Free Time For Mommy.

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( Fellas if you have a good woman, mother of your child, wife or all three that are handling things and raising your child righteously, wave your hands in the air.  If she is holding things down cooking, cleaning, doing homework, acting as soccer mom and escort give her props where props are due.

Not only should you give her props, you should also give her a break for wearing so many hats.  Give her a day so she can have some time to herself.  Give her some time to put aside the mommy badge so she can do her.  Allow mama the possibility to take a road trip with her girls so she can relax and enjoy the sisterhood of other women.

While she is doing her thing take it as an opportunity to spend some quality time with your children. It does not take much.  Have a movie night with the kids. What goes better with a Friday night than popcorn, pizza, soda pop and a good movie?  This gives you a chance to allow the kids to have what they want and you will be a hero in their eyes for spoiling them a little.

You can attend their extra-curricular activities.  Going to your child’s sport events, plays and recitals is not only the right thing to do, but it will also boost your child’s confidence level. Seeing daddy out in the audience and the football stands will add to a child’s confidence level.

Go to a ball game.  This may seem very simplistic and not mean much.  But I guarantee you it will be a day they will never forget. Your forty year old son or daughter will eventually share with your grandkids what a great dad you were.

Prepare a meal together for mom and surprise her when she returns home from her time away.  They’ll be having fun and learning a much needed skill as well.

How about taking a get-away of your own?  Take the kids to tourist sites a couple of hours away.   Many cities and towns have some type of attractions that are family oriented. A short road trip will also give you time to bond with your children.

These are just a few ideas and suggestions. Regardless of what you choose to do, the simple fact that you are spending time with your children and helping mom out is great within itself.

So dad give mom that much needed break and take the opportunity to enjoy time with your kids.

Staff Writer; Eleanie Campbell

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