that have sex with animals.
By the way, who people have sex with animals may not appreciate your veiled criticism of their behavior. After all, who are we to judge, right?
Has it ever occurred to some people that Obamacare was originally a Republican idea? The Republicans are so bent on making this president a failure that they reflexively oppose things they previously supported only because HE thinks they are good ideas. Obamacare is similar to the same program that Willard Romney enacted in Massachusetts when he was governor of that state. People in Massachusetts seem to like the program. It’s also worth noting that the Republican politicians coming out against Obamacare offer absolutely no alternative. The fact that they were willing to shut down government and make people suffer needlessly because they want to get rid of Obamacare shows how far off the deep end they’ve gone.
In any case, the remark comparing Obamacare to slavery is not the only ignorant remark Ben Carson has publicly made. He also compared homosexuality to bestiality and pedophilia. One can be either heterosexual or homosexual and be a pedophile, while bestiality involves humans having sex with animals. No matter how folks feel about homosexuality, it’s important not to make such ignorant statements publicly if one wants to be taken seriously. It does go to show that having an extensive formal education doesn’t make one an intellectual giant, but one doesn’t have to be a rocket scientist to see that it takes only one or two asinine public statements to destroy a good name that it took decades to build.
Obamacare is NOT suppose to work. The goal is place everyone on a government health care system to enslave you.
Once that happens:
1. They can tell you what to eat and how much you should weigh and PENALIZE you if you are not in compliance.
2. You will have no where else to go because all physicians will be government employees.
3. The government will determine who will get treatment and who will not.
4. Since the government will be RESPONSIBLE for your health care, they will have the authority to tell you how to live.
What is funny that none of the writers like Wattree or others on this website has ever explained how black people will be GUARANTEED equal treatment under this system once the government has full control.
The only thing that is important to him is that EVERYONE suffers equally.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion. But Dr. Carson’s equating Obamacare to slavery was certainly over the top. Such a critique cannot be taken seriously.
Dr. Ben Carson recently said that Obamacare was the worst thing since slavery. Is he serious? Is making it possible for millions of uninsured Americans to obtain affordable healthcare worse than Jim Crow and the countless lynchings of African Americans across this country since slavery? Is Obamacare worse than blatant racism, the bombing of innocent children in church, the senseless murder of Dr. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X, or the gross murder and mutilation of a 14 year-old Emmet Till? Is this man out of his mind?
The problem with Dr. Carson is, in spite of his medical skill, he’s clearly less than an independent thinker. Many of his comments seem to suggest that instead of assessing reality for himself, he’s content to believe what he’s been taught to believe. That’s why I’m so quick to advise people that while Dr. Carson may be a brilliant neurosurgeon, he’s far from what we would consider an intellectual. Not only does the inaccuracy of his comment on Obamacare and slavery betray a monumental level of perceptual ignorance, but the fact that he lacked the insight to anticipate the national uproar over such an assertion clearly demonstrates that his perceptual ignorance is tinged with more than just a little unmitigated and stark stupidity.
We should never confuse education, or a given skill, with intelligence. Dr. Carson is clearly validating my position in that regard. We tend to hold medical doctors in high esteem and assume that they have an intellect that’s far superior to our own, but that’s not true. It’s a factoid – a lie that’s been repeated so often that it’s accepted as fact.
The fact is, the practice of medicine is a craft. Doctors are just like auto mechanics, with the exact same diagnostic and analytical skill set. The reason we hold them in such high esteem is because of all the hoops they have to jump through to become a doctor – which is much more an expression of discipline and determination than intellect – and they have the ability to save our lives. But these are things that can be taught to anyone of average intelligence, discipline, aptitude, and drive. These are all laudable qualities, but they say nothing of one’s ability to think.
Thus, while medicine is a highly disciplined craft, it’s a craft nevertheless. So while doctors are undoubtedly highly trained professionals, they’re no more intelligent or insightful than the rest of the population, as Dr. Carson’s belief in talking snakes clearly attest. So if he decides to move into the political arena where he’s exposed to REAL thinkers and intellectuals, he’s gonna be torn to shreds.
