Does Education Level The Playing Field For High School Age Black Men?

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( This question is on the minds of many in the African American community.  The answer is a simple and resounding yes.  Education does indeed level the playing field, not just for Blacks.  It is one of the great equalizers in our society.  However, one cannot just sit back and expect everything to fall into their lap.  True, there are outreach programs, scholarships, grants and the like; however, in the end you will rise or fall on your own merits.

There are some things one needs to know beforehand and we will briefly discuss them.  They are the requirements necessary for entrance into college.  Business outreach programs available for minorities.  And lastly, areas within   the United States that have achieved success with educational enrichment programs. 

First up in criteria for entry into college are your grades, which should come as no surprise; especially those in their senior year.  Some students start out kind of rocky in their freshmen year, as was the case with this writer; but by senior year they are knocking down top grades.  Your SAT and ACT scores will also factor heavily into whether you are accepted or not.  Another little known area college’s take into consideration is the overall high school graduation rank.

Should you decide to make any of a number of business degrees your goal, there are plenty of business outreach programs for minorities that will be glad to help assist once you have graduated.  So if one is willing to do what it takes to achieve their educational goals, yes, there is an abundance of groups and programs throughout Urban America to take into consideration.

Another great thing available to students who are willing to put in the hard work necessary and achieve good grades is educational enrichment programs such as Charlotte-Mecklenburg schools in North Carolina.  Yet another one is Educational Enrichment Systems in San Diego, California.  EES is a non-profit with a stellar reputation and has been around since 1979.

So to sum it up, there are plenty of equal educational opportunities for Black Males.  The important thing to keep in mind is that even though there are scholarship and education programs geared toward minorities, you must still be willing to put in the hard work necessary to achieve $ucce$$.  Prove to everyone that whether you earn a scholarship or get in by virtue of good grades or merit, you are indeed deserving no matter what.

Staff Writer; Stanley G. Buford

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