(ThyBlackMan.com) Married mothers and housewives, single mothers and women who have yet to find a man to lockdown what lies beneath their thighs. Members of Congress, men running for President and pontificating pundits know you have no rights to this. Racists, non-racists, Blacks, Whites, Hispanics and Asians. Members of Congress, men running for President and pontificating pundits know you have no rights to this.
There are no rights to race or sex or stereotypical roles assigned to either identifying category. What rights there are belong to the individual and no one else. They are natural rights endowed from birth. They are endemic, inherent even esoteric. They are more sacred than every Americans unalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Because they are more sacred they should thus be fiercely protected especially when they come under attack.
It is expected during a campaign for the highest office in the land the tactics used to detract and deter an opponent may fall on the dirty trick side of the not quite p.c. line. But this campaign for 2012 has taken on a rare form. In an effort to woo women voters women have instead been attacked for their choices. Whether they may be pro-choice or pro-life, for contraception or against it, working in the world, or walking around their six blocks with their baby strapped to their breast in a papoose; they, we are all at fault.
The same goes for members of a specific race. In another unprecedented election the Black presidential candidate must receive the vote of his race, the majority, and the other major minority — despite policies against their interests — to win in November. Likewise, the presumed nominee for the Republican party must do the same. It would seem the old adage you get more bees with honey than vinegar would apply, but apparently both sides failed to heed that message. Instead the Democrats stand by without taking any position in the matter. They do nothing and they know nothing and they expect to reap the benefits of the other sides dunder headed blunders. What the lack actions and the stupid mistakes don’t realize is that there is always a third option and sometimes even a fourth.
That third option could be a third party candidate. Some people in this country believe in their heart of hearts the democratic process matters and that elections should not be left up to media, celebrity or polls. Those people vote with their gut for candidates few have heard of and that most likely will never win because they don’t have the benefit of a billionaire benefactor donating to a company with legs, arms and apparently a political voice.
Then there is the atomic fourth option. Just not voting at all whatsoever because no matter who wins that candidate will succumb to politics despite all their ideologically pure ideas.
Between women, the races, and women of the races there lies a singular consensus. Someone will win in November and then they will have to lead either on what they promised, what they feel is right, or in that no mans land of both, the middle, from the center. There isn’t necessarily a right or wrong choice. Just a choice.
On the stupid mistakes side of that choice what’s at stake is a life where you used to live in the world but now you are confined to six blocks because any venture outside of your area could result in illicit behavior like hand-holding which leads to fornication and out of wedlock babies. Let the circle be unbroken.
But on the lack of action side of the choice there is just that; lack of action. No protection, no defense, no offense. A staying of the course of the status quo with slight alterations that may make life easier after it first makes life more difficult.
Here’s a novel idea that might make everyone caught in the crossfire and debating on the outliers happy.
Leave us alone.
Groups do not matter in elections. The demographics and psychographics of voters don’t matter in the end, only that they voted. To get those votes focus on issues of import of substance: jobs, education, privacy, racial profiling, equal opportunity, economic structure, income and wealth, digital divides, all the things other countries beat us in in the global marketplace.
Leave everything else alone. You have no rights to it.
There are no rights to this.
Do you think the 2012 general election will eventually tackle the real issues of the United States?
Staff Writer; Nikesha Leeper
To connect with this sister feel free to visit; Change Comes Slow.
Apparently you don’t read the Bible. It states that the woman was created for the man. Apparently you think your idea is superior to what has stood the test of time for thousands of years all around the world