(ThyBlackMan.com) She’s walks in a restaurant on a Friday night with her girlfriends to enjoy a night out on the town. Her friends are wearing minis and three inch heels, some even four. She’s opted for a red dress that stops right at the knee. Her outfit is not tight, but it is a bit form fitting without being distasteful. She even still turns a head or two. She actually gains the attention of three or four stares and a few winks.
While at dinner with her friends she begins to notice people pointing in her direction and making snide remarks. “Oh my God! Why is she wearing that?” “Doesn’t she know that women like her should not wear things like that?” “Doesn’t she know that pregnant women can’t be sexy?”
When women find out they are pregnant some are happy and excited. Others are a little nervous and maybe even sad. Our bodies begin to go through crazy changes. We might cry at every little thing, fuss and cuss. Then on top of that we have to deal with an ever growing belly, bigger breasts and expanding hips.
Maintaining a positive body image is tough for some women these days even when we’re not pregnant and being pregnant can make it even harder. We might not welcome these added curves, extra pounds or that round belly and feeling sexy is nowhere in the picture. Seeing those perfectly-pregnant Hollywood stars can make matters even worse for some.
So why can’t pregnant women keep their sexy? This is one of the times when we are most beautiful. Our skin is glowing and as for the cleavage this can be an advantage. The word sexy and pregnant does go hand in hand.
So why should a woman not feel and look beautiful and even sexy? Gone are
the days of the unattractive flat shoes, tops plastered with big bows, dresses that look like my granny’s moos moos and plaid tops that scream I’m pregnant and I’m leaving my sexiness behind for the next nine months. Who wants to look like a walking tent just because they are pregnant?

Not only do we want to look good for ourselves we still want to look good for our men. I’m sure that men want this also. If I’m wrong let me know.
When our body is hijacked by a baby we have to contend with swollen feet, morning sickness and cravings and not feeling good about ourselves is the last thing that we need to deal with.
And who came up with that rule? Why should pregnancy equate to frumpiness? And if what I have heard and been told is true men think pregnant women are sexy anyway.
So brothers while the mother of your child is going through this big change please support her by telling her that she is beautiful, regardless of what she chooses to wear. Even though buying her a few cute and sexy outfits won’t hurt either. A pedicure and manicure will make things even better.
Remind her how gorgeous she is and what a wonderful mom she is going to be. Tell her she’s sexy and fine. Let her enjoy these nine months to the fullest in all her finery. If she wants to feel sexy and beautiful however, she chooses to do that. Then let her.
Staff Writer; Eleanie Campbell
For more writings by this sista visit her at; SoulXPosed2U and The Phoenix Unleashed.
Also connect via Facebook; ThePU.
Great article! Enjoyed reading it. I use to wear stylish, trendy clothes before pregnancy and refused to give up my sense of style, regardless of how big I got. I think companies are finally starting to take notice of this trend in sexy pregnancy, like Pea in a Pod carrying more fashion forward styles and footwear companies like Casa Couture that make cute, designer shoes that will grow with your swelling feet during pregnancy but look great. If a woman wants to feel sexy and beautiful during pregnancy…more power to her!