Thy GOP’s Minority Outreach Delusion.

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( Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus got part of it right when he tasked a handful of key, but worried Republicans to come up with some proposals to make the party competitive again in national elections. There really were no surprises in the proposals they came up with. They included: embrace immigration reform, tout the economic struggles of the middle class and working class, and tweak the financial bigwigs and corporate elite for their obscene greed and malfeasance. Then there was their jewel in the crown proposal to aggressively ramp up efforts to woo blacks, Latinos, Asians, and gays. That came complete with the claim that the party will put its money where its mouth is and spend millions running around the country talking and listening to minorities on the issues and presumably show as Priebus says that the GOP “cares’ about them too.

The other part to this dreamy, panicky, scenario is it is pure delusion.

The majority of Hispanic voters, for instance, are wedded to the Democratic Party not because GOP ultra conservatives have been knee jerk opponents of immigration reform, but because they correctly perceive that the Democrats will protect and fight for their economic interests, while the GOP does just the opposite. In fact, the GOP is not just seen as the enemy of their interests, its relentless assault on health care reform, Medicare, Medicaid, and Socialpolitical-logos-currentGOP Security, its loud clamor to slash and burn if not outright eliminate dozens of programs that directly benefit the poor and working class, and its assault on health care reform, have clearly marked it as the enemy of their interests.

Despite the RNC’s lip service proposal to go after corporate crooks, few minorities really believe that the GOP could possibly mean that given its lockstep relation with, dependence on, and unswerving shill for corporate and financial fat cats. This isn’t to say that there aren’t a lot of Democrats that do shill for corporate and financial interests. But the Democrats at least balance that by emphasizing the role and importance of government in protecting the interests of minorities and working persons. In exit polls following the 2008 presidential election and in follow-up polls and surveys, voters were asked whether they thought government or private business did the best at solving the country’s pressing economic problems. The overwhelming majority of Hispanics gave the government the nod. Poll results would not be much different for the majority of African-American and Asian voters, as well as working persons who depend on the very government services, programs and indeed entitlements that the GOP ferociously wages war against.

Then there’s the other problem that the RNC would have even if it meant every word about changing course and making a major push to make diversity a reality in the party. The problem is its own party, or more particularly, the millions of GOP backers in the South and Heartland, and the gaggle of rightwing webs, blogs, and talk radio talk jocks that think the GOP’s only flub is that it’s not truly conservative enough. They have saber rattled the GOP that any retreat from its core beliefs and message will perpetually doom it to political has been status in national politics. They warn that if the GOP suddenly started pandering to minorities and gays it could kiss millions of their fervent supporter’s good-bye. Indeed many who didn’t think Republican presidential contenders John McCain and Mitt Romney were authentically conservative enough for their tastes did stay home in 2008, and to an extent in 2012.

It was evident even in the backwash of the 2012 defeat, when a parade of GOP hardliners jumped all over Mitt Romney and wailed that he and GOP candidates lost because they weren’t conservative enough, or their self-inflicted gaffe wounds did them in. They denounced and sloughed off any talk from the GOP party leaders of re-messaging, mounting an aggressive outreach to minorities, even Hispanics, and do a reversal on immigration, and they won’t let up on that.

There’s a well-worn history for this. Every conservative GOP candidate since Barry Goldwater’s wipe out loss to LBJ 1964 has spouted a hard conservative line in the primaries, and then quickly moved to the center when they want to win. Romney much too belatedly did the same. He softened his positions on immigration, was silent on gay marriage, soft pedaled his touted budget whack of Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, and did a photo-op at a black inner-city charter school. If he hadn’t done that he would have come close to being the Goldwater of 2012. It would have been an Obama landslide.

Even if Romney had won, the 2012 election would likely have been the last national election in which a GOP white male candidate could’ve won by relying exclusively or primarily on conservative white males, and rural and outer suburban white voters.  The RNC understands that and is trying to do something about it at least verbally. But many millions that back the GOP precisely because they like it just the way it and America once was, virtually render its minority outreach campaign little more than a delusion.

Written By Earl Ofari Hutchinson

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