(ThyBlackMan.com) You and I are politically well informed. But there are many Americans like my family who do not follow politics as closely as we do. Their political views are shaped by liberal media bias hit pieces, spin and sound bites. 99.9 % of my family are democrats because Marcus ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) In the days of broadswords and chain mail, anger was a simple concept. In the BlackBerry and e-mail age, rage is often disguised. “Identifying your own anger style could be the key to eliminating it,” says Ron Potter-Efron, M.S.W., author of Letting Go of Anger. Men with chronic anger ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) This week, I challenge you to consider the lessons your life is offering you right now. I say, “offering” because God offers lessons, but it is up to us to learn from them. If we don’t learn, the same lessons are offered again and again. Through both frustrations and ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Tim Tebow is really annoying to certain people in a Sarah Palin sort of way.  Whenever Tim or Sarah shows up, an uncomfortable feeling accompanies him or her, and it’s called conviction.  One definition for “convict” is “to impress with a sense of guilt.”  That is precisely what Tim ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) The Iowa component of the Ron Paul 2012 Presidential campaign announced new members of its “Farmers for Ron Paul” nationwide coalition formed to energize voters in America’s unrivaled agricultural sector. The new “Farmers for Congressman Ron Paul” members hail from Warren, Pocahontas and Jackson Counties. “I support GOP Ron ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) A coalition of more than 100 colleges and universities are fighting to persuade Congress and the special supercommittee not to cut $85 million or more in federal funding. The coalition consists of the National Association for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education (NAFEO), the Thurgood Marshall College Fund (TMCF), and ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) I totally get it now. It can’t be mentioned enough that Republican presidential “candidate” Herman Cain had a lucrative gig as a motivational speaker for many years In that context, everything he says about himself can be viewed as a positive affirmation, the kind that people say to themselves ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Unlike other high profile tea party governors like Rick Snyder of Michigan, Ohio’s John Kasich and Scott Walker of Wisconsin, Florida Gov. Rick Scott has largely flown under the national media radar. Scott has made some waves with some of his policies, which while popular with the tea party, ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Dear Black Man, I have become a woman that you no longer recognize. I have allowed our enemy to impregnate me with his ideas and thoughts. I have allowed an illusion of independence to keep us separated. I have fooled myself into believing that my degrees places me degrees ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Save our souls and our nation by legalizing your way to deficit reduction, would be my recommendation to the Super Committee members attempting to curb our national debt and bolster the economy.  Ending the war on drugs—pragmatic, sensibly humane and post racial—would alone save our nation billions of dollars.  ...