(ThyBlackMan.com) Black people in the United States live in a society where a segment of the majority white population is attempting to exert control economically and politically. What blacks are experiencing is what blacks experienced in South Africa, prior to the overturning of that racist system. A form of apartheid ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) With the job that I have working with the public I get a lot of time to observe human nature on a deeper level than most. I like to sometimes say that when I go to work everyday I am paid to watch a human fish tank. When you ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Check out the next happiness trigger I am sharing with you all, “Flow“. Remember, these are little pieces from my next book Happy Women Live Better: 13 Ways to Trigger Your Happiness Every Day (coming October 1st!). I want your feedback and comments! Don’t forget, every week, I’ll give ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Brother and sister patriots, this is it. This is the big one. If we lose this battle, it is game over unless God intervenes. America as founded will be over. Democrats and socialist/progressives will rule forever. Therefore, this is the Tea Party issue of our times. I am talking ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) For the most part, the NBA bores me, but that hasn’t always been the case. I was a typical black kid who grew up on the basketball court, learning the ins and outs of the game. So, even though I only watch the last five minutes of the last ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Whatever happened to the good ol’ days? You know, the days of having home cooked meals with loved ones and good conversation. The fast paced world of today has almost made cooking as a family event something of the past. You may be asking: Who has time to cook ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Paleo-conservatives – both Black and White – repeatedly make the racist and erroneous claim that the Black community is only loyal to the Democratic Party because they want a free ride. Ironically, that’s the very mind-set that makes the Black community look upon most conservatives – and especially Black ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) When I read the recently released report by The College Republican National Committee (CRNC), titled, “Grand Old Party for a Brand New Generation,” I immediately thought of two cartoons: the Flintstones and the Jetsons. The Flintstones was an animated, prime-time TV show that debuted in 1960. It was a ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) This week, Serena Williams caught the ire of fans around the world by giving her honest opinions on the Steubenville rape case. The case received national media attention after the two teen boys videotaped themselves engaged in a great deal of highly inappropriate activity with a 16-year old girl ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) GOP House Speaker John Boehner recently called border security “laughable.” Boehner was not being funny. That sentiment could have a major blowback effect in the House on the deal that the four GOP Senators crafted to take the issue of border security off the contentious table and move the ...
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