(ThyBlackMan.com) Why are Tavis Smiley and Cornel West always so racially inflammatory when referring to the policies of President Obama? Every comment they make seems to be hostile, disrespectful, and racially slanderous. Cornel West, who was alleged to be an intelligent man, doesn’t seem to be able to open his mouth without alluding to “Black puppets,” “house negros,” or “the Obama’s plantation.”
They claim to want to be taken seriously, yet, they just can’t seem to bring themselves to say, “MR. PRESIDENT, I think you’re making a serious error. Here are the reasons why,” and then going on to engage in an intelligent and constructive discussion of the issues. Instead, they rant and rave and name-call in a way that they never did against neither Bush, nor Clinton.
So are these two individuals really interested in the issues they’re discussing, or are they simply using the political issues as a pretext to attack President Obama the man? This is clearly not simply an oversight on their part, because in response to comedian, Steve Harvey, referring to Smiley and West as ‘Uncle Toms,’ Cornel West said the following:
“When you’re trying to talk about issues that affect the people, name calling get’s in the way. Name calling is nothing but another weapon of mass distraction.” – Cornel West. (http://www.eurweb.com/2011/08/steve-harvey-ain%e2%80%99t-sorry-about-what-he-said-except-the-uncle-tom-thing/)
So what’s the deal with these two. Why are they KNOWINGLY barraging America, and the Black community, with their “weapons of mass distraction?”
Based on their own definition, Tavis Smiley and Cornel West are deeply engaged in a game of mass distraction. They’re not only PURPOSELY lending comfort to the enemies of the Black community – after all, PRESIDENT OBAMA is the most powerful symbol of Black competence in the world – but they’re also slapping the Black community in the face in the process, because every time they’re disrespectful of the president, FOX News and every White racist and bigot across this country take that and run with it. They say, “We told you that Black people are incapable of handling power – they don’t even have any respect for Obama themselves.”
So since their propensity for distraction clearly demonstrates that they not legitimately trying to address the issues, why are Tavis Smiley and Cornel West engaged in this outrageous behavior? The answer is quite simple. Just like the GOP and the corpo-Republican congress’ strategy of promoting gridlock and maintaining high unemployment, Smiley and West are attempting to PUNISH America for electing this Black president. Never mind, that their activities cause division and distract from the president’s attempt to create jobs and improve conditions all over America, and, in the Black community – “let the people suffer” – the only thing that matters to them is their own self-serving agenda.
Thus, as a direct result of their self-service and bitterness, Tavis Smiley and Cornel West have allowed themselves to become a tool against their own people, and Black people have had a serious problem with that sort of mentality for nearly 400 years. The reason for that is, Black people are the product of the very same racist environment as White people, so the weaker-minded among us tend to be just as racist towards other Black people as any sheet-wearing Hillbilly. Their attitude reflects the position that Black people (except for themselves, of course) are inferior, so any Black man who thinks he’s equal to the White man is a phony. That’s clearly the attitude of Tavis Smiley and Cornel West.
Like much of Black America, at one point I had a tremendous amount of respect for these two individuals, but once they began to engage in the behavior described above, I quickly began to realize that they are two ignorant, self-serving, and weak-minded Black men who are doing a tremendous disservice to the Black community with their public stupidity. That’s why I’ve made exposing them to the Black community a way of life. In many ways I’m hurting myself, because I should be writing books and talking about other things, but I’ve decided that this issue is so important, that I’d make exposing Tavis Smiley and Cornel West for what they are my contribution to my people (I recognize that discussing oneself is in an article is bad form, but I’m often asked why I’m so fixated on Smiley and West).
While people like Tavis and West put on a good front like they’re super-Black, they’re actually overcompensating for the way they really feel. Such people have such low self-esteem and want to be accepted by the White man so badly, that much like a beaten-down and defeated dog they feel a dire need to crawl up with their tail between their legs, and then turn over and reveal their stomachs to win the approval of those who look upon them with disdain. This is obviously the case with this Tavis Smiley and Cornel West.
