(ThyBlackMan.com) “Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will.” This famous quote from Frederick Douglass brings to mind the predicament of Black folks in this country relative to those upon whom we depend to put forth our demands for political reciprocity. Are they really leading (demanding), or are they simply pleading?
The term “Pleadership” was `coined by Mr. Kenneth Price, my friend and business associate from the post-Million Man March days. He used to talk about how our so-called leaders were not using our collective leverage to attain the goals we sought; instead he suggested they resorted to merely “pleading” rather than leading. Looks like the same is true in many circles today.
A quick analysis of the issues, challenges, and problems we face paints a grim portrait of our position in this country and an unattractive view of our children’s future. We are long on rhetoric and short on action, high on emotion and low on involvement, quick to react and slow to get in front of issues that will negatively impact us. And many of our “leaders” are nothing more than “pleaders,” kowtowing to the whimsical winds of politics, looking out for themselves only, and trying to make us believe they are “all that” when it comes to their influence.
Nearly two decades ago, I wrote an article titled, “If we are so smart, why are we so far behind?” The same thought can be applied to our current status, especially as it pertains to the dearth of genuine, authentic, and courageous Black leadership. We are still involved with sibling rivalry among our Black organizations and even more so among our “leaders,” as they jockey for position whenever a news camera is around. There is still a lack of what Dr. Ron Daniels calls, “operational unity,” as our “leaders” refuse to work together to achieve an overall goal for Black people in this country. I ask the question again, “If we are so smart…?
Another problem is that Blacks are unwilling, to a large degree, to follow the path of Marcus Garvey and others who advocated and demonstrated the primary importance of establishing and maintaining an economic foundation. We have opted for political empowerment instead, which always begs the question: What is the economic result of our political involvement? Has it propelled us to a position of leadership, or has it reduced us to a position of pleadership?
We continue to discuss how Black folks can be directly advantaged by a Black President, who is now in his second term. We still petition our government for relief from generations of unfairness and inequity. We repeat the same mating dance every two, four, and six years by registering and voting for folks who have absolutely no concern for our economic stability, bringing back to mind the words of David Walker in his famous Appeal. “How strange it is to see men of sound sense, and of tolerably good judgment, act so diametrically in opposition to their own interest.”
Haven’t we suffered enough from political shenanigans to finally change the way we select, promote, and follow those who pretend to be “leaders”? We are confused and child-like in so many areas when it comes to our own economic self-determination. To top it all off, we are still trying to find out “Who is Black in America?” It’s shameful that in many circles, we don’t even know who we are. The “One Drop” rule was imposed by White people, and for centuries it has been the law of the land. Suppose they had said anyone who has one drop of white blood is White. The point is that he who defines you controls you. We must define ourselves and we have an obligation to define our leaders, and assure they are not merely “pleaders.”
Carter G. Woodson wrote, “Negroes, however, choose their leaders but unfortunately they are too often of the wrong kind. Negroes do not readily follow persons with constructive programs. Almost any sort of exciting appeal or trivial matter presented to them may receive immediate attention and temporarily at least liberal support.” Let that thought marinate on your brain for a moment. Think about some of the folks who are presented to us as influential and, thus, in leadership positions. Dr. Julia Hare distinguishes Black leaders from Leading Blacks; so should you.
Dr. Woodson offers this sobering thought on Black pleadership rather than Black leadership: “No people can go forward when the majority of those who should know better have chosen to go backward, but this is exactly what most of our ‘misleaders’ do. Not being learned in the history and background of the race, they figure out that there is no hope for the masses; and they decide, then, that the best thing they can do is exploit these people for all they can and use the accumulations selfishly. Such persons have no vision and therefore perish at their own hands.”
Black Leadership or Black Pleadership? Not only do we get the leaders we accept; we also get those we deserve.
Written By James E. Clingman
Official website; http://www.blackonomics.com/
I’m glad you put that documentary about Thomas Sankara…never heard about him…betrayed by his so called brother….that’s that shit that makes me not support these excuses negroes make, no matter what continent they live on…this is karma what we are going through and there’s no way around it. Until we admit our own wrongdoings in the past, we will never be free from this curse. Never
For more insight on what limits leaders, search for and watch “Thomas sankara the Upright Man”.
