(ThyBlackMan.com) “Lead us not into temptation,” goes The Lord’s Prayer.
But in the Black community, those who pose as “leaders” do nothing but lead us into the wrong ways. Why? Because they are all about the cash.
Take one Jesse “Cut the nuts” Jackson, who discovered early on that he could get favors and Burger King franchises as a result of threatening to boycott. Now, we see that Civil Rights is becoming as big a career as preaching—wait—he’s doing both.
Someone sells out and dead brained defenders of sellouts are quick to exclaim: “At least he got paid.” I’m sure Dave Chappelle is living a tortured life if he really had the epiphany he claims to have had. He claims that he realized that he was being used and was being laughed at, not with. Yet, some silly Negroes are still quick to celebrate his success, while dismissing his negative actions, because “at least he got paid.”
It’s so sad and so ridiculous that people see very little pure joy without finance.
Now it’s all about celebrating the rich and crapping on the poor. Those of us who worship money celebrate the message of 50 Cents—get rich or die trying. Most will die.
The rich white establishment has one game and it always works. That game is to pit the poor against the not so poor in each race—poor white trash against white elitists and impoverished Mexicans hated by Mexicans who want to become white and rich.
Now, we’ve come in to that game, where wealthy Negroes hate poor Blacks. Many of us celebrated when Cosby blamed everything on the “lower economic people.” And why not? They are fair game during a breakdown of society.
On a human level, people’s lives and hearts were broken by social circumstances. Initially, it was by design, when crack cocaine was inserted into poor communities, but the worship of Money found the crack epidemic affecting all levels who then became the new rich and the new poor.
Crack did what heroin could not do, because when heroin came along, the nation still believed in God. By the time crack came around, America had embraced Money as god.
Crack cocaine created fake commerce in the urban communities across the nation, and even changed the pimp game. Where pimps previously preyed on the broken humans who had fallen, crack cocaine broke women and men, turning them into hoes without pimps who began to use their bodies as commerce in exchange for the addictive substance or a few dollars to make the purchase.
And since we have seen that anyone can fall, we celebrate those at the top, simply because they are at the top.
No matter how they come to it, people with money are taught that they are special. They are taught that their success is all about them, not about the backs of people they stand on in order to become what they become. They begin to believe that they garnered whatever success they achieved as special individuals and that those without success are lesser human beings.
We know that anything is possible in this society, so when someone poor rises, they no longer think about where they came from, they are taught to hate whoever they left behind.
Where we once aspired to become wealthy without changing, we now aspire to change even before we become wealthy, and/or even if we never become wealthy.
Next Week: “Them That’s Got, Don’t Really”
Staff Writer; Darryl James
One can connect with this brother via D.L. James. Also follow him on twitter; DarrylLJ.
Feel free to also purchase his newly released book which is entitled; The Whirlwind or The Storm, LA Riots Perspectives
I agree with everything you have written, however I believe the love for money is due to mostly to ignorance.
People chase money from a place of low self worth, they have been conditioned to believe that they are less than, and that having money will buy them worthiness.