The problem with people like Dr. Carson is, he obviously thinks that he has better judgment and insight than the over 93% of the Black community who voted for Barack Obama. But as that old saying goes, when you begin to think that everyone is crazy but yourself, it’s time for YOU to be examined – and examined he’s gonna to be.
Ben Carson is only the latest example of how Republicans think we’re so shallow that we will embrace someone only because he or she is black. That’s the excuse they use for the fact that most of us who voted in 2008 and 2012 during the presidential elections chose Barack Obama just because he’s black. Because of that mindset, they choose to ignore the fact that Floridians voted Allen West out of the House in favor of a young, white Democrat. They also ignore examples like the one in Alabama where Arthur Davis, a black man, paid the price for reneging on the issue of health care that was important to his black constituents. They voted for a white man as the Democratic nominee for the gubernatorial race instead of him, because that man reflected their interests. That’s what it boiled down to for those of us who rejected Willard Romney. He was offering nothing and contributed to the racist, misogynic, anti-union, and anti-poor rhetoric by failing to speak out in denunciation of that rhetoric. Then, of course, he was caught making insulting remarks about the 47% who he said wanted free stuff. Ironically, that’s the percentage of the votes he got in 2012. Ben Carson is a brilliant neurosurgeon who is well-spoken and writes well, unlike the clown AKA Herman Cain. However, he has aligned himself with a political party that has degenerated into one that embraces all of the 3 negative traits I noted above, and his remarks about the ACA being worse than slavery for black folks was downright ridiculous. As for calling him an idiot savant, I respectfully disagree as idiot savants excel in only one area and are lacking in all others. He is a good writer as well as being an excellent neurosurgeon. It’s just too bad he’s using his talents for people who are consistently on the wrong side of important issues.
Dcarter910,Judy Tabor,Robert
I think all your responses were very good.
Dcarter910, You said it best.
I’m going to take your advice. Thanks.
THE irony is that OBAMACARE is imploding as we speak.
MANY people have been saying including myself that this type of endeavor is too large and too complicated for our government to be trusted with.
OBAMA has gotten his healthcare bill passed into law ; he has had three and a half years to implement his project; he has delayed and given waivers in the process.
THE final date was given as OCT.1 it has passed and guess what the enrollment website HEALTHCARE.GOV doesn’t work!
AFTER spending 650 million dollars according to many IT experts the website is worthless and has to be scrapped.
YOU don’t have to be a tea party republican to understand that this government is too big and so corrupt that it is incapable of carrying of task of looking out for it’s citizen’s healthcare.
DR. BEN CARSON was right he used his professional medical opinion to determine that OBAMACRE could not work ;and time have proven him correct because OBAMACARE is D.O.A
I find it odd that the writer of this article is so ignorant that he has no clue of what an “Idiot Savant” actually is. Why do not his claims about a black Republican not also apply to a half black Democrat who was the pet of white people too? After all, the Democrats are not above trotting out the
“Acceptable black who speaks good English, but can talk black when required,” as Joe Biden put it. Who brought on the freedom of slaves? Abraham Lincoln, Republican. Democrats have kept black people down and ignorant to serve their purpose. Whateve happened to black families? Families with a mother and a father in residence. Parents who taught their children to learn and amount to something other than uneducated welfare mongers with one fatherless child after another? Good old LBJ put you all on that path to nowhere. There is no shame in being black and educated, or black and successful, or black and conservative.
I really wish people would stop responding to this Koon-in-pro-black-clothing. He does not post stuff to generate healthy discourse. No, he only post stuff to get a reaction. He is so starved for attention that even negative attention brings validation to his existence. I have never read anything psychologically balanced from him. And before I read anything I always check to see who wrote it. If it is Eric Koon-tree, then I immediately leave the page.
He is probably going to accuse me of hidding myself behind an alias, he wants to know who I am. He wants me to give him specific points why I know he is a Koon. He doesnt want this so he can reason on something new. No, he wants to know so he can spend minutes google-ing rebuttals probably found on KoonsRus.com.
The worst thing you can do to Satan, is ignore him. Evil people cant stand to be ignored. Their cry for attention is at the core of their black, ignorant hearts.
I really don’t know anything about Ben Carson’s political views. I did read his story and saw the movie. Cannot believe he is a sell out, and maybe someone who feels he’s getting what is a long time coming. (i.e.) the picture above with Bush.