While they engage in a lot of militant rhetoric, they engage in that rhetoric with a wink towards the White establishment. Clear evidence of that fact is Tavis Smiley’s close association with Walmart, Wells Fargo Bank, and various other ALEC-connected corporations that leave no stone unturned to victimize and undermine the Black community, including a brutal assault on the Voters’ Rights Act. If Smiley was truly as dedicated to the Black community as he claims, he would not only NOT be associated with these corporations, but he would be speaking out against them with the most pronounced vigor. But when was the last time you heard either Tavis, or West, say one critical word against Walmart, or how Wells Fargo Bank, along with Tavis’ able assistance, victimized over 30,000 poor minorities in what the Department of Justice described as the second largest housing discrimination case in the nations history? (http://wattree.blogspot.com/2013/01/a-question-for-both-tavis-smiley-and.html)
The same is true of Cornel West. In the 2000 election he teamed up with Ralph Nader and helped George W. Bush get elected president of the United States. Bush won the election in Florida by a mere 537 votes. The Nader/West coalition stripped away 97,488 votes from Vice President Gore in Florida alone. But did he say, “I made a big mistake?” Absolutely not. West tried to team up with Nader AGAIN in the last election to do the very same thing to Obama. So the problems that West is criticizing Obama for not fixing fast enough, West himself helped to create! In addition, since he tried to do the very same thing in the last election, we can’t even give him the benefit of a doubt by saying that he might have made a mistake. (http://wattree.blogspot.com/2011/09/once-again-nader-and-west-team-to-elect.html)
But there’s an irony here. Much like the defeated dog, people like Tavis and West never manage to win the love and respect they seek. All they succeed in doing is generating even more disdain, not only from their own people, due to their disgustingly weak behavior, but also from those whose approval they so desperately crave, because no one likes a person who is so weak, and has so little character, that he or she will turn on his or her own. Yes, the White establishment will use them to their advantage, but they’ll hold their nose in the process of doing so. Thus, that leaves Tavis Smiley and Cornel West homeless – nobody wants to claim them, other than other turncoats like themselves.
The bottom line is, Tavis and West are actually Black racist – “bligots” (Black-on-Black bigots) – and by definition, all racist are desperate individuals. One of the primary reasons that people become racist in the first place is because they recognize their innate mediocrity as individuals. As a result, they want to believe that in spite of their personal shortcomings, they’re special by virtue of some benevolent gift of nature that’s been bestowed up them. In short, since they see themselves as having very little personal value, they base all of their feelings of self-esteem upon being a part of a ‘special’ and exclusive club. That’s why racists – both Black, and White – hate Obama so intensely.
Obama’s position and superior intelligence is an assault on the self-esteem of all racists – both Black and White. For White racists, Obama’s very existence destabilizes the lie of innate superiority that they depend upon to maintain their self-esteem. Black racists tend to hate him for the same reason. They tend to believe that they’re an aberration, and an accident of birth made them innately superior to their own people. Therefore, they hate Barack Obama because his very presence clearly demonstrates that they’re nothing special. So essentially, Obama represents a pie in the face of their delusions of grandeur.
Tavis Smiley and Professor Cornel West – ‘Bligoted’ Turncoats Without A Home.
Staff Writer; Eric L. Wattree
More thought provoking articles feel free to visit; The Wattree Chronicle.
What’s your reaction?
Robert I 100% agree with you. The movement from a critique of a public elected official who puts himself into that position to the question of racial identity, motivations and worldview without critical logical analysis is the problem.
The example that I give is if Obama was non-Black would we as Blacks not be rabidly aggressive about the policies or lack there of that have been introduced in support of a voting bloc that dropped votes to the tune of 91%? I don’t think so.
What Wattree unfortunately has a tendency to do is create ad hominem attacks, or in effect, doing the same thing that he accuses West and Smiley of doing to Obama. Essentially making him a low level hypocrite.
His obsession with these too astounds me.