The institution of the “Church” has been in control of the world for the last 2000 years. We have seen governments come and go, but the Vatican has stayed intact. No matter what your church is (Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian) it is controlled by the Vatican. Even the Bible you read was patented by them. In order to patent something, according to law, you have to own it or created it. So how has the so-called Word of God become patented if it’s His law? I tend to take things to a much deeper level and I lose people sometimes. I used the pyramid as a metaphor to show the knowledge we have lost as a collective. No pyramid has been built since we have fell from the throne which says a lot. Since the Vatican has been in control of the world, we have seen Slavery, Child Pedophilia, Inquisitions, Feminism, and a whole host of civilization destroying events take place. Every time a Pope dies, why do politicians show up at their funerals? It’s not like they’re catholic. But I don’t want to get into a tit for tat back and forth. You believe the Church is doing good things. I don’t. I see things differently than you and that’s ok. However, if we haven’t leanred anything in the last twenty years, we have learned that our institutions from govt to churches have been extremely compromised, thus making them obsolete. There are churches on every corner like liquor stores and obviously they’re talking something people can’t relate to. That’s why me an my team will be writing an updated scroll of sciptures for these modern times. Instead of looking back in time all the time, we need to write about what we are experiencing right now. We are going through some sick stuff right now.
@Ramses — Your gist is well-taken, but the logic of your historical analysis is not quite sound. To effectively stack “the church” up against the pyramid in terms of industry, you would need to track how many church people built industries and institutions on the weekdays, for the past several hundred years. After all, one goes to the building for perhaps 4-6 hours; to analyze the effectiveness of the church is basically to judge what kind of work and how it sustains the work its members are doing for those other 162 hours a week. I leave to the excellence of your logic to understand what the outcome of that historical research would be. Even to this day, the church still nourishes a fair number of people who are quietly doing excellent work, although, granted, things aren’t the way they used to be. The last 20-30 years have indeed seen a decline. But as I have said to you more than once, reports of a demise are premature…
“It’s clear that the church is not operating on behalf of The Most High because as 501c (3) corporations (look it up) they have to follow IRS guidelines which dictate their nontaxable status. So the question is if the church cannot speak the truth in the pulpit, then what are they really teaching? Is the church loyal to God or the government? I don’t make emotional statements they are always based in reason and logic. Seems like the church is trying to serve two masters.” — that is a conflation of logic worthy of a volume all its own. It so happens I have recently had occasion to look up the requirements for a church to maintain its 501c3 status… Very little if anything in those requirements could be construed as preventing a church from carrying out its mandates relative to teaching the Word of God and equipping its members to live out that Word. Not even the IRS trumps the First Amendment just yet. Now, when the church gets money from government to work on different projects, that is when government control does cause restrictions — but that is by no means is the majority of churches in this country. The irony is that the choice you set up does not even apply in a fair amount of churches, for neither God nor the government are the first concern. The gist of what you are saying remains well-taken. But, specifically, the church vs. the pyramid. You are right; there is no comparison, but as historical uses go for the well-being and industry of Black people in the past several hundred years, it is not the church that loses by that comparison.
So if they have a lot of wealth, why is the “community” not creating anything of value (industry). Put it like this, I don’t see the church making a positive impact and that was the gist of my statement. We all know how black people get real sensitive when you say something about the church!!!! lol…The church and God is two different things. It’s clear that the church is not operating on behalf of The Most High because as 501c (3) corporations (look it up) they have to follow IRS guidelines which dictate their nontaxable status. So the question is if the church cannot speak the truth in the pulpit, then what are they really teaching? Is the church loyal to God or the government? I don’t make emotional statements they are always based in reason and logic. Seems like the church is trying to serve two masters
@Ramses I cannot pass this without comment: “Church can’t compete with a pyramid. Takes men with a clear connection with the Neteru to do stuff like that. I’ve never seen a deacon create a pyramid but I’ve definitely seen him pass around a collection plate and ask (beg) for a donation.” There is a very large logical fallacy: who have any of us ever seen building a pyramid lately? Meanwhile, churches continue to build wealth; some may not be using it for the community as well as they did in times past, and that is rightfully a cause for disdain. But do a little more research before you knock the deacon; as a class of Black men, the deacon remains a force to be reckoned with in terms of wealth and institution building!
