(ThyBlackMan.com) Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul is calling the president’s State of the Union address nothing more than a “campaign speech” that doesn’t measure up to his own views on the domestic reforms needed to turn the U.S. economy around.
The Texas congressman “Ron Paul” has enjoyed a surge in popularity for his unique campaign message focused on individual civil liberties, a constitutional government and a reduced U.S. military presence overseas. His support base has included a great number of younger voters, the same demographic that helped President Barack Obama win the 2008 presidential election.
Ron Paul compared the policies expressed in the president’s SOTU speech to his own policies expressed in his “Plan to Restore America,” which is posted to his presidential campaign website.
President Obama’s speech focused on job creation, tax reform and creating more “economic fairness” for middle class Americans. Ron Paul compared this to his “Plan to Restore America” which proposes lowering the corporate tax rate to 15 percent, cutting $1 trillion from the federal budget in one year, and repealing the Dodd-Frank law, among other proposed reforms.
The Texas lawmaker ( Ron Paul ) also used a recent incident involving the TSA and his son, Kentucky Republican Senator Rand Paul to show that the Obama administration does not support individual civil liberties. Senator Paul was recently detained by TSA agents for refusing a full body pat down for a flight to Washington D.C.
“In a speech where much of the rhetoric was devoted to job creation, it was strange that President Obama would brag about his job-destroying national health care plan, Obamacare, and the Dodd-Frank bill, which, contrary to the President’s claims, guarantees future taxpayer bailouts of large institutions,” said Ron Paul in his response posted to his website.
At one point during his SOTU speech, the president said that there would be “no more bailouts,” referring to the taxpayer funded American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. The Obama administration has claimed that the act saved the auto industry, but GOP Ron Paul and other Republican presidential candidates have called it a failure.
In contrast to Barack Obama’s claim that there would be “no more bailouts,” Ron Paul’s response states that that Dodd-Frank bill does actually allow for future bailouts.
The Dodd-Frank law is named after former Connecticut Democratic Senator Christopher Dodd, and U.S. Rep. Barney Frank, a Massachusetts Democrat. Mr. Dodd wrote an op-ed article in The Washington Post in October of last year defending the law as a mechanism for ”regulating the largest and most complex Wall Street firms.”
Dodd-Frank has drawn constant criticism from Republicans, while it is often defended by the president and Democrats as necessary to prevent future economic meltdowns in the U.S. like the one that occurred in 2008.
Ron Paul was also critical of the president not mentioning any proposed regulations for the Federal Reserve System. The Texas congressman popular campaign rhetoric features a proposal for legislation that would drastically end the Federal Reserve’s role as the central banking system in the U.S.
The Texas congressman Ron Paul has chosen to skip campaigning in Florida to focus on courting delegates in Nevada and Minnesota, two states with caucuses scheduled in early February. He plans to attend the second of two nationally televised debates this week in Florida on Thursday.
Ron Paul is currently projected to finish at the bottom of the race in Florida, according to recent polls of likely Florida Republican primary voters.
Ron Paul 2012 – Ron Paul 2012…
Via AP
Love Ron Paul, and who can blame him for not campaigning in Florida, it would be a waste of time and money, those folks just don’t get it. He should do well with the Latino’s though…Ron Paul 2012!!!
I was having a terrible day until I read the comments section on this article. Thank you all.
After coming to this website via Google and noticing that it is ‘Thy Black Man’ and the article is strictly Ron Paul criticizing Obama’s lies, I was terrified to scroll down to the comments section, (Don’t worry I am a major libertarian and so anti-racist, it’s not even debatable) and please excuse me for the stereotype of what I expected, but it was the exact opposite.
It’s great to see that freedom is popular!
Ron Paul 2012!
I found this site through Google news. Since this site is called ThyBlackMan.com I will mention something Ron Paul mentioned in one of the many debates and it is a topic that should interest ThyBlackMan.com. Ron Paul has said there is injustice in the justice system. That roughly the same number of whites and blacks do drugs but overwhelemingly more Blacks than Whites end up in jail. Has any other candidate of either party ever mentioned that? Ron Paul would decriminalize drugs on a federal level leaving the states to decide their own laws regarding drugs. Ron Paul believes that people have a right to decide for themselves whether they want to do drugs, similar to alcohol. He said since he is a physician he thinks people who have drug problems should be treated medically not thrown in jail. Ron Paul makes a lot of sense. People really need to pay attention to him. Youtube him, he will win you over like he won me over.
