Mitt Romney Exposes Obama and more.

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( The more Mitt Romney talks these days the better he sounds. While it may seem counter intuitive with less than a month to go until election day, Mitt Romney has finally found his voice in this presidential campaign and a backbone to support it.

After notching a “heavy weight” win against President Obama in last week’s Denver debate, Mitt Romney laid down another game changer in his foreign policy speech Monday at the Virginia Military Institute. Osama bin Laden might be dead but we are not safer was the theme of Romney’s speech.  America isn’t shaping history but “leaving our destiny at the mercy of events,” said Mitt Romney.

Looking “severely presidential” at the Virginia Military Institute, Romney gave a searing indictment of Obama’s failures to lead abroad, naming incident after incident where Obama has sat on the sidelines as world events unravel.

Under Obama:

  • The planned terror attack on the USA consulate in Libya where American diplomats  were killed and Obama first tried to blame it on an anti-Muslim video.Daylight has been put between Israel and America.Iran is going nuclear and when it tried to assassinate the Saudi Ambassador in our nation’s capital Obama was silent when asked “Are you with us, or are you with them?”

    Syrian President Assad butchered 30,000 of his people and  attacked Turkey while Obama remains silent.

    Al Qaeda is alive and well in Somalia, Yemen, Libya, Iraq, Syria and Northern Africa.

    No new trade agreements have been signed

Mitt Romney said what is painfully obvious to Americans, “hope is not a strategy” and the nation’s security can’t afford for more years of Obama’s deliberate passivity. Because “if America doesn’t lead others will” like  Assad  and the mullahs.

Assuming the mantle of a president, Mitt Romney declared “Our friends and allies across the globe do not want less American leadership. They want more.” Mitt Romney outlined how under his presidency our country would rise up again.

In short order Mitt Romney warned the world would know if he became president, America would back up its words with deeds. Mitt Romney pledged he would not tolerate a nuclear Iran or thumb his nose at Israel. He would restore Obama’s arbitrary cuts in defense, show Putin no “flexibility” and make NATO nations pay their “fair share.” Today only three NATO nations pay the required 2% of their GDP to security spending.

Mitt Romney was unequivocal that USA aid to foreign countries would be predicated on nations’ respect for their citizens and protecting our diplomats and property abroad.  He would send weapons to the Syrian rebels to prevent Iran from gaining a stronghold in the region since Iran is supplying weapons to Assad. Finally, Mitt Romney promised to pursue a two state solution between Israel and the Palestinians and work to ensure Afghanistan can effectively manage its own security against the constant threat of Islamic terrorists.

As Mitt Romney laid out his foreign policy goals, it seemed like a lot to promise but that’s because President Obama has done so little. When was the last time we heard, Obama defend the ideals of America: freedom, peace and prosperity, as Mitt Romney fiercely did?

Instead our president apologizes for America’s greatness, strives to appease our enemies and scorn’s success. After years of being lectured to about our shortcomings, Americans need a leader like Mitt Romney who believes “The 21st century can and must be an American century” and will accept nothing less.  That’s the road to recovery.

If this speech was a tease of what Mitt Romney will unleash on Obama during the upcoming foreign policy debate, Obama may want to read some Cliff notes on foreign policy and liberals may want to brace themselves for a sequel better than the prequel.

Written By Crystal Wright

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