Do I believe they are above reproach, absolutely not. In fact, Eric did make some very valid criticisms of them taking money from Wells Fargo that I totally agreed with. However that is about it.
Notice this, he never actually really examines rationally the positions they are actually taking. Instead his model for these types of post typically descend into questions of character and motivation.
But hey, he gets response (me responding is point in case) so we are probably providing him positive reinforcement to continue to do his National Enquirer type analysis SMH.
That was cold… Ease up a little bit…
A Message from the Hood
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Publisher: PublishAmerica (October 10, 2005)
Average Customer Review: Be the first to review this item
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Green Eggs and Ham
Paperback: 64 pages
Publisher: Random House Books for Young Readers; PAP/COM edition
(January 5, 2005)
Average Customer Review:4.7 out of 5 stars
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Translation of this article:
Any criticism of the President Obama is unacceptable and intolerable.
You must be willing to go over the cliff if necessary. No matter what or you are a racist according to America’s Chief Judge and Persecutor on what is Black, Eric Wattree.
Please don’t take my “Brother Man” card away…
By the way, hopefully Wattree noticed that he is acting like a “bligot” in his criticism of West and Smiley..Apparently, their intellect is an assualt on his self-esteem..
There’s a big difference between one of the most important figures in the history of mankind, on the one hand, and a glorified disc jockey and a Harvard anointed preacher on the other. Wake up and face reality, man!!! Regardless to how badly you want to ignore the truth, it’s going to remain truth. Thus, you’re trying to live in a delusion. While it may be true that ignorance provides a semblance of bliss, the problem with that is, reality is universal, while your bubble of ‘bliss’ is yours alone.
One of the things that I find sad is how group thought is prevalent among certain African Americans. I cant mount a defense against someone who is bound by the limits of their own arrogance. I could site the historical hatreds of black critics against noted social and political heroes(A. Phillip Randolph,MLK, Malcolm X, Dorothy Height, Mary Mc Cleod Bethune, etc). But these lessons will be lost on individuals such as Robert, who is clothed in his surety of intellectual superiority. Like my grandma used to say, “Don’t waste your time trying to correct stupid.” So I wont……
I agree with you Robert:
You hang in there with your position. Its always the squeaky wheel that gets the grease. To be silent when you are facing 5 years of double-digit unemployment, going into our 6th year come the end of December is one stupid political stand. Complain brother! Complain brother! Maybe if our complaints are loud enough, and disturbing enough, we just might get some solutions pushed to the forefront! http://www.sslumpsum.com
@JDGWISD YOU seem to be doing to WEST& SMILEY what your denying them the right to do to OBAMA and that is be openly critical of a public person only what you’re doing is worse because you personalized it and questioned his motivations.
AS far as I know CORNEL WEST’S attacks on OBAMA have been political and not personal relating to his policies.
WE don’t live in a MONARCHY or a THEOCRASY our public official’s are just citizen’s as we are and we have a right to be as publicly critical as we choose even disrespectfully.
AS the previous president is [BUSH] I am a resident of TEXAS and I remember when BUSH was first elected and how proud the white TEXAN’S were just as the O-BOT’S were proud of OBAMA
AS time on went and his policies became so catastrophic his critics became so numerous and loud and disrespectful; I never heard one complaint out of the white TEXAN’S about how their favorite son was being talked about.
BECAUSE they understood this was the big league’s and this came with the territory and since they couldn’t defend his policies they stayed silent.
THE O-BOT’S find themselves in a similar situation were they are unable to defend OBAMA’S policies only their reaction is to not stay silent; but attack his critic’s.
THE O-BOT’S do not wish for OBAMA to be held to the same standards as previous president’s because they think he’s so special.
PEOPLE like CORNEL WEST and myself refuse to play such silly games; because too much is at stake this is the life of our country and the future of our children and grand children.
OBAMA has been far more destructive than BUSH was; domestically we have over 90 million people without jobs and the highest number of people on food stamps ever.
INTERNATIONALLY we just narrowly escaped ww3 with his reckless policy on SYRIA.