Well, yeah, he’s the only one not campaigning in Florida, and unfortunately third place is as bad as last in getting delegates since it is a winner take all state. And with one of the most expensive media markets in the country, he couldn’t make a dent in the ad wars Gingrich and Romney will be fighting. But then, Romney’s top donor is Goldman Sachs, Gingrich’s is an ethanol company (with a pac donor I’ll let you look up for yourself) and Ron Paul’s top donors are members of the Army, Navy and Air Force. Money talks, particularly in expensive media markets.
Fortunately after Florida only 1% of the delegates will have been awarded all together and there are more favorable contests coming up.
2012 is going to be a rough year. i agree with Ron Paul on many of his issues, and he will get my vote. i held my nose and changed party affilliations just to vote in the repub primary. but it is going to take more than a president and his cabinet with at the most 2 terms to undo what has been done.
the good news is regardless of skin tone, ethnicity, or background we are all starting to see we are in this thing together. although dr. Ron will not be able to fix everything, he can definitely get the ball rolling, and the american people will realize we have more to choose from than just democrat and repbublican. an agressive move away from the fed, ending imperialism by shutting down close to 900 military bases, in over 163 countries, ending the drug war, and putting an end to foreign aid, and stop being the policeman of the world are a great start.
he is also talking about tariffs on foreign goods, and bringing back jobs to this country. like i said. the possibilities are endless.
This man is a prophet. Just YouTube his predictions from 10 yrs. ago. I completely support his presidency. Sadly though, he will not become POTUS IMO. My first realization is that those in power currently, would never let this man dismantle their tenacled control. Ron Paul scares the poo out of the power elite. Secondly, this nation is a beleaguered fearful huddled mass, thanks to 24/7 boo, I scared you news. People are scared, downtrodden and completely unable to fathom the concept of what liberty really
means. Instead, they know that with liberty comes personal responsibility, and in that we lose people supporting Ron Paul. They want their government handout and feel that the government isn’t doing enough. The noble precepts upon which this country was founded have long been forgotten. Our country is well over the cliff with a accelerated race to the bottom. Ron Paul, I thank you for your brilliance. You are my pick for POTUS. I fear that many others fear you for they want cradle to grave handouts. The media magnifies the static of your message by fear based distortions. This country needs your leadership but sadly, I feel the race will be won by yet another power elite, long acquainted with the secret handshake that only those in power know.
Kinda scary how Ron Paul has been right about everything that has transpired over the past decade. Maybe we should remove our Obama hoodwinks and take a close look at the world that Ron Paul accurately predicted.
Obama is mouthing the same platitudes and empty rhetoric he has for three years. It’s hot air and BS. Enough already! We need a President who understands the Constitution and the Republic and economics. And Liberty! That’s Ron Paul. Obama had his chance and he failed. He does not deserve a second term; he has not earned it. Ron Paul 2012!
All I need to know about the Dodd-Frank Bankster Bill-
“The Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA) — the “top Wall Street lobby” — has expressed support for the law, and has urged Congress not to change or repeal it in order to prevent a stronger law from passing.”
Ron Paul is the only candidate from either party fighting to end NDAA and the Patriot Act. We ARE losing our rights and we need someone who is fighting to keep them. Are we all asleep on this???
Furthermore, the Federal Reserve is the “monster in the room” that nobody else is serious about. Ron Paul seems to be the only one who understands this. The watered down, partial, mini-version of his Audit the Fed bill revealed SIXTEEN TRILLION DOLLARS in foreign bank bailouts that you and I are on the hook for. God only knows what a full audit, which he’s been pushing for years, would reveal. When will people wake up? I’m going to make a wild guess that it won’t be until after it’s to damn late.
You can send the strongest message of this election to Obama, Romney, and Gingrich by giving Ron Paul your vote! A vote for Ron Paul in your primary says “Enough! We don’t want four more years of government-financed boondoggles or bank bailouts, we want our troops HOME” to Obama. A vote for Paul says “Gingrich, we know you for a fraud! You don’t get to make a fortune from Freddie Mac (taxpayer money) and influence government policies in FM’s favor! We call that lobbying, and it’s the cancer that is killing our nation!” A vote for Paul says “Romney, we don’t care that you’re rich by raiding and leveraging companies (well, we do, actually), but do you REALLY have to stash your money offshore in an obvious wait-for-the-collapse before coming back to raid America AGAIN? WHY don’t you invest in startups in the U.S. with that money, Romney? Employ some Americans, or go back to Wall Street where you belong.”
We are faced today with the very real threat of losing our Constitutional rights (NDAA, Patriot Act, executive orders), the prospect of endless wars (for what, exactly? not the protection of America but nation-building?), the destruction of our currency through the Federal Reserve,and the impoverishment of our middle class (which was the engine for worldwide growth for the last 30 years). Can’t we the people make a stand here and say, NO MORE. We Want Our Country Back!!!