No Ron Paul, No Vote In Nov.

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( “I would also say of Ron Paul  he doesn’t need to win. In his view he is winning already. This is an ideological point he is making. But here’s why it’s electorally significant – a lot of people, I mean 41 percent in Virginia, only two people on the ballot, still a lot of people voted for Ron Paul. A lot of those voters are portable. They’re not Republican – they’re not dedicated Republican voters.” – Tucker Carlson, Editor, The Daily Caller

It is time for a groundswell of Ron Paul supporters to quietly, respectfully but firmly make their position clear to the mainstream media and the GOP establishment. Simply put, “No Paul on the ticket means no vote for the GOP in November.”

The Ron Paul Campaign has the GOP establishment stuck between a rock and a hard place even though they have not won a single state in the primaries to date. Every Paul supporter knows the underhanded tactics used by the Republican leadership at the state and national level as well as the organized  smear and news blackout campaign carried out by the mainstream media.

Making Nice For the November Election

As we move into the last months of the GOP presidential nomination campaign, most of the establishment media are now “making nice” with Ron Paul and his supporters. The American electoral process is a complicated one that you can learn more about with a political science or history degree. He actually gets questions during the debates, some press coverage and the other candidates seem friendly. The reason is simple. The Republican Party desperately needs the votes of Ron Paul supporters in order to win in November against Obama.

Obviously, Virginia Heffernan didn’t get the memo in her typical anti-Paul elitist drivel titled Ron Paul’s Pointless Internet Presidency posted on Yahoo earlier in the week but now this is the exception rather than standard procedure for the press. The word has gone out to be nice and respectful to Ron Paul so they can get our votes in November.

Too Little Too Late

The Republican establishment has obviously done its homework with focus groups, polling, etc. and here is their situation. Although they have successfully held back the Ron Paul campaign to date from threatening to win the GOP presidential nomination, in the dirty tricks process they have ostracized the substantial Paul voting constituency even more from the GOP than before.

Paul supporters are far more than portable as suggested by Tucker Carlson; rather they are toxic toward the GOP elites and very few will now support any of the establishment candidates after the abusive treatment given to Ron Paul as well as the crude attacks against Paul supporters.

I well understand these feelings of resentment, as I am a Ron Paul supporter. There is no way I will vote for either Romney, Santorum or Gingrich, although I certainly prefer their fake rhetoric to the Obama propaganda. If Ron Paul isn’t the Republican nominee for president, then the establishment nominee desperately needs the votes of his supporters in order to beat Obama in the fall general election.

Finish story over at; TheDailyBell – No Paul – No-Vote, etc.