WHO would ever think that after two terms of OBAMA we would look back on the BUSH years as the good ole days!
I think you are missing the point. Sadly, just because you don’t like a politician’s perspective or political philosophy does not mean people are wrong about a critic’s perspective on an individual. That is a dangerous thought that buys into the notion of going against the current just because you can. That perspective doesn’t always make you right about an issue. I know, I’m also a countercurrentist. That’s what makes my contention about Messrs. Smiley and West strong. Refer to Mr. Enoch said about these individuals. I agree with him. I see these two “gentlemen” as morally bankrupt without no spiritual perspective, but yet they claim the authoritative high ground in their arguments about the POTUS, or for that matter, ANYONE who they feel have stolen a position they should have. I’m not a POTUS lover; anything but. But the man is a politician who moves to the will of the people(see how fast he spoke to the Trayvon Martin issue when there was a mass outcry). Nothing more, nothing less. To not accept a truth just because it’s not your truth is a person who is stagnant in their thought: Who will fill this blog with venom and rhetoric, but will not accept the truth.
IF you read the word’s of ERIC and other comment’s about OBAMA you would think they are describing a religious figure instead of a politician.
I have long since understood that the relationship that the O-BOT’S were having with OBAMA was not political but was religious/ spiritual relationship; because when they speak of the dear leader it’s never a political issue.
THE idea that criticism or dissent of the leader is a attack on the whole group ;and who should dare do such a thing is a trader and aiding the enemy; this a typical cult mind control technique.
THE problem with this approach is that OBAMA is a elected official and the only thing that we have to keep elected official’s accountable is the threat of removal from office; but when you make the holy leader beyond reproach then you lose you leverage and you end up with a dictator.
OPPOSITION is a good thing it keep’s our leaders honest; many people have made the mistake of falling in love or worshiping a politician it never end’s well for the people who make that fatal mistake.
BELIEVE it or not HITLER was bought to power on the message of HOPE & CHANGE be careful black people you have people among you just as deceitful and evil as the NAZI’S of old GERMANY!
All I can say is, whew!!!!
Brother, I mean, you didn’t bite your tongue. L0L! I sure hope Tavis and West Reads this, because I’m sure it would get their attention. But knowing them, they’d probably accuse you of working for the White House, a White House “hit man,” as it were. Because you know, we “average” Black people aren’t supposed to be able to express ourselves like you have.
But while reading your piece it brought something to mind that I would like to add to what you’ve said:
Obama: A Unique Historic Figure
Politicians will be politicians, and we should hold EVERY politician’s feet to the fire (http://wattree.blogspot.com/2011/01/obama-supporters-vs-cheerleaders.html). But when you consider that Black people have been dredging all through history for generations in an attempt to find people to show that we too have a significant history that’s competitive with other cultures, President Obama is uniquely significant.
While we’re looking back 5000 years to find great Black kings, queens, and conquers, we have the greatest man in history – and not just Black history, but in ALL of history – walking right here among us. In yet another 5000 years people will be talking about Barack Hussein Obama, because he’s accomplished something that NO other man in history has accomplished. He’s a man whose father came to these shores from a little village in Africa, seeded him, and he grew up to rise from the dust to become the equivalent of the emperor of Rome. You don’t get no greater than that.
So when you look at Barack Obama in that light, and the pride that young Black people can take in pointing to him for EONS to come, just think how today’s Black haters are going to look to the young Black people of tomorrow. And unlike the haters of the past, they’re not going to have the benefit of having their identities drift into the shadows of history. Due to the flawless memory of the internet, their names, pictures, and videos, will be available to posterity with the touch of a button.
Just imagine what the families of these people are going to have to go through. “Hey Corny, I was checking out your old wooly-headed great grandad on the net least night. How does it feel to be the great grandson of a turncoat?”
