(ThyBlackMan.com) President Barack Obama’s proposal to put Medicare and Social Security back on the budget bargaining table ignited a virtual palace revolt among administration loyalists. The flashpoint is the proposal to tie Social Security payments to a chained CPI. The chained CPI which uses the most tight-fisted measure to gauge inflation would by all estimates gradually erode the purchasing power of millions of seniors over time by minimizing the impact of inflation. Putting Social Security on the bargaining table is tantamount to playing political Russian Roulette with a GOP that might this time around snatch at it in its relentless drive to hack away programs that directly benefit the poor and working class.
President Barack Obama is well aware of the peril that the GOP might say yes to the proposal, and that even putting it on the table as a bargaining chip would cause the firestorm of rage from supporters. But this is not the first time that Obama plopped Medicare and Social Security on the budget bargaining table. The last time he agreed to change the Social Security calculus it went nowhere. In part it was because the GOP said no. It argued that this was a half-way measure that would not raise enough revenue. And in part because it was a publicly stated quid pro quo concession to get the GOP to back his demand for more tax increases that target the rich.
President Barack Obama had little choice but to take the risk with Social Security again. There is little chance that the GOP House leadership will cave on his demand for more tax increases, and the odds are equally slim that the GOP House leaders will back away from their demand to cut deeply into the array of programs from Head Start to child nutrition programs that will further devastate the poor and working persons.
The pressure to get some kind of budget deal through Congress that hasn’t passed a complete budget in years is ferocious. This can’t be divorced from the fierce political jockeying to get control of Congress. The GOP’s goal is to grab enough seats from vulnerable Democrats to take control of the Senate. The Democrats in turn want control of the House. The GOP banks that an administration hamstrung with a major deficit and a budget impasse will heighten public anxieties about the budget and spending and thus weaken Democrats. The Democrats in turn will continue to finger-point the GOP as the bad guy in the budget drama.
President Barack Obama quickly slapped the tag “compromise” on his budget proposal with that in mind. A GOP rejection, which is likely, will allow him to again tar the GOP as the main impediment to a budget deal. Obama put an added backstop into his budget proposal that would cut corporate special interest subsidies, increase taxes on tobacco, and safeguard and expand programs such as greater access to education for infants that aid the poor and working class. This was a sweetener to temper the storm from liberal Democrats and the advocacy groups on his proposed Social Security and Medicare cuts and changes.
During the initial budget war two years ago, the GOP gave President Barack Obama little room to maneuver. Much of the public bought into the GOP’s bogus line that Obama’s alleged reckless spending was hopelessly drowning the government in a sea of red ink. Nervous foreign investors as well as a slew of financial experts and economists endlessly claimed that the budget deficit would continue to soar and the nation would be saddled with higher taxes; deeper cuts in education, health and social services; staggering permanent debt; and possibly even bankruptcy. The Simpson-Bowles commission had bipartisan support and a mandate to come up with a sweeping deficit reduction plan. It targeted Social Security and Medicare as the main culprits draining the budget. The commission claimed that a chained CPI reconfiguration of Social Security payments would result in a savings of more than $400 billion. The inference was that anything short of this would insure the ultimate collapse of Social Security and by extension other cost-cutting programs.
This doomsday scenario was part political hyperbole, part financial panic. Even then many economists noted that the claim of financial Armageddon was way overblown. The projected deficit was about 10 percent of gross domestic product. This would be great enough to threaten economic growth if it were sustained for decades. Yet even that supposedly doomsday estimate was proportionally far smaller than the deficits that the United States ran during and immediately after World War II.
But the clamor for a budget deal, a GOP doggedly unrelenting on tax hikes on the rich, and the 2014 mid-term elections around the corner, has made the budget battle a high stakes game. President Barack Obama’s gamble on Medicare and Social Security makes sense given those hike stakes.
Written By Earl Ofari Hutchinson
One can find more info about Mr. Hutchinson over at the following site; TheHutchinson ReportNews.
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This President Is Headed Down The Wrong Path, And Should Not Be Supported!
He lacks vision. We cannot cut our way to growth!! Let me say that again, we cannot cut our way to growth!! He needs something that he and his team appear unable to conceive, A National Plan To Create Jobs. Mr. Obama and the people he has chosen to surround himself with, lack imagination, empathy, and understanding. Blacks are suffering horribly under this Administration policies and will continue to do so until they take a position in large enough numbers against his often short sighted and ill conceived policies. Cutting Social Security is just another one of his short sighted moves. Instead of cutting Social Security, he should help the American public understand the truth about Social Security and why it is currently bankrupt, as only a President of the United States can do. This man truly need our prayers, not because he is the first African American President fighting a racist political system but because he is like rest of us, flawed and human. http://www.sslumpsum.com
I read this article in disbelief and had to read it twice to make sure I understood what the author was trying to say.THE level to which OBAMA supporters will stoop is astonishing.TO say that OBAMA had no choice but to put social security and medicare on the chopping block would be laughable if it weren’t so many lives at stake.LET me give the author a few examples of other areas that OBAMA could cut in search of additional revenue.HE could end these meaningless;insane wars and not start anymore.THE waste and graft out of the pentagon alone would be enough to balance the budget.HE could tax the super duper rich offshore tax havens in which trillions not billions are held.ALSO he could go after WALL street which is virtually unregulated and untaxed.YOU and I know full well he will never approach these powerful entities because he doesn’t have the political strength or the backbone.THIS situation leaves only the weak exposed to this type of slash and burn economics.IF this thing goes through expect to see our grandmothers and fathers on the street begging for food;because they have nowhere to fall.I am familiar with this authors position on other OBAMA policies in particular the illegal immigration issue.I have no idea sir what monetary gain you are receiving for the continuous betrayal of your peoples interest;I can hope it’s equal to value of your soul.