(ThyBlackMan.com) “As the mother of two sons (and a daughter), I’ve become accustomed to the warnings attendant to young African-American boys as they mature into men.
Don’t talk back to police officers ….. for God’s sake, don’t run from them. Even if you’re not doing anything wrong, be prepared to enter a world that often views you with suspicion, and sometimes fear. Carry yourself respectably. Prove the prejudiced ones wrong.”
Joy-Ann Reid a writer with The Miami Herald wrote those very words in response to the shooting death of Trayvon Martin. Black mothers have repeatedly ingrained these statements into our black sons for generations. It is a shame that this message is just as important in 2012, as it was over 100 years ago.
We are all aware of the horrific circumstances surrounding the cold blooded murder of Trayvon Martin. Yes I said it. Trayvon’s death was cold blooded and in my eyes a racist and hatred filled move that was calculated down to the very minute Trayvon Martin inhaled his last breath.
When I heard the news of the shooting death of 17 year Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman I cried. As you can see I did not say alleged shooting death because to me the evidence is clear.
When I first read the tragic story of Trayvon Martin I was shaken to the core. Each time I heard the account I cried. I asked within my heart and I questioned out loud “why did such a thing happen?”
I am not a police officer nor am I an expert on law, but just as others have asked, I also wonder, “Why is George Zimmerman still walking the streets a free man?”
The day I heard the 911 call of Trayvon’s screams and cries for help my heart broke into. Though Trayvon Martin is not my son I cried as if he I had given birth to him, only to have him snatched away. Yes I know he is not my child and I know that I have never met the young man, but I feel as if I have lost my own. In reality I suppose that I have.
As a black mother I worry about my son growing up in this place called America. I worry about losing him to the madness of the streets and now racist executioners such as George Zimmerman. The words of Trayvon’s mother still resonates “I have a hole in my heart.”
I am sure many may feel that I am being harsh on George Zimmerman. I know that only God can judge and man is not guilty until proven as such, by a court of law. But it appears that the same court that was created to uphold the law is turning a blind eye.
As a black woman at times I worry about the things my son will have to face as a black man. Even though I rarely share this fear, it rears its ugly head, nonetheless. I am also sure that someone may be thinking why is she so upset? He was not her son so why is she concerned. Again as a black woman and a black mother I feel as if I have lost my own.
One would think that in the year 2012 things would be different. Apparently this is not the case. It’s as if the lynching has never stopped. I wish I could hop on a plane to Florida to protest and scream for my Trayvon Martin. I wish I could face George Zimmerman and scream to the top of my lungs “why did you take our child?”
Sadly I cannot hop on a plane to Florida and I am sure that I will never get the opportunity to confront the monster that stole Trayvon from those that loved him. There are too many questions that need answered and because of this fact we cannot let this rest.
I pray that justice is served for Trayvon Martin.
I pray from one black mother to another that justice prevails for Trayvon’s mother, father, family and friends.
I pray that George Zimmerman has not been given the okay in his mind to snuff out the life of another black prince.
Staff Writer; Eleanie Campbell
For more writings by this sista feel free to visit; SoulXPosed2U.
What are we going to do about those pictures of Zimmerman’s bloody head? It just looks bad…
I want to say “thank you Reverend Bailey”. Simple some will understand and some will not.
Being a mother, black or white we all worry about our sons. We want to hold on to them tight and protect them. As a mother I have let go and allow my son to go out and play without worrying of what may happen.
I also have had to talk to my son even at the young age of 12 on how to handle himself if stopped by the police when simply walking to the store. It’s a shame that the women in my family have had this same talk for generations with their sons.
The only difference is my great-grandmother most likely told her son to keep his eyes down and not to look at a white person directly in their eyes for fear of being lynched.
I am sure to some that I may appear to be overly dramatic, but this is a reality that minorities have to deal with even in the year 2012. We just don’t hear about all of the Trayvon stories that occur.
I’m going to be honest with you Joseph before writing this post I had to take a few deeps breaths. Also there is no need to worry your post will not be deleted. This is a forum where we can speak freely.
Now to respond to your question. Most likely the answer is no. If this were a white man being shot I would not be protesting. If it were two black males I guarantee you that the brother who pulled the trigger would be arrested.
But the issue here is justice or should I say injustice. What happened to Trayvon was dead wrong. Period! I am not one to jump on the band wagon and follow suit. But after hearing the 911 call and other information that is coming forth it does not add up. Period!
Keep in mind Zimmerman approached Trayvon even when he was instructed not to. Also Zimmerman had no business saying anything to that young man. He should have simply called the police and let them handle it.
As for being a hate mongers if that’s how you feel fine. I suppose you really don’t understand why people are upset. We are upset because the authorities thought they could sweep this under the rug and the shoddy way the case was handled. Regardless of the races involved when there is a fatal shooting a complete investigation should happen. This is not the case with Trayvon Martin.
I am not sure if you are black or white. But try putting yourself in the shoes of a black mother who worries about her son being harassed wrongly by the police. Imagine your son being shot simply for looking out of place or as if he does not belong in his OWN neighborhood.
Also if the evidence shows that Zimmerman is innocent (which as of now in my eyes it does not) I won’t do a thing.
Yes it’s about black and white. But wrong is wrong.
Do you think all the hate mongers would be screaming for a lynching if both of the young men were black? What if niether of them were black? What about if it was a black man who shot a non black man? Do you think Jesse Jackson would be on TV perpetrating character assassination against them? And if the investigation that is underway shows that Zimmerman was acting in self defense and was operating within the confines of the law, what do you plan on doing about it? Before you delete this post, try to honestly ask yourself these questions. If you can.
This article and the Trayvon Martin situation reflects generations of pain in our black community. Whatever the dynamic is that is behind the killing of young black men, it must be stopped. This is something that has been plaguing us for too long.
Your article reminded me of that look I would see in my own mother’s eyes when I was young. The nonverbal worry struggling with her desire/wish to empower, embolden and set free the fruit of her womb. All of those sentiments conveyed in a simple look.
How can the love of a mother be managed in trying/critical times such as these? How can the love of a mother have freedom from that fear? How can we support our mothers who have no remedy for that ‘hole in the heart’ mentioned by Trayvon’s mother?
Prayers go out to Trayvon, his mother, father and family. There are also prayers for Zimmerman and family. Whatever it was that prepared him for such an act needs to be corrected. Justice will be served, but that may not be in terms or times that we can understand. Finally, prayers go out to all mothers. All mothers who have that look in their eyes that convey so much without speaking a word.
God bless.