Meanwhile, I personally know deacons and other churchmen who in their daily life built family-saving wealth out of a background of deep poverty, men inspired and sustained by their connection with God through the Lord Jesus Christ. There is no gain saying of our people’s Christian heritage that will change that historical fact — the fact that you and I sit here with the opportunities we enjoy today likely has as much to do with hard-working Christian ancestors as it does with those more far more distant ancestors who built the pyramids. Had I time, I would discourse at great, great length at the uses of the church vs. those of the pyramid in terms of the welfare of Black people for the last 600 years even to this day… but you and I are both practical people with a knowledge of history, so I suffice myself with the same bit of encouragement to you: go refresh your knowledge of recent Black history before you go again on permanent record knocking the family, financial, and community leaders that have come out of the Black church! It may be fashionable to poo-pooh that vast body of history, but it is unwise!
When your book will be out Ramses, let us know!
You’re welcome steph and I got a book that’s coming…not sure black people will like it’s content but me and my brothers are working on some updated scriptures for these modern times….I didn’t charge you for that info..I gave it to you because I was blessed with it so even though most people don’t like what I say, my good deeds show..but most prophets are not respected in their homelands anyway
I forgot to add that what you wrote Ramses yesterday below is really deep! You should write books. Who knows? Maybe you are the next person who can write a masterpiece for Black America such as Powernomics from Dr. Claud Anderson. This book is the Marshall Plan or the New Deal for Black America. People should also listen to Dr. Anderson’s speeches on YouTube.
Thanks Ramses for giving us the information about the book!
Yeah I’m not holding my breath….sooner or later black people will figure it out…either the easy way or hard way….Playtime was never here……black people gonna coon and hip hop their way to oblivion…youtube is probably gonna be the only place you can go in the future to see people who were called black if they keep playing around. John Henrik Clarke did so much reading for blacks he went blind researching our ancient history to reconnect us with antiquity and once someone does something monumental like that, you have two stark choices: regroup and rebuild towards greatness once again, or be thrown on the trash heap of history. Seems black people are choosing the latter. Now me, i will not leave this world and be buried in an unmarked grave. Their will be clear evidence of my existence here, just like my Pharaonic ancestors in their tombs buried with my wealth to assist me in the next life. I refuse to come back here broke. I told a friend of mine recently that you ever wonder why you don’t see Jews at the places you frequent? How come we don’t see Jews at the clubs or other places where we go to waste time? Because they have a culture that insulates them from gentiles (heathens) so that it doesn’t seep into their bloodlines. They’re about making money. And for anyone who says money isn’t everything I have to remind them of what the ancient Pharaohs and their families had buried in their tombs (wealth). People only say stuff like that when they don’t understand how to go about creating wealth. If, hypothetically i don’t leave this world without billions, I would feel like I haven’t accomplished what I was supposed to do. But it’s only hypothetical because i fully expect to reach that. I tap into my ancient ancestors who had wealth. I don’t speak of slaves not because I didn’t care about their experience, but I want to tap into ancestors who were winning. Who occupied seats of power and built civilization. I tap into those who built pyramids not churches. Church can’t compete with a pyramid. Takes men with a clear connection with the Neteru to do stuff like that. I’ve never seen a deacon create a pyramid but I’ve definitely seen him pass around a collection plate and ask (beg) for a donation.
@Ramses — Just remember: there are fewer of us cooning in North America than you may think, and some of us never started cooning in the first place. I am the third generation of heavy and serious readers in my family; the book on trusts, if I had it in hard copy, would fit well with both my family and personal collections. The thing is: We non-coons are not paid by the media establishment to get attention and reinforce what certain people have wanted to believe about us for some centuries, so we are harder to find. But we exist, even in North America. Reports of our death — and laments of the same — are premature…
Still, the point is well taken. I find myself wondering how many of our so-called Black leaders read books like this, and would share such info with their followers? The dollars in probate taxes and immeasurable energy in inheritance fights that would be saved if every Black family understood trusts would be staggering if that was all that was under consideration. Those dollars and energy could be redirected for good things in the community, making us less needy overall. But few seem to be leading in that direction…
Glad the book helps @Deanne…these types of books show me who’s phony and fake and who’s real…if a black person can discipline themselves, stop cooning for 3months and read this book and many others likes it, then it shows me that they are serious about moving forward. When they don’t, it shows me they are just blowing hot air. Even the ones related by blood. This is how I write people off. By throwing a book like this at them. If you can read those silly ass books in college that taught you a bunch of info you can’t use, then you surely can read this because this is info you can use and you can’t make this info racial because anyone can create a trust. But it’s high science to be able to put it together and make it work for you
@Terrance — Glad to be of service!