In order to understand their attitude – and many of ours today – you have to consider the gravity of Obama’s story. As hatred, racism, and discrimination ran rampant within the shadow of the Statue of Liberty – this great lady wearing broken shackles who was designed to represent a former slave – a solitary and unassuming young man from Kenya sailed quietly into America beneath her burning flame. He presented papers bearing the name Barack Hussein Obama. I’m sure the immigration official laughed as he examined the papers and said, “Who!!!?” But little did he know, that in another generation, the entire world would be able to answer his question.
So unless Obama goes completely off the rails, any Black person who doesn’t support this man is a fool. That isn’t to say that you can’t disagree with him like you would any other president, but your disagreement should be with great respect, because to disrespect President Obama is to disrespect the Black culture as a whole – and any scholar who doesn’t recognize that fact needs to turn his diploma in, because he hasn’t learned a thing.
I listened to Cornel West’s radio interview with sister Kathleen Wells and what I heard was a chitterlings circuit liberal arts rhetorical loser, coward, traitor and whiner.. Here’s why:
Cornel West is a loser for grandstanding for Tavis Smiley. He is a coward because he sat at the same table breaking bread with Minister Louis Farrakhan and never opened his mouth about what the honorable minister had to say about someone like him that chose what he chose.
He is a whiner because during his radio interview he recommended to the radio host with authority as to what President Obama “should do” and “should be” doing while Cornel West does nothing but perpetrate and grandstand.
He spoke with authority saying “What President Obama should do” in spite of the fact that Cornel West was very visible on the scene long before Obama hit the radar and even then Black America was fighting for survival, parity, justice and equality.
If Cornel West knows today what Obama should do, why didn’t Cornel West apply his Religion and African American Studies degree to correct the conditions on the ground before Obama became president of The United States of America?
It is because Cornel West and Tavis Smiley are cowards and President Obama is not a coward like them.
President Obama arrived on the front-lines, accessed the conditions on the ground, accepted the challenge, knew the risk and knew the price he would pay in any attempt to correct the conditions on the ground. Barack Obama decided that the price was worth the risk.
President Obama made his peace knowing that cowards die many deaths, the brave only one.
Cornel West and Tavis Smiley don’t possess the courage of Obama to reconcile their mind with that type of courage therefore all they can do or all they will ever do is whine, conference and say with authority what someone else “should be doing.” FORGET ABOUT IT!
Like the cowards of Rosewood, Cornel West and Tavis Smiley hide and grandstand behind rhetorical philosophical BS and contrived conferences. Meanwhile the weak, poor, uneducated, disabled and elderly men, women and children are being corporately gouged, economically raped and systematically eliminated.
Tavis Smiley wait and watch in the shadows with drooling anticipation and excitement as Cornel West does radio interviews profiteering, protesting and professing with prophetic overtures about what’s going to happen to President Obama when the tea party reaches its climatic pitch or when us weak, poor, helpless, uneducated black people wake up.
Cornel West says with morbid excitement in his voice that if Obama can’t displace the emerging negative energy arising from the tea party posse that President Obama is going to be left hanging in the wind.
It never dawned on those two cowards to use their chitterlings circuit liberal arts rhetoric and philosophical BS degrees to rally and deputize black America as the army to the rescue coming to defend Obama against the anti-Obama sentiment emanating from the tea party posse.
Instead of rallying black America to defend against the rising anti-Obama sentiment the treacherous coward via his radio interview is calling for black Americans to bring even more pressure to bear against President Obama.
Consider this:
Cornel West is a black man with an African American Studies degree in the era of a 21st century sitting black president and when given the choice to choose which president exemplifies to him the epitome of what represents his black American ideals he selects Lyndon Baines Johnson’s fanny to kiss.
On my block that’s called treason and his radio interview pretty much evidences that Cornel West is a chitterlings circuit liberal arts rhetorical loser, coward, whiner and traitor.
Cornel West’s view from Rosewood that black Americans view President Obama, as a symbolized black-faced gesture is an example of what a useless degree in African American Studies will do for you
President Obama is not a symbolic president. President Obama has real power and he has the final say.
