Bobby Brown, Chris Brown Are Demons.

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( It seems that the mainstream media are at it again: demonizing black men, and this time the targets are Bobby Brown and Chris Brown.

Bobby Brown is a complicated figure who has admittedly earned the criticism he has gotten over the years for being the “bad boy” of R&B. With the recent death Brown’s ex-wife, music legend Whitney Houston, talk of Bobby Brown as the central reason for her demise has been front and center in the media coverage. The blame game has played out in specials, editorials and the comments section of many online posts.

I cannot count how many times I have seen “I blame Bobby Brown,” written in the comments sections of this site and others, as if Houston had no culpability in her troubles. In Houston’s last interview with media mogul Oprah Winfrey, even Houston appeared to place a lot of blame on Brown for her addictions. While Brown bears some responsibility, he can’t possibly bear all of the responsibility for the madness that was in their lives.

One had only to watch a little of the reality show Being Bobby Brown to see that the sheer and utter foolishness that marked their personal lives lay squarely at the feet of Houston and Brown. However, I am less interested in joining in the blame game than I am in examining why the media are so willing to paint Brown as the villain in the fairy tale that ended tragically.

One thing that stood out in the reality show-turned-train wreck Being Bobby Brown is that viewers were able to see that Houston and Brown actually liked each other and appeared to be friends, even as they battled their personal demons. By all accounts, Brown and Houston had a familial relationship post-divorce, so much so that Houston sang at the funeral of Brown’s father just last year.

I find it interesting that a 14-year relationship and all of its complexities would be reduced to a “bad boy meets good girl and destroys her life” narrative.

Bobby Brown isn’t the only Brown under attack. Chris Brown has been under fire since being invited to perform at the 2012 Grammy Awards earlier this month.

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