(ThyBlackMan.com) Kevin Garnett of the NBA Boston Celtics, though a highly-talented and well-paid athlete, with all due respect needs to stop degrading his Black community; as well, the Black community must resolutely stop “accepting” disrespect from within by people like KG even though he is a poster child of success by society’s standards. Garnett’s prolific public use of the n-word is disgraceful; an abomination to the memories, struggles and sacrifices of the ascendants of all Black/African Americans; and teaches Black America’s future generations nothing of cultural pride, personal dignity and integrity, or selflessness to those who admire and look up to someone who has attained such a level of achievement.
During the recent election campaign, voices of Black American ministers and highly-influential community leaders echoed with heated conviction and unmistakable certainty from coast to coast, calling for the head of Barack Obama and labeling him as an anti-Christ because of his changed and more moderate perspective of gay/lesbian rights. As they ranted and raved about this matter—some even going so far as to encourage their flock to not vote for Obama or not vote at all, these very same far-reaching voices have, for the past three decades, been unequivocally silent relative to the self-inflicted cultural genocide of Black America. The voices of dissent in the black community are silent against the continual decline of moral character and values as exemplified by the Garnett’s of the Black community and this just simply can no longer be tolerated.
Consider this scenario: if one’s immediate family member was being bludgeon to death with a hammer by an assailant, would that individual start wearing the symbol of a hammer in honor or remembrance of that person’s ruthlessly murdered family member? Of course not, fore it symbolizes the savage and barbaric—and likely senseless— killing of that individual’s kinship. Ironically enough, however, if one was programmed and conditioned over a period of 300 years to wear that hammer as a symbol, many would as that is what they have been taught within and without the community. This scenario is analogous to the behavior Blacks model today with their use of the n-word.
The n-word is the HAMMER associated with a brutal social system that denied Black Americans their God-given humanity. The word n**ger/n**ga has serious implications in American history as a method of dehumanizing, categorizing, stereotyping, insulting, and oppressing black people. For many African-American ancestors, it was the last word they heard before they were senselessly hung or burned to death. Millions of Black/African Americans—men, women, AND children—were beaten, raped, castrated and/or murdered; and being categorized as the n-word (n**ga/n**ger), this sanctioned such actions.
Johann Wolfgang von Gothe (1749-1832) once said that “None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” Mental enslavement is the act of astutely and deceitfully manipulating and/or navigating a person into obedience while that person believes he/she is freely and independently thinking for him/herself. Along this same line of thinking, how is it that Black/African Americans dupe themselves into accepting the n-word as endearing and affectionate, yet still believe that they are free-minded, independent thinkers who are not being mind-controlled or manipulated by a 300-year-old plight?
Are Kevin Garnett and many other Blacks who embrace the n-word suffering from a mass delusion? To be more candid, are they BRAINWASHED? It would seem so as brainwashing someone is to mentally enslave them to one’s desired will or way; the n-word—and all of its associations, attachments, and history—is the key mechanism used in keeping Black Americans bonded to an 18th century slave mentality in this 21st century.
Blacks must begin the process of undoing or reversing ideas and concepts that have been programmed into the minds of the race of people, which has caused many in the community to adopt a belief system that has resulted in their loss of contact with what is genuine, factual, historical and spiritual. Wanton use of the n-word (n**ga/n**ger), and glorification of misogyny, drugs and violence is an egregious error in judgment and demeanor.
Kevin Garnett is a resounding success story in monetary terms; spiritually, however, he is a perfect example of someone floundering through a sea of confusion and mental chaos. If one is lacking self-awareness or is unclear or completely void of what their value systems are as a people, these individuals are subject to emulate whatever feels good or right at the time, and, thus, are blind to the fact that their behaviors carry greater implications for themselves and others they represent (voluntarily or involuntarily).
Garnett’s running up and down the basketball floor during a nationally-televised NBA game inappropriately yelling the n-word is a misleading and misguiding example to the youths who look up to him. It seems to tell them that just because one has money, it is okay to be straight up “ignorant”, disrespectful, and an embarrassment to one’s people; it also alludes to an idea that just because one is put in a position of power, influence, and/or as a role model, it is okay to not rise to that duty and fully respect and accept all facets of the responsibility. Neither of these thoughts could be further from the truth.
On a greater scale, Garnett’s behavior, and others with similar quirky demeanors, should be a matter of concern to the Black community, but it is not; and the fact that their behavior doesn’t send shock waves through the Black community speaks volumes about the community’s state of mind in general. It shows that the Black community supports the behavior—either through vocally saying it is okay to use the n-word or by passively accepting it by saying nothing to n-word users; because of this acceptance, it seems as though Blacks refuse to hold their own accountable and responsible for their actions.
Black America must understand use of the n-word is not about freedom in any form; rather, it is about enslavement—in every form—and paternalistic attitudes. This is an internal matter that seriously needs to be resolved from within the African-American community. Seeking assistance from the NBA, the Boston Celtic organization or any other non-black institution to help stamp out the slave mentalities among the black community endorses a state of dependency for survival, and implies that the race is not capable of being responsible for its own destiny as a group. In seeking support outside of the Black community, it plants the community deeper and deeper into an abyss of eternal mental enslavement.
In recognizing that one is mentally enslaved—which is the ONLY reason why many Blacks have been unable to break the 300-year-old slave habit of using the n-word, one can begin to constructively take strides toward freeing their mind from the shackles and re-building a solid, intelligible, unshackled, independent mind state. Thus, if one wishes to be mentally freed, he/she must become knowledgeable, INFORMED and separate oneself from any associations of the brainwashing mechanism—including those who use the term.