Nevertheless, I must address the issue of the conservative “elite” is not above using black folk to promote their cause. I just wish I knew the people they are using and why they believe the way they do and are they sincere in believing they can trust such a group. My answer is a resounding NO!
My belief is Obama is divinely appointed as President. I also believe he was appointed by God, to uproot, expose, and bring to the forefront, the innate, deeply rooted spirit of hatred and racism in this country. There is never been a time since I have been old enough to understand and becoming maturely aware politically have I seen a President so disrespected, verbally and intentionally setup and abused by the political regime as I have seen over the past soon to be 8 years. (since 1964, the assasination of Kennedy)and beyond, I have made sure to keep myself informed and educated.
This presidency has exposed the blatant, deep seated hatred, corruption, and disregard of this countries, people, by a few who are determined to see it destroyed and go down in flames, before they give up their self angrandizing agendas. God told Israel his chosen to take care of the fatherless and the widow, among other things socially they were responisble for and If God judged Israel for her neglect what makes these so called “leaders” think they are going to escape the judgement of God.
Their latest shennagins, have made this country a mockery on the World seen, the United States has lost its standing in this world, they are a laughing stock to the nations who used to look up to them, this latest dubachery sealed the national coffin regarding the respect of this country to the degree it may never come back no matter who becomes President.
This country will pay for the disrespect, they will get what they want, but at what price and the person who wrote the above comments, for this commentary will live to regret and see the foolishness of his thinking, as will those who are behind such blind thinking.
Good People,
I noticed that everyone who had an objection to the piece is writing under an assumed name. I’d say, that says it all – either you don’t have the courage of your convictions, or you’re an undercover Republican plant.
But that doesn’t matter to me. I’m here to educate, and a writer can judge his or her effectiveness by the passion he or she ignites in readers, whether that passion is love or hatred. Thus, based on your response – as dysfunctional as it tends to be – I’m doing exactly what I set out to do, and I want to let you know that I appreciate your passion immensely. And I look forward to setting your soul on fire again, with my next article. So keep reading, fans.
So let me get this straight ….anyone who disagrees with you are any racist name YOU want to call them! Who made you god of black people?! Who said that your thoughts alone could be what black people should think?? Dude you are dead wrong!! You are hateful and ignorant because you will only see if Simeon’s is from your perspective!! Very sad life right there!!
This is the writing skills and influence of uneducated-just plain stupid, Wattree
A Message from the Hood
by Eric L. Wattree Sr.
Publisher: PublishAmerica (October 10, 2005)
Average Customer Review: Be the first to review this item
Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #12,044,784 in Books
Wow, ranked 12,044,784. Congrats…Good job!
Now, Dr. Ben Carson
Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story
Publisher: Zondervan; Reprinted edition (November 26, 1996)
Customer Review:4.8 out of 5 stars See all reviews (647 customer reviews)
Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #987 in Books
America the Beautiful: Rediscovering What Made This Nation Great
Average Customer Review:4.8 out of 5 stars See all reviews (1,630 customer reviews)
Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #259 in Books
Also, Dr. Ben Carson actually is educated and helps people.
Unlike Wattree that eats, drinks kool-aid, sleeps, and shits.
And just for fun, Wattree compared to Dr. Seuss
Green Eggs and Ham
Publisher: Random House Books for Young Readers; PAP/COM edition
(January 5, 2005)
Average Customer Review:4.7 out of 5 stars
Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #71,554 in Books
Wattree ,Hutchinson, …. love the uneducated nigger base they control.
Uneducated, angry, and violent
You stupid black asses are so funny, it’s sad.
Wattree likes me!!!!! I always give his worthless life meaning and his stupid writings good run time. ROTFLMFAO
Re: Matt
The only dumb black people are the ones who are stupid enough to listen to Crackers like you.
first of all it was the democrats that faught to keep slavery and rode around in white sheets..black people like you are the idiots..Ben Carson is smart..idk why dumbass black people talk shit about the few smart ones ..just because someone’s a white consetrvitive don’t mean there racist..that’s exactly why most people think blacks are ignorant because most are..you see Obama ain’t doing shit for the black community but you still in love with that jackass..you make me even more proud to be white