President Obama is a viable and highly intelligent person. He has read Undercover Smart and he uses his presidential powers without reservation, supervision or permission.
For dessert President Obama won the noble peace prize without even trying.
Cornel West as Director of African American Studies at Princeton University on the other hand is under constant watch, monitoring and scrutiny by strict European supervision. Cornel West has no real power or authority and for dessert he serves as a lackey for Tavis Smiley.
Cornel West’s African American Studies Degree, position and title at Princeton are as worthless and useless to black American interest as he is especially when integrated with real time applications and scenarios.
In an address given in Toledo, Ohio by the honorable Louis Farrakhan here is what the honorable minister said more or less about anyone that would pursue such a degree.
“Black people go to college and get a degree in African American Studies, What is that? It is a degree you will never use. You put the letters BS behind it and then you add PHD behind that and now you have a useless degree that is piled high and deep in BS.”
Minister Louis Farrakhan
Toledo, Ohio
The Minister was correct in his assessment because Cornel West’s African American Studies degree does not recognize that being “prophetic” is clearly defined as “the foretelling or predictions of things to come.”
When radio host sister Kathleen Wells used the word “prophetic” to describe and clarify her statement, Cornel West along with his useless African American Studies degree demonstrated his worthlessness by admonishing her with an ignorant and incoherent correction.
She outsmarted Cornel West by readily accepting his layman explication of the word for the sake of not competing with his ego, false sense of security and fake accomplishments.
Sister Kathleen Wells cut him short, out maneuvered him, out smarted him, and moved him right along.
My name is Enoch Mubarak. I implore Cornel West and Tavis Smiley to stop perpetrating with worthless degrees, positions, titles and foundations.
Stop waiting for the president to fall and please, Cornel West by “any means necessary” stop grandstanding for Tavis Smiley.
Cornel West has a degree in religion but is not smart enough to jump ship on Tavis Smiley especially when the Nation of Islam refused to endorse THE COVENANT WITH BLACK AMERICA for lack of having any spiritual worth.
When the black churches were being burned to the ground, 30 black preachers went running, screaming and crying to the Attorney General for protection but where was Cornel West with his degree in religion?
As always he and Tavis Smiley are hiding in the forest of Rosewood while Cornel West professes to sister Kathleen Wells how President Barack Obama needs to visit the black church and be saved.
The sun has set on you treason-ist backbiting cowards.
Sincerely, Enoch Mubarak
President/CEO Mubarak Inter-prizes
They are holding his feet to the fire because the rest of us refuse to do it.
jdgwisd Nailed the Smiley/West discussion in an analysis that only a disillusioned Tea Party agent would dare attempt a rebuttal.
Good Evening:
The rational for calling out individuals such as Smiley and West are many faceted. These gentlemen represent the cultural seppiku that has taken place in African America. a) They accuse anyone who disagree with their social/political positions of racial dishonor, a very disingenuous position given the fact both Smiley and West have their wallets filled by corporate America. Smiley still hasn’t returned the money he took from Wells Fargo. And he calls the POTUS hypocritical…….
b) The most powerful threat to black America is not from the outside, but from those individuals who continue to want to be the drum major in the band, but have very little morality. The misdirection of these individuals is bold and dangerous. They are deathly afraid of clear thinking people who can see their blatant jealousy for what it is. It’s funny how Smiley likes to think of himself as a latter day MLK, but is lacking MLK’s soul. Dr. King spoke of those neegroes who “pretend to love, while all of the time hating.” Maybe Smiley needs to brush up on his MLK. Dr. King called his ilk the enemy of people like himself, but yet, it’s people like Smiley who use their platforms to commit “Conscienous Stupidity” on an ongoing basis.
America has its first black President with an opportunity to not practice the status quo and what does Obama do, he takes the first family to Martha’s Vineyard. You just can’t make this stuff up!