@Ramses — LOVING the book on trusts! Thank you so much (and I also see the parts that appeal to you, judging from some of your comments)!
@Mack — My book is The Freedom Guide for Music Creators, and it basically breaks down not only the must-do business items for every musician, but spells out how the music industry continues to use the practices of slavery and sharecropping against us. Order it from Marcus Bookstores, please (and I’ll see about Black and Nobel for next year, but they should be able to order it from Ingram — yours too, Terrance); I’m posting the direct link: http://marcusfillmore.wordpress.com/2011/07/01/c8/ Thank you very much!
@ Mack, Steph, Ramses, and Deeann
Thank you Brother Mack for the resources, Sister Steph for the complement, and Deeann and Ramses for the information. This is Black Unity in action. Now if we can get 30 million more of our Brothers and sisters to see what you see, we will reach that financial independence and happiness I talk about.
Black Unity means financial independence and happiness
I’m reading as we speak
No doubt @Mack I said in 2006, I came in this world a worker, but I’m leaving it an owner. I didn’t know how back then but I believed it….when people read trust law, if they’re critical enough, it will explain why our families are so fucked up. Creating wealth should be always a family endeavor first. You shouldn’t have to go to college to learn how to make money. WHen I got my hand on trusts, it was the Holy Grail for me. For the first time in my life, I saw how to rule as not only a Man, but a God. To be a black man, survive all of this here, and get my hands on trusts and move on it is nothing short of Godliness. I am one of the remnants out here and I have willingly accepted the of getting my bloodline in order. I suggest other people do the same. Before it’s too late
Ramses: Damn bruh, I know you get flack for much of what you write, but its rock solid ism nonetheless. Great drop. We have become a proverb in this country; a cautionary tale. 100 years from now, people across the world will be reminding their kids: “Remember what happened to those black folks in that country that use to be called America…”
I believe in the remnant theory. After all: its always been an elite group (remnant) in every nation who have directed the affairs of civilization from the beginning. This elite remanant will be the group of blacks who’ll end up ruling the world again some day. And I choose to be part of THAT group.
Deeann: You’re more than welcome sister. You should share the name of that book of yours. I’ll definitely check it out, just like the one on trusts that Ramses put out there. And this time I’ll buy it through you directly or one of ‘our’ bookstores. 😉
Dcarter910: Good drop bruh!
No doubt Deanne
@Ramses: Thank you for posting the link to the book. I was just about to ask, but Steph got ahead of me (thank you too, Steph)! I already had some basic understanding of trusts, but the variety of the ways in which they can be used is remarkable. Thank you very much; I shall work away at the book, bit by bit…
@Mack: Thank you as well; that is useful information for serious Black authors, and as I am also one, I appreciate your freely sharing the information.
@Terrance: I was at Marcus Bookstores today. Somebody I was talking to had heard of your book, and quickly purchased a copy once the store opened and I showed her where the copies were. Just thought you’d like to know.
@Ramses, Mack, and Terrance Thank you for being Leading Blacks, in your respective ways.
@ Terrance: just got the book today. Looking forward to diving in. Here’s a few more resources for getting your message out there:
*Black and Nobel bookstore in Philly: you should definitely take a trip out there in person and speak directly with the owners. You can find them online by typing in their name on your search browser. They move a lot of books and also ship directly to all the prisons. Plus they allow people to put on live seminars all the time. Good brothers too.
*Nubian Bookstore in Atlanta (Southlake Mall): contact owner Marcus X. Usually on site.
*the African History Network: contact Michael Imhotep via Facebook. This would also be an excellent place for you to advertise. He reaches a large conscious audience via his weekly blog talk radio podcast
*Also send copies of your book to both Michael Baisden and Steve Harvey.
Good luck to you bruh.
yeah Black and Nobel do great work
@ Terrance: funny that you mention that. Immediately after I bought it that’s exactly what came to my mind. No worries though: I’ll get the next one through my homies over at Black and Nobel over in N. Philly. 😉
I hope that you will give us the name of the 800 page book!
This quote of yours is powerful: Our enemy is staring back at us in the mirror everyday. I have to say to all of you that despite your difficulties, you have to remember that the U.S. is the only country in the Western world which evolved the most in terms of race-relations since the last decades. Hats off to all of you!
