Something Foul, 2012 Presidential Election.

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( It’s a familiar sight to every basketball fan. Toward the end of the fourth quarter when it becomes evident one side is on the verge of defeat, the losing team begins to foul. They foul out of frustration, they foul to get the ball back, and they foul to stop the clock from stubbornly ticking off precious seconds bringing them closer to the inevitable ‘L’ that awaits them. So as the 2012 presidential campaign winds down to the sound of November 6th’s buzzer, it should come as no surprise to any casual fan that the fouls are becoming increasingly more flagrant.

With the President dribbling the ball down the court holding a lead in the closing seconds of play, Republicans have done more than just reach in, they’ve done everything but run onto the court with a steel chair and taken a swing at his head. Mitt Romney’s surrogates and supporters have grown increasingly brazen and racist with their “Hack Barack” strategy as the shadow of an Election Day defeat looms larger.

Former New Hampshire Governor John Sununu called President Obama “lazy and disengaged” following his first debate performance because apparently the phrase “shiftless Negro” had escaped him. Sununu has arguably been Mitt Romney’s most prominent and vocal surrogate for dropping gems just like this one all throughout the election season. When Andrea Mitchell, the MSNBC reporter interviewing Sununu, expressed shock at his comments and gave the governor an opportunity to retract them, he flatly refused.

He’s also called the President incompetent and said he wishes he would “learn how to be an American” although he himself is a naturalized American citizen who was born in Cuba. After former Secretary of State Colin Powell endorsed President Obama, Sununu took to the airwaves to state that Powell only gave  his endorsement because he was Black. There’s still no word if John Sununu believes the singer Meatloaf endorsed Mitt Romney simply because they’re both spineless pink dishes prepared for public consumption.

Not one to be outclass-lessed, the always repugnant Anne Coulter recently tweeted, “I highly approve of Romney’s decision to be kind and gentle to the retard,” after the final presidential debate. The Skeleton later doubled down on her use of the offensive slur, prompting some explosive R word outrage. Not to worry though, because as Coulter has often articulated in her writing, racism died off years ago when she strangled it to death with her boney fingers and replaced it with a nuclear strain of atomic racism, the essential component of which is to deny its own existence.

The newly svelte Sara Palin did her best keep pace and send the President stumbling into the scorer’s table by taking her fouls to Facebook. She wrote that the President was Shucking and Jiving in his response to questions about the Libyan terrorist attack. How Facebook managed to register Palin’s scribbled crayon ramblings through her computer screen remains an open question.

And let’s not forget Donald Trump, who recently decided to diversify his racism portfolio by not limiting his personal fouls to debunked and discredited Birther conspiracies. The Hairpiece has opened up a Youtube assault on the President’s college transcripts and passport application when he’s not accusing him of “monkeying around” with recent jobs numbers. Perhaps The Donald was too busy hocking ties made in China to attack the President for not having opposable thumbs.

For his part, former New York City mayor Rudolph Giuliani was kind enough to throw an elbow at President Obama’s kneecap by calling him incompetent and saying he has no idea why the President is seeking reelection when he should be submitting his resignation to the American people. America’s Mayor was whistled for a technical foul when he said President Obama’s response to Hurricane Sandy has been worse than Hurricane Katrina. Because…you know 100 homes burning in an all white community in Breezy Point is way worse than 1,836 deaths and the obliteration of an entire American city. There’s no joke here other than to say Rudy Giuliani actually said the President’s response to Hurricane Sandy has been worse than Hurricane Katrina.

Throughout Barack Obama’s run for president in 2008, racism simmered beneath the surface like the sped up samples on a Kanye West beat. But during the 2012 contest the racism has been about as subtle as an ill timed outburst of a bad Nicki Minaj British accent. Now the losing team’s fans are getting into the act, rushing the court like the Malice in the Palace at Auburn Hills that made Ron Artest infamous.

Local Republican operatives have been disseminating DVD’s entitled “Dreams From My Real Father,” an inflammatory documentary that asserts President Obama’s actual father was a Marxist militant and also claims to have unearthed nude photos of Mama Obama from a bondage magazine. Throughout the country Mitt Romney supporters have taken to hanging chairs from trees on their front lawn so they can be clever while publicly promoting the lynching of the sitting President of the United States.
In Bay Meadows, Brooklyn a life sized President Obama was photographed hanging from a noose at a Shell Gas station. Apparently they were frustrated because they ran out of chairs.

Perhaps Colin Powell’s former chief of staff Retired Army Col. Lawrence Wilkerson had it right when he told Ed Schultz that his Republican party is “full of racists.” Col. Lawrence told Schultz, “…the real reason a considerable portion of my party wants President Obama out of the White House has nothing to do with the content of his character, nothing to do with his competence as commander-in-chief and president, and everything to do with the color of his skin, and that’s despicable.” But it appears these inflammatory feelings are not just confined to the GOP.

The AP recently reported on a study indicating racial bias has increased in the time since President Obama has taken office. The study found that 51 percent of Americans have explicitly expressed anti-black attitudes, an increase when compared with a similar 2008 survey. The survey also found that implicit anti-Black sentiments leapt to 56 percent since the previous presidential election.

Governor Romney has been more than happy to tap into this racial vitriol by winking through Birther jokes and accusing the President of running a campaign of anger and hatred. Apparently there isn’t anything much scarier than an angry Black President. His running mate, Paul Ryan, has now taken to accusing President Obama of running a campaign bent on revenge which makes sense because it would have been too obvious to call him Willie Horton. During a recent conference call, Ryan said the President threatened the country’s Judeo Christian Western Civilization values as if calling him an African Arabian Antichrist with bulging eyes and a bone in his nose wouldn’t have sufficed.

It remains to be seen what the impact of a second Obama presidency will have on racial attitudes in America. What is clear is that as the final seconds tick off the clock of the electoral scoreboard, President Obama is poised for another decisive victory on Election Day even as the political climate around him becomes increasingly foul. Losing teams ultimately foul because they are losing. The thing about fouling the winning team, you do eventually get the ball back but only after they shoot their free throws. Unfortunately for Mitt Romney, President Obama has an excellent follow through and he keeps hitting the bottom of the net. 

Staff Writer; Justin Michael Carter

One may connect with this brother via Twitter; J. Carter.