Sisters of Deflection Incorporated.

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( Those that are familiar with my platform know that I am an advocate for accountability, inclusive of looking at “Self”. Whenever I mention accountability among my Sisters it is always met with some form of Deflection. Why is that? Why don’t we want to look at Self?
As women we must hold ourselves accountable for our actions, our choices and be more responsible in the criteria that we base our choices on. Lastly, we must forgive. Forgive ourselves for the self-inflicted pain, for the mistreatment, for the lack of discipline, for the abuse, the neglect, for letting those not worthy in our spaces……for anything that we have done that has proven to be crippling to our development.  It seems that deflection is easier than doing the above.  In fact I am met with so much deflection (especially via my personal facebook page), that it feels like there is a Deflection Handbook being circulated, maybe even a new sorority has been formed with a collective love of Deflection at its core.

When one is inducted to the Deflection Sorority… think it might go a little something like this?

“I (state your name) solemnly swear to reject all ideologies dealing with accountability and focusing on self.

I pledge my diligence to maintain allegiance to the mantra that is “It is ALL his fault“.

I pledge to always respond with my emotions coupled along with the following fallacious errors in reasoning: “Straw Man“, “Cherry Picking“, “Genetic Fallacy“, “Red Herring” and “Appeal to Motive“.

I pledge to refer to the handbook at all times especially dealing with Nojma Muhammad, and when in doubt I will personally attack her, scream for balance, and when I am still unable to counter her argument, I will delete her.

I pledge to recruit new members by befriending those that click “like” on any comment that is in opposition to her, and those that write statuses about her.

I pledge to come under the guise of anonymity if I don’t feel my argument is strong enough.

I pledge to hold on to my bitterness and anger from past relationships as it serves as my fuel.

I pledge to use “there is no such thing as no good woman, she was made that way by a no good man” as my foundation and basis for every rebuttal.

As a member of Sisters of Deflection Incorporated, I promise to uphold all creeds, rules, laws and amendments of said laws.

I pledge not to betray the Sisterhood by engaging in activity that involves me looking at self.

I pledge to be Deflection “Personified”

Welcome Sister *** gives her a shield (to of course “fight” accountability), the Deflection Handbook (written in Gold of course) and lastly but certainly NOT least……a shattered mirror as a reminder to never look at “SELF”***.

Sisters, healing is key towards a healthier you (physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally), and healthier relationships.  Anger and Bitterness only serve as impediments. It is a scientific fact that two things cannot occupy the same space at the same time. Love cannot and will not enter your heart if bitterness currently resides there. One of the definitions of bitterness is: Difficult or distasteful to accept, admit or bear. One of the hardest things for us to accept is that we caused or contributed to our own pain.
We need to start looking in the woman in the mirror because the man is NOT ALWAYS at fault.

When we chose this man, what served as the basis for our choice? Was it materialistically based? How did we present ourselves to him? What did we display? Our behinds or our minds? What did we bring into the relationship? How did our actions help to build or destroy the relationship? Was God at the center? Or is what WE desired only at the Center of the relationship?

You want to be loved? I’m talking about REAL love, not that generic, watered down love, but real love. The kind that empowers, motivates, heals, renews and thrives in a righteous manner. Free yourself from anger and bittiness, they are only holding you captive. Stop allowing Bitterness to serve  Love eviction notices, instead make Healing/Love permanent residents of your heart. And by all means, stop allowing others under the guise of “Loving my Sisters” recruit you into the “Men aint shyt Club”, all those chapters need to be shut down immediately!  

Staff Writer; Nojma Muhammad
To learn more about this talented sister, feel free to visit; Nojma Reflects.

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