This was a much better articulated reason why I advocated that voting though well intended is a waste of time. Those who wield the most power are those who are economically strong and have strong family units. I also dont vote because of religious beliefs but as always the principles in my beliefs hold true.
1. With strong men leading their households, loving their wive and guiding their children in the wisdom of God
2. With economic health and not materialism and self aggrandizement is taught and exercised
3. With knowledge and wisdom being taught as being more valuable that silver and gold
Such a people and households cannot be politically bought off with welfare benefits and unfulfill-able promises. They become independent of the government and therefore in a truly strong position to hold government accountable. The slaves cannot hold the masters accountable but when the slaves become their own masters, the masters find their power is non-existent.
If you are a man: Look in the mirror and recognize that that is where leadership in the black community begins and ends.
If you are a woman: Look in the mirror and recognize, you are the gatekeeper of black leadership. No man that has not proven himself to be a man should be allowed to bring life forth through your womb.
Our problem has been spiritual…when we were highly spiritual, we were more together. When you’re connected as a people spiritually and want to see the next person who looks like you prosper, you join together with them in all phases of life that allows you to develop and thrive. It’s gonna be a few of us who make things happen and take things to the next level but most will fall by the waist side. You can’t tell black people shit. They poor as they wanna be yet arrogant as hell. They get on here and pontificate about different topics yet make everything a racial issue. Blaming whitey, even if it was all true, does not produce currency. Black people Japanese people got it before black people did and their numbers were smaller in the states. Your women prance around daily, in the streets in skimpy clothing, or are making utter fools of themselves and it’s seen on tv. Our community has been destroyed through the womb. The very same women who say Men need to stand up are the main ones who won’t sit down and move out the way. I remember when the million march happened. You would have thought that black women would have been proud of black men being accountable to their community. Man please. These women were upset that they weren’t invited they ended having a million woman’s march trying to compete with their men!!! Damn brothers can’t even have fraternity for one day with one another to come up with ideas to get themselves out of the hole their in. Black women are constantly in competition with black men and this is why we have been stagnant for the last 60 years and actually digressing. It starts at home first and our women have been so incompetent when it comes to womanly duties they have lost even the ability to set a dinner table. How many women you brothers have dated knew how to set a dinner table? I remember my great grandmother setting dinner tables. It made the food taste better just seeing it presented in artful fashion. Black men start wearing timberlands. Black women start wearing timbs. Black men start riding caprice classic. Black women start ridng in them. Black men wear air jordans. Black women wear jordans. For all the talk black women have about black men and hating on them, a lot of them damn sure try to copy what he does a lot of the times. When you’re constantly competing with a woman, instead of working in unison with her, it will ultimately drive you insane. When you hear Men constantly saying “she won’t let me be a man” you know you have serious problems. Black men the only men out here, for the most part, saying their women won’t “let” them be a Man. Damn when you have to get permission to be a Man, you’ve already lost not only the battle, but the war. We will never recover from this as a collective of people. The degradation is too deep spiritually. A lot of us want to see black people do better but maybe God has something else in mind. Have you’ll ever thought that maybe it is God’s will to destroy a lot of black people and leave a remnant like the remnant that is referred to in the Bible? You can start all your organizations you want but when it has been decided that your time is up it’s up. We have had more than enough time to get our stuff together. In 2012 this is the best we can do? And this doesn’t just go for black people either. Any group of people who does what black people do, especially to each other, will get the wrath as well. But because we were the original people on the planet, it makes it even wrose for us. There is no excuse for the dumb shit we exhibit. As a collective we are ignorant to commerce and industry and therefore get left out of the equation in terms of wealth creation. I even asked this black woman would she read the 800 page book I have on trusts and she said no. But she has two kids. But if she lost her job she would naturally run towards govt for help (unemployment) instead of trying to learn the tools of the trade that allow wealth creation. I’m reading the book because I know my life depends on it and I got tired of taking an ass whipping commercially. My confidence grew exponentially when I learned the secrets of commerce and trade and to be honest, some black people don’t deserve it. When black women were doing well in the nineties and had houses and cars and jobs, they didn’t give a shit about the black community. They were too busy celebrating movies like “Stell Got Her Groove Back” which celebrated the “New Age Woman” being loose as a cannon. Now the economy is in shambles, now all of sudden black men and women need to come together