James i think uou are forgetting thst obama is president of the us. Not african america. Why should he pass policies aimed at black males. Theres no guarantee thst they will take on the jobs or prepare themselves mentally and with education to do it anyway. What the males need is an emancipation of the mind. They are responsible for themselves their actions tgeir thinkingvtheir race. No oneccan do it for us. Stop going around blamingveverything and everyone for the gun slinging. Bling loving whit eome loving self hating abandoning children attitude. Learn from educated wealhy black women. they try and build and uplift with their riches. Comebonnyoure in america. It has its fault but it aldo has opportunities. When will ourvmales ever take responsibility gor themselves and theircwomen. A people thst disrespect tge eomen of their race. Leave and abandon their women and vhildrenvto support and protect themselves. How can they have aby success. Lets start speakibg the hard truth. Freedom to love who you want has consrquences.
There is nothing wrong with Tavis Smiley or Dr. West, except their approach to solving black unemployment and poverty.
If the critics of Mr. Obama are to succeed in getting him to endorse any plan
that will affect nationwide poverty and economic problems in the black
community, they have to come up with a solution. They have to then build a
consensus within the nation for that solution (http://www.sslumpsum.com) and then and only then will this administration probably consider it. Experience shows, without a plan or a solution for the public to focus and take a position on, helping him to determine what position he will take, Mr. Obama is unlikely to initiate dramatic policies of change in regard to poverty and unemployment. In the meantime, well positioned and dutiful pawns of deception like Rev. Sharpton, will drown out any criticism of the administration’s dismal handling of six years of double digit black unemployment and nationwide poverty. Black unemployment for August increased to 13% from 12.6% in July. However, the unemployment rate for black people in reality is more in area 16% to 19% or more.
Thus people like Dr. Cornel West and Mr. Tavis Smiley cease to be relevant in the fight to affect this administration’s policy regarding high black unemployment and poverty because they become vilified characters in a road show of criticism and counter criticism ( as this piece so clearly illustrates ) orchestrated by the White House who admittedly occupies the high ground in such arguments. Thus, West and Smiley become the lead story, as we see in this piece, rather than the subject of black unemployment and poverty. And so it goes!
this reminds me of a bring back black conference that took place july 1st of 2012 in philly, and dr jawanza kunjufu was on the panel and was asked by someone “Are our people taking to social media and the blogsphere? are our people using it constructively?” dr jawanza kunjufu’s answer and reply was this ” you have stuff being put up on the internet by illiterate people being read by illiterate people.” I cracked the f—! up because he was dead on right. If ur gonna parrot mainstram media or right wing pundants in a coco puffs way, then why waste time doing so?
Every black person know a black man married to a white female can never have the interest of black people as a serous focus for them. Anyone focus nonblack issues is only to further their interest. They resent Obama because he does not fit the stereotype black man. If they gain a bit of recognition a black woman is never good enough for them. So here comes a intelligent black man with moral and leadership qualities that goes across races. He’s not chasing women particularly white women. So they hate him for the same reason the tea party hate him. We can’t control his mind because he’s not desiring our women. For theses black males they can’t understand why they succumb to the stereotype but Obama don’t. Like crabs in a barrell they hate the fact that he rises above them in every sense. Particularly pride in himself and the people and women he comes from.
The elite blacks fight while the Black masses impoverished and killing each other. Is the curse of the Biblical Ham true?
I could not agree with you more! I think your thoughts are frank and eloquently made in this article. They are prime examples of we are our worst enemy! I have my eyes wide open and don’t agree with everything my President has done, but what irks me more than if a white person spit on me are these two claiming to be standing for black pride and issues! BLIGOTS !
It’s time to bring Black-culturacide to an end. Someone should have done what I’m doing centuries ago. It may seem like “obsession” to you now, but our great grandchildren will thank me for it someday. So, frankly, I don’t care what you think.
No.1 Talk show host has verbal power…are you surprised?
Welcome to America and Andy Warhol’s “15 minutes of fame”, extended version!
No.2 Cornell West, America’s easily digestible, quasi intellectual NEGRO…ala DON KING,
What is your obsession with these two really about?