Some proponents of the n-word feel it is a word with no power, and they justify its use among blacks as a term of unity, bonding, or brotherhood. They feel that they have taken the term and transformed its meaning to reflect the notion that the community has “overcome” and taken the sting out of a word meant to only oppress.
Interestingly enough, by using the term and believing that one could change its meaning by using it in a different context, makes one wonder if the community has collectively truly overcome. Contending that Caucasians have used it as an instrument of fear and inferiority for years, while blacks have taken the term and transformed it into a mandate that should only be used by blacks is delusional at best and out of touch with reality. Black/African Americans must first realize that there has been a psychological spell put on them, and then must fight to break the curse of mental enslavement.
Regardless to one’s socioeconomic status, Black America must begin holding ALL accountable from WITHIN and without the community. The n-word was meant to disgrace a people, and every time someone uses the term, it just goes to show the Black community’s self-loathe or still broken and suffering mentality or spirit.
People like Kevin Garnett must be held accountable for his actions as, whether he wants to believe it or not, is representative of the Black community and has a profound impact on how people perceive the African-American group, including those within the very same community.
Staff Writer; H. Lewis Smith
This talented brother is the founder and president of UVCC, the United Voices for a Common Cause, Inc. ( http://www.theunitedvoices.com ); and author of “Bury that Sucka: A Scandalous Love Affair with the N-Word“.
Also follow Mr. Smith on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/thescoop1
Despite how new-age hip-swaggering Black folk try to euphemize the old and hackneyed term ni%%er, it implies a dumb, black, ugly, stinking, sub-human with an atrocious appetite for nothing greater than watermelon and sordid sex. The only comment to which I will slightly demur in a well-written piece is defining the use of the n-word as a means of disgracing… It was/is and shall always be used as a means of identifying those being called less human by those who coined the word.
Very interesting article, context and content. Unfortunately the masses are NOT receiving this message of CONDEMNING the use of the N-word Ni**a/Ni**er by Black people, at the same rate and volume that the masses are receiving the message of CONDONING the use of the N-word Ni**a/Ni**er by Black people. Paula said “It was also economical”, actually CHATTEL SLAVERY was primarily ECONOMICAL. The associated treatment was used to assure that the economical aspect could continue indefinitely. Unfortunately, the ECONOMICAL aspect is STILL IN TACT. Look at the amount of MONEY Black people spend, THEN look at the amount of that MONEY that is spent with NON-BLACK people. This is the phase after CHATTEL SLAVERY, that was intended to keep Black people as MENTALLY ENSLAVED as we HAD been PHYSICALLY ENSLAVED. This IS, THE NEW WORLD ORDER endorsed by BLACK PEOPLE. “it’s a shame”
…..Terrance:….”and continue to give it away to the same people who murdered, raped and enslaved our ancestors.” No Terrance. Those people are long dead as are the black African fat cats who sold slaves. One might look at it a little differently. In a few short years, 200 or so, slavery which was a norm world wide has been tossed on the ash heap of history if all goes well. That could change in a heartbeat if radical islam acquires the armament to blow through the forces of peace. The will is certainly there and suicide will get you those pie in the sky 72 virgins. Radical islam makes no bones about about holding slaves. It is a given if you are a non-believer.
….as I said in another post the word is not leaving any time soon as both black and white kids use it when talking with their friends within and across racial lines. Could be pop culture and age group (14/15) I don’t know and could be the school attended. Could be the group my daughter hangs with but I have come to see it as a good thing. The kids who separate based on skin color are dismissed.
KG and many other black Americans will continue to display this ignorance and stupidity, these individuals have no idea or even care to understand the pain degradation that this word has. While some are so lethally backward/ignorant they even claim they have empowered the word ni%%er and transformed it to a positive term.
We are the only people that continue to use a word that was used by people who thought we were sub human, and some still do today. But if used by these same people towards us, we’d be ready to fight, which is an example of the sickness of people who continue to use this word. This article also shows the lack of unity and disrespect we have for one another by not working together to solve this and the many other issues that continue to linger from another time period.
Until we deal with the psychological effects of slavery, we will never benefit from our full potential as a people and continue to give it away to the same people who murdered, raped, and enslaved our ancestors. The only difference now, we’re doing this to ourselves. We have become a community of individuals, rather than a real community that controls much of what they produce. Spending a trillion dollars in every community but our own is yet another example of the slave mind.
Black Unity means financial independence and happiness
You are someone who has not only done their homework, but someone with an extremely healthy self-esteem and high standards, something that our community is in short supply of. It is going to take knowledgeable people such as yourself to help turn what has been almost 400 years of mental abuse around in an effort to liberate the minds of our people.
Values and principals are priceless, there are some things money just can’t buy, I have no doubts that KG has made a number of monetary contributions to the Black community, and to some that is the extent of their values and convictions. For others there are some things money just simply can’t buy things such as liberation and unification of the black community.
You cannot have it both ways you are either for the liberation and unification of the community or not. And the first process in accomplishing such an endeavor is to first have respect for our ancestors and for one another. Referring to each other as the n-word is not a sign of respect but unequivocally a sign of DISRESPECT and self-hatred.
KG, and others like him who use the n-word, no matter what so-called good they supposedly do for the community is superficial, a facade so long as they continue to insist on berating their own kind with the use of the n-word, contributing to a 300 year old slave habit that needs to be broken, which is the first step in contributing to the healing process and liberation of imprisoned minds.
Go KG you have made more contributions to uplift our community than this author and Obama combined. This is another example of selective accountability. There are bigger issues out here like the crime wave in Chicago. The hometown of you know who. Let’s stay focus people and stop all this diversion.
Very interesting article! The biggest misconception about slavery is to believe it was about physical oppression. It was also economical, psychological and spiritual. In addition, we still see unfortunately the consequences of slavery today in America (and I include the West Indies and South America) and Africa.