now. Why now? Why do black men need to join up with black women now? You wasn’t joined up before? Now we need unity. Black men have been killed and jailed for unity and some still sit in jail trying to do it (Mutulu Shakur comes to mind). I hate people like him sacrificed his life for an undeserving lot of people. I’m sick of seeing the black man, powerless, and disrespected by his own people, most notably by the black woman. Even this white dude said that in the West “they learned that marriage was the foundation of wealth creation.” When you have a group of women who wear independence like a badge og honor, and don’t seek marriage, how can we as a collective create wealth? Most times black women want you to slave yourself to get the money, never supporting you, and then when you do get it then want you to share it with them on some “we black shit” and you shouldn’t go give it to a white girl because if you get with her it means you don’t love your mama. Articles already out now talking about RG3 with the white girl and black women being mad that he is sharing his money with his fiancée as if a black woman is automatically entitled to a black man’s pockets. Hell we not automatically entitled to your drawls are we? The best thing you’ll can do to help black people is not be a poor black person. That;s at least one less person begging the government for handouts. Like I keep saying: poverty is a curse. When your women are dancing on poles like it’s a rite of passage, you know you have some serious issues and even corporate women who take pole dancing classes I put them in the same category because deep down a woman who takes those classes really wants to be up there on the pole too. As a collective we’re finish. That’s why I’m embracing all my human family in the world. See most black people see other people of the world as foreigners. i don’t. I see family. When i see black people in the states, for the most part, I don’t see family, I see a hindrance.
@ Mack
Thank you so much Brother Mack for the complement and for buying my book. But it wouldn’t be right if I didn’t give you an example of us supporting each other. You could have bought the book from the oldest Black book store in the country that was listed on my site (Marcus books) or another Black site listed as well. I don’t think it would have cost that much more. By doing this, you not only support me, but you support another Black business. This is what Black Unity is all about. Please don’t misunderstand me, I greatly appreciate your support, I just needed to remind us to support one another, otherwise I would be like those same people we were talking about in this article.
After all, this is what my book is all about. Unfortunately, sometimes we have to pay a little more when buying from Black businesses because they don’t have the volume yet, but a lot of times we just don’t think Black first, especially when it comes to books and probably everything else. We automatically think Amazon. I buy from Amazon as well, but when it comes to Black books, I buy from a Black book store. I made this commitment even though I know it may cost a little more. I hope you don’t get offended by what I said, but understand why I said it. People read these comments and I need to speak up on important issues like this. Thanks again.
Black Unity means financial independence and happiness
@ Terrance Amen: you and Ramses make great points on this one. Btw: great interview on Channel 5. I just bought your book off Amazon and look forward to reading it.
If our so called leaders aren’t talking about building an economic foundation, as I’ve said before they have their own agendas and we aren’t part of them. You will know a leader when he says; you need to learn how to fish, rather then asking someone to feed you. I really think Black people are afraid of change. We talk a good game, but when it comes down to doing something that works, we back away from it because we’re afraid of the consequences if we try to do something different. This is yet another example of the slave mind, being afraid of what Master will do if we come together and start to do for ourselves. Our enemy is staring back at us in the mirror everyday.
Black Unity means financial independence and happiness
Carter G. Woodson-
“Negroes, however, choose their leaders but unfortunately they are too often of the wrong kind. Negroes do not readily follow persons with constructive programs. Almost any sort of exciting appeal or trivial matter presented to them may receive immediate attention and temporarily at least liberal support.”
This comment says it all: “Another problem is that Blacks are unwilling, to a large degree, to follow the path of Marcus Garvey and others who advocated and demonstrated the primary importance of establishing and maintaining an economic foundation. We have opted for political empowerment instead, which always begs the question: What is the economic result of our political involvement? Has it propelled us to a position of leadership, or has it reduced us to a position of pleadership?
When you lack economic stability as a community, then it’s only inevitable that your chances of survival will dwindle.
Negroes, however, choose their leaders but unfortunately they are too often of the wrong kind. Negroes do not readily follow persons with constructive programs.
If your article “If we are so smart, why are we so far behind?” is somewhere on the Internet, please give us the link.
I want to let you know that I admire African-Americans for their fight. I am from the Black French world and believe me my people do not combat like you guys. We must be the kings of rhetoric!
This is the clearest definition of the challenges facing us as Black people that I have read in a good while; thank you. Leading Blacks vs. Black leaders: a very useful delineation.