Ron Paul, Mitt Romney, Media Spin and You…

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( A mind is a terrible thing to waste. Don’t let others do your thinking for you.

What’s wrong with this statement? It is being bandied about in the media relentlessly. “Mitt Romney won a decisive victory in New Hampshire and became the first Republican non-incumbent to win both Iowa and New Hampshire.”

Romney “beat” Santorum in Iowa by 8 votes, 8 votes, by one hundredth of one percent, certainly within the margin of human error. All the votes were hand counted in hundreds of locations. It was a virtual tie, if there ever was one.  As for New Hampshire, much of the state is a suburb of Boston where  Mitt Romney was governor and Romney has a home in New Hampshire. In effect, was he not the favorite son?

Nonetheless, the media is repeating the mind numbing mantra, Mitt Romney is all but unstoppable. Keep in mind that it takes over a thousand delegates to win, and Ron Paul, Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney are all tied with six, I repeat six, delegates each! Nonetheless, we are being told ad nauseam that the race is just about over.

The Republican base does not like Mitt Romney, to put it mildly. They are determined to have “Anyone But Romney” at the helm. And the supposedly objective media has, from the outset, been on an “Anyone But Ron Paul” campaign. Now the media and the Republican establishment have joined forces to promote Mitt Romney no matter what. Why are they doing that?

The Republican establishment has for decades practiced the politics of division, no matter the consequences for the nation. They openly seek out and promote “wedge issues,” those things that will pit the citizenry against each other, fighting over issues beyond our control while they loot our economy and shatter our brave soldiery in war after war after war. 

Many voted for George Bush simply because he said that he fervently believes that “marriage is between a man and woman.” Keep in mind that the question of who can marry whom is a local issue, decided by each state. The president has no say in the matter.

Immigration is another dangerously divisive issue the Republican bigwigs like to bandy about. Never mind that the Republicans, even when they controlled the Congress, never passed any meaningful immigration reform. They are big businessmen, and immigration is key to American business success. And so they only give the matter lip service despite the fact that their braying on the issue turns Americans bitterly against each other.  They could not care less.

Also, they are great proponents of the War on Drugs, which is really a War on the Black community, thanks to the racist enforcement of the drug laws, which have succeeded not one whit in halting the tide of drugs pouring into the nation.

And so we see the Republican establishment is coalescing around Romney because of the fundamental disconnect between what they want (namely, war and riches) and the divisive issues that they have used to lure voters to their banner. A true conservative, like Ron Paul, is the kiss of death for them. And so, with their allies in the media, they have set up an echo chamber. Remember the weapons of mass destruction? They simply did not exist, but nearly every newspaper outlet, commentator and intelligence agency kept relentlessly echoing the Big Lie thus stampeding the country into a ten year war in which hundreds of thousands have died for nothing.

A Romney vs. Obama campaign would essentially be tweedle dee vs.tweedle dum on the essential issues of war and the economy. I voted for Obama in ’08 and I may very well do so again. But I would like to see Obama face a really different candidate, and engage a real debate on real not merely divisive wedge issues. If Ron Paul were the nominee, Obama would not be able to just promise change, and take his core supporters for granted. He would have to have shown real progress on the promises he made last time around to regain the White House in 2012. And, if he did not, Ron Paul could win. But no matter which way it turned out, we, the people, would have made a real choice. Is that not what a democracy, or a republic, or whatever you call what we have, is all about?

If Mitt Romney wins the nomination, so be it. But let him do it the old fashioned way, let him earn it! He has a 56 million dollar war chest, an extensive organization, and he is quite the seasoned campaigner. He is a big boy. He does not need the media to hold his hand.

Not only the Republican establishment but newspapers all around the country are upbraiding those who dare question his leveraged buyouts back in the eighties? Yes, LBOs are part of capitalism, but many of them involved hostile takeovers, and other costly maneuvers, after which the new owners gutted the companies in order to quickly sell them at a profit and run. Did Romney do this? Shouldn’t we at least try and find out if he did?

Despite the fact that everyone in Creation is insisting that Ron Paul does not have a chance, in the only two contests, of the more than 50 that will be held, Ron Paul has won more than 40% of independents, new voters and young voters. Is it not clear that the next generation, the future of the country, sees something in him and what he says? He is getting them involved in the electoral process, something all should applaud. Ron Paul has come in a solid second in both Iowa and New Hampshire, and his margin of support grew from 21 to 23 percent, and may well continue to rise. Why the big hurry to write him off?

Finally, have you noticed the ambience of the last few debates? A sea of white faces angrily shouting taunts at a Black man, while up on stage leading them in their derision stand six white men! To say the least, this does not play well in America today.  And the Republican convention, no matter how much Motown music they play, will only be more of the same on a much larger scale. (Where is Herman Cain when they need him?)

They do not stand a chance, unless, that is, they put up someone who can point to meaningful differences in policies, perspectives and in their vision for the nation. And so I say, let us all stand back and let the game run its course, and may the best man win.

A mind is a terrible thing to waste. Don’t let others do your thinking for you.

Staff Writer; Arthur Lewin

This talented writer has also self published a book which is entitled; Read Like Your Life Depends On It.

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